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Necro-Nesia (JPN Wii)

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    Necro-Nesia (JPN Wii)

    Got this at launch along with some other titles but only got round to starting it last night. I'd read some poor reviews/impressions (Gamebrink gave it a 39 or something) so wasn't expecting much but I am really, really enjoying this at the minute!

    Yes, it looks like a poor Dreamcast game and the control scheme is clunky (similar to the Resi "tank") but it's definitely not that bad and doesn't make the game any less playable.

    It's a survival horror, very much in the vein of Resi or Silent Hill 1 with loads of giant bugs and things. Balances the scary and creepy with fantastic B-movie cheese (yep, worse than Resi's classics like "Don't open that door" or the "Jill sandwhich" bit ).

    Importaku is the only other person here who I know owns a Japanese Wii but if anyone else does and is playing this, I'd love a bit of discussion on it!
    It's coming to the US as Escape from Bug Island or something similarly rediculous which IMO sums up the tone of the game perfectly. Buy this now or when it hits the US/UK!

    Definitely interested in it. Will probably pick up a copy when in Japan. I'm liking the sound of b-movie goodness.



      I put this on this morning after winning it for a quid on ebay. I love old B grade PS2 quality survival horror/action adventure and this fits the bill perfectly. Terrible animation, sub par graphics, awful voice acting and stiff controls.

      You and two friends decide to holiday on bug island, home to rare insect species. You make camp, your friends take off for a walk and you are left to explore. Things go poorly as you find the island is infested with praying mantises that are taller than you and weird piranha type fish that launch themselves from the sea at you.

      To defend yourself you grab a stick, a knife and 99 rocks (for ranged attacks). You attack and dodge using motion controls so it is generally best to avoid combat. The areas are large and you are just left to explore, occasionally triggering story beats.

      I played for about an hour and was about to put it down when things got crazy and now I'm going to keep going. The controls are so stiff and clunky it isn't all that enjoyable to play and were putting me off but then

      I met a couple of NPCs who were attacked by an undead King Kong. Out of nowhere this huge (size of a house), red eyed, rotting ape turns up and chase you about. You have to keep dodging until he is attacked by bugs and driven off.

      Since that was a total surprise, I need to carry on and see what else is in the game. We'll see how far I get but I have at least one more session in me.

      If you are a fan of old style survival horror, I highly recommend this. Some interesting ideas, that old Japanese PS2 art style and some Deadly Premonition style menu SFX are all endearing the game to me. If you play it, give it at least until the craziness starts.

