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Marvel Ultimate Allience (Wii)

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    Marvel Ultimate Allience (Wii)

    Only had a quick 30 minute blast on it so far but the impressions are good.
    To start with you are confronted with a mini tutorial on how to do moves useing the wii mote. Good thing you can skip them as the game kept telling me i was not doing as required even though i was. I thought oh no here we go.

    The control system seams very very complex, for some moves you need to rotate the wii mote press a button on the mote and a button on the nunchuck, this is not the game to get you use to useing the wii mote thats for sure. However after establishing the control system and starting off in the game i was having fun. The game is basicly a port of the 360 version minus the online mode and with less impressive graphics. However thats not to take away from whats been achieved here in the graphics department as they are the beststandard i have seen on a wii game (though im yet to play Zelda).

    The game is a free roaming beat um up at heart with little puzzles chucked in for good measure. If you are playing alone, the computer characters in your team (of 4), do a lot of the ground work, taking out the smaller bad guys. This leaves you free to have a look about, solve the puzzles (in which you get no help) and taking care of some of the harder bad guys.

    So far so good, the missions are of the right length, not long enough for you to want to give up, but still a good size, there is also a good range of characters to begin with the construct your team as well as some locked characters.

    The control system is a little fiddley if feels like its been designed with the PS2 pad in mind, while they have done the best to fit all the moves onto the wii mote/nunchuck i feel that a simple setup with less moves would have been a better option.

    If you are looking for a solid free roaming beat um up this is a worthy addition.

    Thanks for the impressions.

