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Battlestations Midway (360)

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    Battlestations Midway (360)

    Been on this a few hours tonight:

    Seems really solid to be honest, im loving the little micro-management of organising your fleet and getting into the nitty gritty of battle with any unit. I'm hoping it escalates into typical RTS/Battleships fare, with your units just fighting their units and no COD3 OTT style set pieces though, as it has started out like (although theres always LIVE if not).

    During the second part of the first mission i had no idea what to do, and seemingly 'won' for no reason? hope the trend doesnt continue (it wasn't the scale of the battle that confused me either, as i was soley in control of a plane ).

    Graphics are ok, water effects could have been nicer, but its a strategy game, so it can slide. There is an 'old film' filter that looks very nice when playing, very 'Blazing Angels'. I do like the activity on the ships though, little blokes doing their bit .

    Haven't tried online yet, will probably have a blast tomorrow.

    One word of warning however, the tutorials are very neccessary, and take about an hour (!) to get through, so dont expect a quick blast when you start it up (the reviewer on IGN said he fell asleep during them, i can see why )

    In all, its something different, as someone (possibly Chopemon or John Beaulieu) said: this is the next Chromehounds - not many people will like it, but those that do, will

    EDIT: It was John
    Last edited by Pookmunki; 08-02-2007, 00:01.

    jesus wept, these tutorials do go on a bit...

    why do tutorials like lessons? just do them in mission. i hate games that do this.

    i can't wait to get stuck in to the main game


      my big gripe with so many game (particulary RTS games) are the overlong really dull tutorials


        So how does this compare with the demo then? I had no idea what I was doing in that and it was 10 minutes before I worked out how to launch a ship from the port. My next go had me controlling an aircraft carrier with no idea I could also launch planes and control them. And I found switching between planes would often send the next plane into some upside down popup death world.

        So are the tutorials just movies with no "press A to do this" practise missions?


          the tutorials make you perform the actions but they take forever to complete

          the controls are overwhelming, they should have put tutorials in the first few levels so you learn as you go along

          i completed the tutorials earlier and i'm about to head into the main campaign


            i've played a few missions now and i'm really enjoying it

            i can see why a lot of people won't like it but for me it makes a nice change to the massive amount of shooters i've been playing recently

            i urge anyone who is even remotely interested in it to pick it up as it is a genuinely good game


              I found the demo to this really confusing.


                it is a bad demo as it gives no instruction but once you've made it through the tutorial you'll get it and you'll know exactly what's going on

                lol, indeed yoshi, this with 8 people would be mint!!


                  I still have the demo so if enough peeps fancy "giving it another try" I'm up for that - As I said elsewhere I'd really hoped this would be the "Next Carrier Command" but it just didn't engage me !


                    this game keeps getting better the more you play

                    just spent an hour or so doing one mission with several attempts at it.

                    if you fail a mission then it's your own fault and retrying it using what you've learnt to better position your ships and planes will usually see you get through it.

                    i hardly ever take control of my troops, i just give them orders and then switch to their view and watch them in action, i love seeing my torpedo bombers go in low and blow the crap out of some destroyer


                      I know, the tension when your four torpedo's slowly crawl their way to the target, only for three to just miss and the last one only just hits, sinking their ship is immense.

                      As you point out, the choice between controlling and commanding is great, i like to get into the nitty gritty myself, be interesting to see what wins out on LIVE.

                      Be interesting to see what DLC becomes available for this, i dodn't think it'll sell well enough for much, which is a shame...


                        it's normally only end of game bosses that have me as tense as this game does.

                        what i like is that the units can take care of themselves. if you tell a unit to go do something it will, you don't have to watch over them. the exception being ships with their repairs. it is needless micro management and would be better without it.

                        i'm going to have to replay some missions because the achievements require you to be in control of units but thats fine by me


                          Wow, simply gorgeous game. I played the demo and found it abit tough with no manual but I enjoyed it so ordered it for this week. I put it on last night and did the tutorials in awe. Graphics seem much better on the full thing and reminds me of a top end PC for the indidual units of what you would expect on a strategy game.

                          For me this is a step in the right direction as we need more games like this on console. It has that mixture of tacticle planning but then the gameplay of what I would describe as Ace combat 4 style for units. I can see me playing this loads on live (main reason I bought it was for online as I knew the single player was short) and Im going to try and get my dad talked into buying it for system link in the house now that we finished GOW. If you can invest abit of time into the demo and enjoy it just rush and buy it as its great and very atmospherice!

                          If anyone wants a live game when Ive finished the single player campaign just shout for Dazzyman


                            I started playing last night, after battling though the lenghthy tutoral and then breezing through the first level on veteran, I@m looking forward to some more substantial battles.


                              just got me a copy for £17 from tesco, no bad so far, ii went straight into the us cam mode, is this tutorials? seems like missions to me?? , just wonderd does it make a difference on acheivments playing on normal or rookie? has anyone got any yet?


