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Mind Quiz (DS)

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    Mind Quiz (DS)

    This is the only brain training game i have played other than the two Nintendo options and i have to say i am quite impressed.

    The layout and game has followed the Nintendo Brain Training formula very closely, but this is a good thing in my opinion as you can't really go wrong with that, it is basicly Brain Training 2.

    On startup you are asked to create/load a profile, when creating my profile, i thought "oh no" as the game would not let me draw an 8 for my year of birth (1983) it kept thinking 5. After about 10 goes i got it. Lucky then that so far the game does not require any writing.

    The next stage you are shown a picture and a callender showing if you got todays stamp. The picture for me today is a brown dog eating from a red bowl. I just know im going to be asked a question about this next week. Once in the game you have the following options:

    Mind Quiz
    Lets Play Together

    I will start with mind quiz.

    In mind quiz you are given two options

    Stress test
    Age test

    You are then given a test/quiz (i think at random) that is not available in your daily training. You have to do the test an easy and a hard way then the results are shown and an average is calculated.

    Each test is similar. Today in my stress test i have to tap numbers in order, it starts off with the numbers all in the location then they start refershing the screen after about 10 changing the locations.

    In age test for today my test is number/letterits like the above test but you have to hit a number followed by the smae letter in the alphabet so A 1 B 2 C 3 etc... again it gets a bit harder half way through.

    At the end you are given a % and it tells you what it should be and gives you a but gumf about your brain etc...

    Then it gives you your overall rating, suggesting that the more you play the more tests you will have to play

    You can also do some rather fun trainintg tests, within different areas of your brain. These range from reflex to memory and have a few others in between. The majority involve doing something while keeping a dog off the top screen. It sounds weird but works well.

    Overall im very impressed with this game. The presentation/graphics are very simple as is the sound but this like the other Nintendo offerings adds to its charm.

    If you like the Nintendo offerings this is the next step when your done with those IMO.

    I like this, and so does my partner - she really loves the first Brain Trainng game, but not the second (too silly and cartoony..), whereas mind quiz has a dog in it, so she's instantly sold.

    Only thing is, on the game where you have to speak out the names of the fruit, the recognition is really poor - been trying all sorts of things - adopting US style drawl, clipped tones or even trying a different language, but its the same. We just can't get above 13.

    The rest of the game is varied, with some intersting mini games, and the game tests more than just your brain age, and offers the usual advice and percentage scores.

    So, according to the missus, its not as 'grown up' as Brain Training, but not as 'silly' as Big Brain Academy, but it's ace.

    The only downer in my opinion is that each player has to have a separate save, and you can't compare scores with other playes like on Brain Training.
    Also, no Sudoku..

    Worth the entry fee though.


      Yeah well worth ?12. I agree with your comments on the voice commands though, i have not scored over 5. People would escribe my accent as queens English also, like you i have tried saying the words slow fast and in "american" with no joy.

