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The Unholy Burger King Trinity - Sneak King, PB Racer and Big Bumpin [360]

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    The Unholy Burger King Trinity - Sneak King, PB Racer and Big Bumpin [360]

    Yes, I'm a great big dirty corporate whore and proud of it.

    All three of these arrived today - so that's Sneak King, Pocketbike Racer and Big Bumpin. Along with RS:Vegas (and I'm still trying to hold off playing Twilight Princess).

    Huunngh! - A slight game explosion.

    Anyway, only had time to give Sneak King a go so far - it's freaky, freaky fun (if a little simplistic, but I don't think any one was expecting massive depth from these budget titles).

    Comedy moments abound as you sneak around and complete challenges by handing out Burger King food to hungry people without being spotted. You can surprise them by leaping out of stuff or just sneaking up behind them.

    Simple but highly amusing - the best surprise was being able to click the left stick and see through the eyes of the Kings mask and hear his heavy breathing. The Rape King Simulator is complete

    Just to point out these games aren't region free, but they also have the Xbox version on them so although you won't get the achievements and updated graphics (LOLZ!), you can still play them if you have a US system.

    Will post impressions of Big Bumpin and Pocketbike Racer when I get a chance.
    Last edited by Spatial; 27-11-2006, 21:44.

    Where did you buy this from?!

    I wish they would come over here, I woud love to try this promotion :P


      I got them off Ebay (and cheaper than Live Arcade releases too, which was nice).

      Given the other two a go tonight and have to say I'm not feeling Big Bumpin at all - it's like playing bumper cars with horrible controls.

      Pocket Bike Racer is quite good though (for what it is) - a cause of much concern to Boris about how long I'd spent playing tonight

      But online is a minefield of spotty burger munching five year olds (which was to be expected). But what's worse than this is the host droppers must have caused my 360 to lock up about four times. Stupid netcode

      Special mention has to go to the title screens for the games - the Pocket Bike Racer one with the king on a small bike in front of a rolling screen with different environments is hilarious for all the wrong reasons.

