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Tales of the Abyss (PS2/3DS)

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    Tales of the Abyss (PS2/3DS)

    About 8 hours in...

    It's difficult to know whether to compare this to Symphonia or Legendia, to be honest. It's certainly a *lot* more similar to Symphonia than Legendia, but you know, PS2, more recent, and all that.

    Random things, then!

    Plot) I really have no idea what's going on. There's so many factions and groups, and my party is made up from people from all of them. All of them are hiding something, and I have no idea who to trust, or anything. It's pretty difficult to keep track of who's working for who, which organizations and countries like/hate each other, and that's before you factor in lots of techinical talk about fonons, fonic arts, and other fon related stuffs. Hopefully it'll make more sense as it goes on

    Luke) Sometimes you really feel sorry for the guy, other times he does something that just makes you think he's a cock. Undecided.

    Graphics) Bright, colourful, pretty nice. I really can't tell what looks good on my PS2 anymore because I'm playing on a HDTV and everything looks a bit crap. There's certainly nowt wrong with them, though.

    World Map) It's about 100 times better than that of Legendia. In that game, I found that there really was no room for exploration at all. You could get from A to B, but the world was designed in such a way that there was *always* a mountain range, or a river, or something stopping you from straying from where you should be. Not the case, here, though. It's large, and it's open, and you can regularly get to 3 or 4 places at once.

    Random Battles) Nope! Much like Symphonia, in dungeons enemies are on screen, and on the world map they randomly appear in the vicinity, and you can avoid them if you wish. You will be chased fairly often, though.

    Battles) Luckily, fighting is pretty fun. Rather than Legendia's 2D battles, these take place in much the same was as Symphonias. You're effectively on a 2D plane with the enemy you're targetting but everything else is going on around you. Spells can target areas, so you can hit many enemies at once. Aside from that, it's pretty much Tales. Combos, skills, etc, all there. It doesn't seem to suffer from the HORRIBLE targetting system that Legendia did either, which is ace.

    Systems) This game suffers from a problem that seems to blight a lot of Tales games. It's got extremely complex systems in place for character development and stuff, and it's very poorly explained. I'm still fumbling around trying to work it out, and there's more to come.

    There's also a fairly irritating spoiler in the menu. It has a record of who you've used most in battles (%) and rather than "?????" for characters you've no acquired yet, it tells you the names of future party members,

    so now I know someone is going to cross over to my side from the enemy side, and I didn't want to know.

    I'm having fun though, loooots better than Legendia. Once the story becomes a bit clearer, it'll be better! I don't think it's going to be able to keep my attention in a couple of weeks when FFXII comes though, it may have to take a back seat.

    More as I think of it.

    Can you play it 2-player?


      As someone who never really played the older 'Tales of' games, I enjoyed Symphonia, but felt Eternia and Legendia felt dated,

      Would you recommend this to someone like me who loved Symphonia, but not really the other games?


        Is this a proper new game for the series? Very interested if so, Symphonia was awesome.


          It's a new game, yes. I'm only a few hours in, but to me it's a lot more like Symphonia than Legendia. I think it's the Symphonia team that did Abyss, but I'm not certain. The story is more interesting than Legendia's too (at least going by the bits of Legendia I played before getting bored).


            Originally posted by JamesS
            It's a new game, yes. I'm only a few hours in, but to me it's a lot more like Symphonia than Legendia. I think it's the Symphonia team that did Abyss, but I'm not certain. The story is more interesting than Legendia's too (at least going by the bits of Legendia I played before getting bored).
            Yep this is made by Namco's Tales Team who also made Symphonia it's to mark the series 10th anniversary. Namco have a main tales team but allow other part's of namco to make other games in the series Legendia was made by the Soul Calibur team.

            From what I have played it's definatly play's like ToS the combat and general gameplay is very similair and I don't see any reason why if you enjoyed Symphonia you would'nt enjoy this. Enjoying it a lot but am still playing Silmeria at the moment so it will have to what.


              I'll have to pick this one up soonish, still been meaning to play Legendia but if its that bad, maybe i'll leave it.

              Thanks for the impressions.


                Tried starting this but I am still playing Disgaea 2 at 250hours all told, so far.

                I put this on and started pining for Disgaea, so only played it for the first few hours. It defintely feels more like Symphonia, but I still have my doubts as to whether it is as good though. Although it may get better further down the line. Shame it hasnt pulled me away from Disgaea 2. I was hoping it might do.


                  Originally posted by Psyduck
                  Can you play it 2-player?
                  Yep. Well, battles at least, much like Symphonia.


                    Just finished this after leaving it sit on my shelf for like months.

                    I thought it had much better characters and story than symphonia, the battle system is even better later on when you get the ability to move around the battlefield in 3D. If you get pissed off at Luke after a few hours and stop playing, don't stop. He constantly changes for the better through the entire game. Fantastic character developement, top notch stuff not just Luke gets the old treatment either.

                    The ending, story & characters the relation between them all were fantastically satisfying. I just wish it didn't end, it was like a good book hard to put down.
                    Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 02-07-2007, 01:40.


                      Late to the party but I've now finished it.

                      Enjoyed it a lot, had some annoyances (can you actually get any dungeon warp items in the game other than the one given to you?) and it was a bit drawn out at times ("now for a rubbish reason, lets put the plot on hold and visit a city you've been to dozens of times and visit an old dungeon!") but the characters were great even if they were oddly harsh on characters dealing with tragedy at times and the battle system enjoyable throughout.


                        Dragging this thread out of the grave for a 3DS update (every time I tried to make a first play thread after getting the game the forum crashed so I gave up).

                        40 hours in, agreeing with the above comments on the whole. Jaggy heaven when it comes to characters, the 3D working but not helping of course. Whoever decided to have the comversation bubbles in the foreground needs a slap - having to refocus your eyes from the characters who are at a distance to read them is a headache in the making for some for sure. I'm so far in I barely notice now.

                        100% worth buying even just to show BandaiNamco that they have a reason to keep releasing Tales of games in the west.
                        (Not out until Valentine's Day in North America btw, so enjoy getting the English version 3 months before us)


                          We had one copy of this turn up in th delivery today and, being the Kousuke Fujishima fan I am, bought it even though I'm not a fan of JRPGs.

                          I'm liking it so far though. The combat is nice with the real time nature of it. Voice acting goes from serviceable to plain god awful in a heartbeat. Music is nice.

                          Good stuff.


                            Wait, what?! This is now out for 3DS? Like... out.... now... to buy?!!! OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD
                            ----Member since April 2002



                              It's really nice isn't, the PS2 graphics scale nicely to the 3DS screen and apart from a few jaggies now and then it's very solid. Another plus is that the loading times are so much sorter than the PS2 release where they seemed to go on for an interminable amount of time. out now in the EU, February in the US

