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Guilty Gear XX Accent Core

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    Guilty Gear XX Accent Core

    Well it plopped on my doormat yesterday & first impressions are it's ok...nothing special but not too bad.

    Have been giving it something of a blast this evening & first impressions werent that good tbh.

    While it does everything you'd expect of a Sammy Fighter it's the little things that let the whole package down.

    Now my first experience with a Guilty Gear game came with the frankly brilliant Midnight Carnival & it was with some excitment that I awaited the arrival of this addition to the franchise, infact I completley avoided buying Reload, Slash & Isuka so as not to dull the experience by having too many games with the same fighting system & characters.
    So it's a shame then that I dont find this as good as midnight Carnival

    It all begins with the presentation which is ok but not even close to Midnight Carnivals level & miles apart from the fantastic FoTNS.
    The intro is awful compared to MC which was Anime Heaven, this by comparrison is just bland & very very boring.
    The option select screen is just as dull some grey circles on a plain background.
    Then when you get ingame things improve but not alot...characters are large & as well animated as always but the backgrounds let the side down, they are bland & lifeless & the colours just look washed out which is a huge shame as we all know what can be achieved following how amazing the FoTNS backgrounds look.

    Sound is adequate but nothing to right home about, voices are soft & hard to make out (not that I understand them anyway)

    Game mode's are all there with the exception of a Story mode which I actually miss as it added a whole nother level to MC & actually made me want to play through it with everyone & not just my favourite characters.

    Speaking of characters the list has grown considerably since MC & it will take some time to give them all a proper going over...I'm still sticking to my main faves from MC at the moment while I get myself used to it all again.

    However all the negatives aside it is a Sammy fighter & as always it plays brilliantly.
    Combo's are easy to pull of but will take an age to master the huge one's, specials are simple & the dust button is back in full glory thus allowing for some truly dizzying mid air combo's.

    All in all it does what it should & is fine but it's biggest failing is that with so many other great 2D fighters out there (FoTNS, KoF XI, Street Fighter Zero Anthology, Garou etc.) do we need just another "ok" one to add to the pile??
    I'd say that unless your a serious Guilty Gear fan (I'm talking to you Keith ) or dont actually own a Guilty Gear game at all then I'd give it a miss & spend the money on either Fist of the North Star or Street Fighter Zero Anthology both do exaclty what Accent Core does only better (Especially FoTNS)


    I was pretty much out of the loop when this was hitting arcades, but a friend was explaining to me the other day that it has something very similar to parrying? Anyone able to elaborate any further on this?

    I known there's no new characters since Slash (which I did buy), but if there's been a major gameplay overhaul then I might still think about investing...


      I haven't really played GGX since the original came out on the DC, would it be a good idea to pick this one up or one of the older titles?


        Frankly, I think the revisions are okay in places but Order Sol is pretty broken, his charge bar is like the SFA3 Green Bar (forgot which -ISM it is) but its small but he can charge a lot faster to execute attacks which do damage!

        I am disappointed but I only paid £25 for it which for an Import aint too bad, I did however get this Solar Powered Chain with an LED Flashing a picture of Sol and KY with the Arc System Works Logo in the corner.


          I was going to buy it too, but yesterday this caught my eye:

          I'm not a fighter or GG junkie, so unlimited unbreakable combos are the last thing I would have noticed, but making the game freeze...experienced any real problems so far?


            i have had most of the guilty gear x games apart from isuka

            i knew this would not be vastly different game then previous but still had to get it anyway


              Originally posted by Sane View Post
              I haven't really played GGX since the original came out on the DC, would it be a good idea to pick this one up or one of the older titles?

              I'd say that if you havent played a PS2 GG then deffinitley pick this one up as it has all the characters from the others & plays just as well as the older ones

              I havent noticed anything at all with my copy, it seems to run fine so far, but then like you said if it's only on the Unbreakable super combo things then I may be lucky & never have it happen at all.

              Not too sure on the possbile parrying but it did seem pretty easy to pull off counters when I was playing it last night & I have no idea how I was doing them tbh



                heard they have added wall attacks like in fist of the north star where you can bounce them of the walls


                  Originally posted by fuse View Post
                  I was pretty much out of the loop when this was hitting arcades, but a friend was explaining to me the other day that it has something very similar to parrying? Anyone able to elaborate any further on this?
                  Yeah, it's called the Instant Block and it's done just by tapping back before the moment of impact. Your character will flash if done correctly, resulting in your character experiencing much less block stun and thus allowing you to counter right away.

                  This particular mechanic is more similar to the one found in Garou than in Third Strike.


                    Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
                    I'd say that unless your a serious Guilty Gear fan (I'm talking to you Keith ) or dont actually own a Guilty Gear game at all then I'd give it a miss & spend the money on either Fist of the North Star or Street Fighter Zero Anthology both do exaclty what Accent Core does only better (Especially FoTNS)

                    Heh, cheers for the FP matey. Any new additions to the soundtrack?

                    I've already got GGXX, GGXX#Reload and GGXX Slash for the PS2...I don't think I can really justify buying another GGXX game until they release one for the PS3 tbh, despite the fact that I really want to blow even more money on GGXXAC.


                      Apparently, the game is buggy so you may want to refrain from purchasing it.


                        Ah, cheers for that - may have dodged a bullet there then.


                          Originally posted by Keith View Post
                          Heh, cheers for the FP matey. Any new additions to the soundtrack?

                          I've already got GGXX, GGXX#Reload and GGXX Slash for the PS2...I don't think I can really justify buying another GGXX game until they release one for the PS3 tbh, despite the fact that I really want to blow even more money on GGXXAC.
                          Your quite welcome

                          In all honesty if you have all them then I really wouldnt spend any more money on them...especially with the bug reports, touch wood though mine seems ok.

                          Stick with what you have.



                            Played this only briefly. Guilty Gear has fallen off, man. It is played out like jheri curls. Where is all the balls-out craziness and lavish menus and shouting and stuff? It is drab, graphics engine is lazily samey, ubreakable chain combos are unfair. Get Hokuto No Ken instead, that is the awe-suurm.


                              Originally posted by Big Seany View Post
                              Get Hokuto No Ken instead, that is the awe-suurm.
                              Wasn't that criticized for unbreakable combos and imbalance too?

