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Super Rub 'a Dub

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    Super Rub 'a Dub

    It's up on the EU PS Store, ?3.49

    I've only tried the demo and whilst it's very pretty to look at I don't think I'll be buying it just yet. It's my first experience of the tilt controls aswell (I've never tried them in MotorStorm) and whilst it worked and seemed to do what I wanted it felt overly sensitive.

    But this is only from 10mins with demo. I'll certainly give it a few more goes.

    does seem a bit sensitive, but I like the jump


      had a quick go, not really liking it so far. the controls do seem far too sensitive. I'll give i another tomorrow though after less beer.


        Same here, I'm not really feeling this one.

        FlOw nailed the tilt controls perfectly, but as everyone else has said this just feels hyperactive with me struggling to control it even after playing for a good while.

        It felt like I was battling with the controller rather than playing with it and again, not wanting to compare them too much, but FlOw's control became second nature in next to no time.

        The water effects sure look real purdy though and as a throwaway puzzler there's far worse out there.


          Hmm i like it yeah the controls arnt as good as say flow but they work and its pretty fun beating scores, im ranked 20ish on one in the work woooooo.


            Spent a couple of hours or so on this now. Really enjoying it, was a little tricky at first I've got the hang of it now.

            I've watched some of the leader board replays and one of them had a reply with somebody using a gold suck!! Anybody know anything about where that has come from?


              I quite like this. I've not found the controls overly sensitive and i can see me whiling away a fair amount of time with this. Certainly worth £3.49 anyway.

              /edit: What magazine or site was it that gave this a lowly 2 or 3 or something like that. I think that was particularly harsh. Maybe they were reviewing a really old build of the game.
              Last edited by Mr M0by; 07-04-2007, 00:01. Reason: Added text.




                  I must say I didnt expect to like this one but I am really enjoying it as it is just so simple. I didnt relly like Flow at all but this one for £3.50 is an absolute bargain and a game anyone can pick up and play. Worryingly my most played ps3 game so far.


                    Glad to see some of you enjoying it

                    Control wise it's a little strange, as you don't control the Duck directly, but instead make the water flow pull the Duck along. It's actually using a full flow solver, so there's quite a bit of scary physics running in there.

                    We're seeing some good replay and scoreboard competitions going off.

                    With regards to the Gold Ducks, there are a number of hidden secrets in there for the dedicated player



                      I love the demo its so simple, and fun at the same time


                        Although I'm not a big fan of the PS3 yet, I have to say the quality of the download games are top notch! Ok there are not many yet but it's like they have very high standards compared to the lazy port/broken games we have been seeing on the other formats.


                          That was the idea

                          The aim was to make a simple accessible game that anyone can play at any level. If you just like to slosh the water around, you can. If you want a load of levels to complete they're there. If online is your thing, there's the scoreboards. Besides, who doesn't like rubber ducks, bar Anatidaephobia sufferers.

                          Apparently it is also the ideal 'girlfriend' game, or so we've been told. At least one PS3 was purchased on the promise of there been a nice little duck game!

                          On the IGN review, I suspect there's been some kind of mix-up with review code, the screenshots are all from an old version at any rate. That and all the more recent reviews have been more positive



                            Originally posted by S0L View Post
                            That was the idea
                            Apparently it is also the ideal 'girlfriend' game, or so we've been told. At least one PS3 was purchased on the promise of there been a nice little duck game!
                            Was that your PS3 S0L?


                              No - I've yet to take the plunge. I really should get a 360 too


