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Trackmania United

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    Trackmania United

    Got this today and well it's an absolute blast

    It's not a racer in your typical sense and anyone whose played stunts will no what goes on here, silly half pipes, ridiculous handling and an ace track editor

    This version has really intergrated with the online community and everything tracks and records your progress in each race.

    Anyway its 17.99 on play and amazon and well worth a look if you're into your arcade racers with a bit of a twist

    I was going to start this topic!

    I'm currently working on a few skins and tracks for this. We should play on the same server sometime mate.

    I love the way that *EVERYTHING* can be customised and shared. I'm so tempted to stick a load of Designer's Republic stuff in there and have a go at creating some sort of mad Wipeout style track.

    Downloaded a few very good car models (Nissan Silvia, drift stylee!) and i'm cocking about with making some Beatmania IIDX skins for them.

    I got the hang of using the Mediatracker today. It's an insane laugh to make a track, then half way through, make the camera shake violently while spinning text around on the screen saying 'Stop driving like a twat'. Even the video billboards around the levels can be customised. The potential is AMAZING.

    NTSC-UK based tracks, anyone?
    Last edited by Silvergun X; 19-03-2007, 10:20.


      I say.. What be the platform for this then?


        it's pc only sadly, I love how everything is tracked online. I submitted a few shameful times to the online board and was about 49th in the southeast of england

        Top top game though, so quick to load and its lovely being able to jump in jump out of.

        On the design front i'm no artist but i'll definatley be experimenting with the track editor which seems to be a nice level for beginners and still have enough depth for the more adventurous.


          I loved TM, and had quite a play with the free ESCW version that was brought out.

          Are they still using Starforce protection on the disc?


            Originally posted by babs View Post
            Are they still using Starforce protection on the disc?
            Yep :/


              Originally posted by babs View Post
              Are they still using Starforce protection on the disc?
              Removed completely as far as I can tell.

              Edit: They're still using starforce? Are you sure? No sign of it at all on my Vista system.

              Edit again: ****, it is still being used.


                I'm currently going through doing a basic NTSC-UK track.

                Does anybody have that old 'NTSC Roxors your boxors' picture that made legend status many months ago? I need to make it into a billboard.


                  Originally posted by JohnMcL7
                  All the way back to the original Trackmania I've thought this would make a brilliant Xbox game - the tracks are tiny in terms of file size and the style of play is well suited to a console.

                  I'm playing it via a 360 pad on the CrossFire USB dongle. Very good

                  The interface is pretty bad with the pad though, and for some reason I have to redo the keys / buttons every time I load the game up.

                  Good fun, never played a TM game before. Had a game with my mate online, but finding each other and connecting wasn't easy despite being in the same user "group".



                    I'm no expert skinner, but i'm a bit pleased with that.

                    Custom NTSC-UK skins anyone?

                    Also, i've finished my first 'Speedway' track, would a few of you help test it?


                      I've got a game hosting at the moment just called 'NTSC-UK Testing'.

                      You can find it in the United Kingdom zone.

                      Let me know if you can connect at all, or if you have any problems.


                        Hmm may get this, TM Sunrise was legendary. Multiplayer is superb, works unlike any other game I've played (you get about 30 people on one track, all racing a time trial where they can see but not contact anyone else, the idea being to finish the race the quckest). Because it's mostly stunt based racing you get cars flying everywhere, and the tracks only last a few seconds so it never gets boring.

                        Single player was rock hard though, virtually impossible even!

                        Is it still a budget game?


                          It's still a budget game, yes. £20 from Amazon.

                          Also, you can actually do online stunt mode now. You can create a stunt arena, and try spinning the cars with 360's, etc. You still set the game to a time limit and it accumulates all your stunt score until you cross the finish gate.

                          If you let the time fall down to 10 seconds, your score will start rapidly dropping until you hit the finish line.


                            finally got a number 1 place in a regional track easy platform 1 -__-
                            still well chuffed spent about half and hour doing it!

                            I had the dreaded blue screen while playing it earlier but i'm pretty sure it was to do with the game. It's not done it since in lots of playing so i'm hoping it was a one off!


                              New track coming on nicely...

