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DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou Rinne Tensei [PS4/NSW]

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    DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou Rinne Tensei [PS4/NSW]

    Latest M2 Shot Triggers release.

    So, what do you get? The menu's laid out like this:
    • Dai Ou Jou
      • Arcade
      • Arcade Challenge
      • Arcade Osarai
    • "Casual" (lol) Dai Ou Jou
      • Super Easy Arrange
      • Luna Tour Mode
    • Arrange Modes
      • Arrange S
      • Arrange L
      • Arrange EX
    • Extra
      • Black Label
      • DoDonPachi III
    It's been a while since I played the PS2 or 360 releases, but there seems to be reasonable consensus that in terms of straight-up arcade accuracy, this is the new gold standard, with M2's usual array of gadgets and quality of life options. Sadly it is missing Death Label mode from the PS2 release, but instead there's a lot of new / other stuff to fill that void.

    The Super Easy arrange is very much what it says on the tin; notably less harsh bullet patterns, generous extends, and auto-bombing make this an easy way to see the game through to the end. The three arranges correspond to specific characters, and approaching this from a purely survival-minded standpoint and with no true comprehension of scoring, EX seems really bloody hard even for DoJ standards, L is a little easier than that, prioritises laser use and features more bullet cancelling, whereas S removes bombing, the laser, and even chaining(!), leaving you with just an auto-shot that's in a permanent hyper state. S is the one I've dabbled with the most so far, and as the patterns start out somewhere between the 'super easy' arrange and standard arcade mode, it has got a fairly lenient but fun difficulty curve that focuses you on dodging alone.

    Luna Tour, Arcade Challenge and Osarai are still a bit of a mystery to me, but they all involve lots of menu-ing and unlocks as they break the game down into smaller chunks and challenges.

    You can toggle each mode between three different soundtracks too; the original arcade, a new stereo mix of that, and a new arranged soundtrack. Honestly, this is one of the less impressive parts of the package for me; aside from the boss music growing on me ever so slightly, the new arrange is very minimal and quite lacklustre.

    Can't wait to play this again. Not sure whether to pick up on import or wait for a local eshop release.

