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Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 - 360

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    Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 - 360

    picked this up this morning after foraging for some trade ins

    i've played it for ten minutes at work but its not something you generally show to your workmates

    it is gloriously ridiculous. the opening fmv shows zack pulling his sunken island out of the ocean with some kind of tractor beam satellite whilst he is dressed in a thunderbirds type uniform

    i picked hitomi set was immediately introduced to lisa who showed me round the shops where i bought some delightful shoes, a hair flower and a lovely bikini. i'm not sure why. they may be gifts for her.

    then i played the jet ski game and despite what the reviews say, i found it pretty fun. its not hard to control and the jet ski reacts nicely to the waves.

    i think the game is a bit of harmless fun (and an achievement grind) and it's something i'll dabble in when i'm sick of shooting things in other games

    i played a load more of this tonight and have more impressions

    the game is surprisingly addictive and entertaining. the mini games are enjoyable and the variety of them keeps them kinda fresh

    however, the jet ski is horrifically easy to complete and is basically a way of grinding money

    one of the main reasons in my mind to get a game like this is the achievements. i've spent several hours with the game and thought i had hit the requirements for the achievements so i causually checked forums to see what i needed to do

    it turns out that these are the hardest achievements ever

    the process involves collecting every swimsuit by buying it (which takes a hella long time to afford) and then sending them to different girls and making them your friend

    people are estimating that this will take hundreds of hours to do for every character. there is no way to get more than 180 points out of 100 hours it would appear

    there is a casino glitch which gives you loads of money but it isn't full proof as the girls can reject presents at any time for seemingly no reason

    there is also a patch for it and this may do away with the glitch but i'll test it tomorrow

    it's a fun game but Itagaki seems to be punishing people that buy his **** games with the god awful achievement points. not even boris could whore his way through them


      Originally posted by chopemon
      it's a fun game but Itagaki seems to be punishing people that buy his **** games with the god awful achievement points. not even boris could whore his way through them
      So it's a fun, **** game ?

      My Mrs loved DOAXVB1 so I've been mauled now for it being out but not in the house - this despite the fact she'd play it like once.

      Think I'll wait till it's going 2nd hand - Can you play volleyball and jetski online Chop ?


        Aye, It's **** but good fun, and like chopemon says it's surprisingly addictive. Definitely worth a look once it's cheaper.

        I got the Japanese version a few weeks ago and literally nobody else had it at the time, so I dunno if you can play the minigames online or not.

        The "Beach Flags" minigame is rubbish (just button-bashing) but the rest are pretty good. The jetskis are basically a blatant rip-off of Waverace and even features the same "Turbo" system. I spend most of my time in the Casino though tbh. I usually can't resist a few hands of Blackjack and Poker before hitting the sack.

        Even if you get bored of the minigames, you can just lounge around the pool and work on your tan, do some shopping or "be friendly" with the other girls. A neat touch is that the girls end up with white bits unless you change cossies regularly.

        The graphics are great, although the breast animations are ridiculous. You'll probably get sea-sick if you watch them too much.
        The voice acting is quite hilarious too. Tina's deep south accent never fails to raise a smile for me.

        Harmless Fun sums this game up perfectly. It's like taking a holiday from all the death, destruction and realism in other 360 games.


          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
          So it's a fun, **** game ?

          Think I'll wait till it's going 2nd hand - Can you play volleyball and jetski online Chop ?
          yeah, it's one of those **** games that still manages to be fun despite all it's flaws and shallowness

          i believe you can only play volleyball online from what i remember of the reviews

          i'm going to go play a bit more now that zelda has pissed me right off and my remote batteries are dying


            do the girls still have favourites, such as desserts, colours etc. as in the first one?

            that's why they reject some gifts and accept others. buy them something in their favourite colour and they love it, and 9-times-out-of-10 they will be wearing it the next day


              Originally posted by chopemon
              it's a fun game but Itagaki seems to be punishing people that buy his **** games with the god awful achievement points. not even boris could whore his way through them

              The cheek of it!


                Originally posted by EvilBoris
                The cheek of it!
                i'm just jealous s'all

                remember kids - the higher your gamerscore, the bigger your penis


                  Got it yesterday - £35 brand new in Gamestation at the minute - I fugging love it !!

                  Played a full vacation yesterday with Kokoro and really enjoyed it - It doesn't seem radically different to the first but I wasn't expecting it to be - It's got that awesome tropical island vibe down to a T - I was just looking at the blue sky yesterday - it's that same magic colour they use in SEGA and NAMCO racers - awesome

                  Online I played a few games and it is very, very good - Reminded me of DOA4 but I think that's just the similar lobby arrangement (seems to have been lifted directly and the netcode seems the same) - You can play either volleyball OR the waverace game online - 2 player VB and 4 player waverace.

                  Only downer is there's only 5000-odd names on the rankings meaning there are only that number playing this - I ended up playing the number 4 rank from Japan and was duly horsed several times all good fun though and I was surprised it was still playable given the connection distance.

                  All in if you liked the first you should pick this up. It needs more people online.....


                    i've been playing this off and on since i got it and have barely touched the volleyball, i spend every day playing the jet ski game

                    i am still fuming about the achievements though


                      Yep achievements look well out of reach though they're worded as if they shouldn't be that hard i.e get 2 friends as each girl.

                      The volleyball is awesome and I dunno why people don't like the other minigames - sure, beach flags is ass but butt-battle and especially tug of war are great fun and I enjoy having a shot on the water slide now & again - Love how you pass the exit when you're racing the jetski's


                        Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK View Post
                        Yep achievements look well out of reach though they're worded as if they shouldn't be that hard i.e get 2 friends as each girl.
                        that one is really badly worded

                        two friends doesn't mean the girls you can get to be your partner. they are "partners" not "friends"

                        to get a friend you must first collect all of the unique costumes for a girl and then send them to a girl. if she accepts all of these costumes (remember, they can refuse them) she becomes a friend

                        and apparently to get all the money you need for the costumes is no easy task. most people were relying on the casino glitch before the patch.


                          i had the first game and wanted to like it, but i couldn't get past the broken volleyball mechanics, and if you didn't win at volleyball your holiday ended pretty quick.

                          has that been changed this time round? tempted to buy it to play on my brother's 360


                            I take my hat off to anyone who scores 1000/1000 in this. I must've sunk 30+ hours into it and only have 20GS to show for it.

                            Getting each girl's basic collection is no problem (just earn enough money to buy all the ones in the store), but making the friends and getting a "complete" collection for everyone will take an insane amount of money/time.

                            The game isn't really good enough to justify that sort of dedication tbh, but it's strangely addictive...every time I stick it on I end up playing it for hours...


                              I had a look on and out of the 27,000 registered users with this game there's one bloke (I assume ) from Japan that has 1000/1000. Shame he doesn't have the "date aquired" next to any of the achievements on his card, I would have been interested in knowing how long it took him to get all those!

                              I got this free with a new Asian 360 I bought recently and it's not too bad. Definitely not gonna be one where I go for any achievements but I'm up for some online minigames every now and then Good thing is, when you lose, you can say "Oh, well, I was distracted by a couple of things!!" and people might actually believe you

