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Railfan - Taiwan HSR - PS3

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    Railfan - Taiwan HSR - PS3

    The first Railfan for the PS3 was a bit of a revelation to me. Previously wary of the Densha De Go genre, put down as a Japanese niche with no real appeal, I tried Railfan for two reasons, one being something to play on the PS3, but more importantly, I was ready to try something new. What I found I liked, so much that I started to backtrack into the Densha series on the PSP.

    Railfan wasn't as playable IMO as Densha, but it still had something about it. Railfan really lacked replay-ability, as some of the play modes after being initially cleared, really didn't warrant replay. Arguably the only mission you could replay with any challenge was the "Lets go by train" one. Densha, it seems, had more modes and missions that were quite comprehensive in comparison.

    My anticipation of the new Railfan title, Railfan Taiwan High Speed Rail for its full title, was off the scale by this point. However I have been duped.

    The "game" uses the recently opened Taiwan express service which uses a certain model of train normally used in Japan. As such, its a brand new rail line. And herein lies the "game"'s first problem, the track is so modern it's boring as hell. Here the track is mostly laid out on flyovers of major landmarks or cities, so all you really get to see are miles and miles of track with virtually no scenery whatsoever, with the exception of some grassy mounts and tunnels. And it only has about 8 stations.

    I use the word "game" in quotes, because the package, regardless of the location's downfalls, feels incomplete and more like a demo. Or better still, described as some sort of merchandise you would by at the station on the Taiwan HSR line! The modes of play are terrible. Other than the traditional Train tour mode, the only Game modes are Power mode, Time Attack and Trial Drive.

    Trial Drive is the most playable mode, as this sees you starting about half-way on the track to stop at about 5 stations, using the normal penalties and bonuses for arriving on time etc. But thats it, theres is only 1 mission, thats it. Play it once and its over. No unlocks, no other missions.

    Time Attack challenges you to race the train from start to finish, no station stops and to stay within certain speed limits. This mode takes 80 minutes for the train to get from start to finish. I lost the will to live on more than one occasion during this long and agonizing trail, the only thing required of me was to ensure the train didn't go over 300km/ph. Yet again, on completion, thats it.

    The final mode, the Power mode, challenges you to race the entire 80 minute circuit again in a bid to use less power. I don't think I can face this again.

    Its such a shallow game in comparison to the original, and a joke against the Densha series of games. The limitations of the location are one thing, but the complete lack of challenge OR modes of challenge are not really acceptable.

    One for the die-hards only. Buy and keep for a collectors item as its not getting released in Japan, its only available in Asia.

    Next time, lets have a Railfan in London or somewhere more interesting. And don't forget to make a game out of it as well. Either that or pray Taito release a proper Densha game on a system other than the Wii.
    Last edited by englishbob; 23-07-2007, 07:16. Reason: Spelling

    WOW! That sounds like an absolute arse of a game. How can they have messed it up so much after the 1st Railfan was so good?

    One of the main reasons I wanted this game was to see Taiwan, after all the hubub about the footage being shot in HD, you would presume that there would be a little more than miles and miles of track to look at as you drive along.


      You guys need to play Tetsu 1: Densha de Battle! World Grand Prix.

      Now THAT is a proper good train game!


        That's very disappointing. Fair enough if it was released for 7 or 8 quid as some kind of add-on mission pack.

        I thought Railfan was pretty decent but even that was far too short. Personally I felt it could've done with at least 10 lines to have really justified a full price release.

        Originally posted by englishbob View Post
        Next time, lets have a Railfan in London or somewhere more interesting.
        a British version would be.....erm.....different. You'd score points for not arriving at stations on time and have mechanical failures, dodgy track & signal worker strikes to contend with. You'd automatically fail & your profile barred from playing the game again if you ever arrived ahead of schedule


          Originally posted by englishbob View Post
          The first Railfan for the PS3 was a bit of a revelation to me. Previously wary of the Densha De Go genre, put down as a Japanese niche with no real appeal, I tried Railfan for two reasons, one being something to play on the PS3, but more importantly, I was ready to try something new. I what I found I liked, so much that I started to backtrack into the Densha series on the PSP.

          Railfan wasn't as playable IMO as Densha, but it still had something about it. Railfan really lacked replay-ability, as some of the play modes after being initially cleared, really didn't warrant replay. Arguably the only mission you could replay with any challenge was the "Lets go by train" one. Densha, it seems, had more modes and missions that were quite comprehensive in comparison.

          My anticipation of the new Railfan title, Railfan Taiwan High Speed Rail for its full title, was off the scale by this point. However I have been duped.

          The "game" uses the recently opened Taiwan express service which uses a certain model of train normally used in Japan. As such, its a brand new rail line. And herein lies the "game"'s first problem, the track is so modern it's boring as hell. Here the track is mostly laid out on flyovers of major landmarks or cities, so all you really get to see are miles and miles of track with virtually no scenery whatsoever, with the exception of some grassy mounts and tunnels. And it only has about 8 stations.

          I use the word "game" in quotes, because the package, regardless of the location's downfalls, feels incomplete and more like a demo. Or better still, described as some sort of merchandise you would by at the station on the Taiwan HSR line! The modes of play are terrible. Other than the traditional Train tour mode, the only Game modes are Power mode, Time Attack and Trial Drive.

          Trial Drive is the most playable mode, as this sees you starting about half-way on the track to stop at about 5 stations, using the normal penalties and bonuses for arriving on time etc. But thats it, theres is only 1 mission, thats it. Play it once and its over. No unlocks, no other missions.

          Time Attack challenges you to race the train from start to finish, no station stops and to stay within certain speed limits. This mode takes 80 minutes for the train to get from start to finish. I lost the will to live on more than one occasion during this long and agonizing trail, the only thing required of me was to ensure the train didn't go over 300km/ph. Yet again, on completion, thats it.

          The final mode, the Power mode, challenges you to race the entire 80 minute circuit again in a bid to use less power. I don't think I can face this again.

          Its such a shallow game in comparison to the original, and a joke against the Densha series of games. The limitations of the location are one thing, but the complete lack of challenge OR modes of challenge are not really acceptable.

          One for the die-hards only. Buy and keep for a collectors item as its not getting released in Japan, its only available in Asia.

          Next time, lets have a Railfan in London or somewhere more interesting. And don't forget to make a game out of it as well. Either that or pray Taito release a proper Densha game on a system other than the Wii.

          had a quick bash on this and would agree with most of the above. I found the video to be very grainy (esp in tunnels) and i seem to get strange sound 'popping' occassionally throughout the game (every other Ps3 game is fine)

          Seems rushed; lack of game modes and my biggest gripe is lack of interchangable angles (Railfan was superb). No TAITO input - so i'm assuming thats why it isnt as technically accomplished as Railfan. Decent enough though if your are a fan - a Railfan! (sorry guys in Amsterdam at the moment and a bit wasted)


            I really wish I'd seen this thread before I ordered the game. I didn't play the first one, but figured this'd be the better one to get due to it being in English. It's just so boring, though.

            I'm currently about an hour through time attack, and I'm losing the will to live. Even sounding the horn got boring after the first two or three hundred times.

            It's nice that they have pictures of things to see in Taiwan when you're at the stations, but that doesn't really make up for the fact you see bugger all of the place in the game itself. Just tunnel after tunnel, with the odd glimpse of a hill. And when you are outside, they didn't even film it on a nice day. It's all grey and miserable. Which is how the game makes me feel.


              Strange as well, I don't remember ever having to use the horn, even though one of the controller buttons is assigned as one. The game does not require that you ever have to use it, unlike Railfan.


                I think it's just so when you fall asleep and slump onto the joypad, there's something to wake you up.

                I take it the first Railfan really was a lot better? I've never tried this kind of game before, but I can sort of see how it might be fun on a more insteresting route, with more game modes and stuff.


                  I'm a huge fan of the Densha series. I was a bit underwhelmed by Railfan. Aside from the 'tutorial' modes for all of the lines, the actual 'Let's Go By Rail' sections were quite good, but nothing special. Personally, I'd be quite happy with an updated HD version of Densha De Go! Final on the PS3.

                  PS: JamesS, if you can play imported PS2 games, I would recommend Densha de Go! Final. In my opinion, it's the best of the bunch.
                  Last edited by Balderak; 02-08-2007, 15:30.


                    Railfan, the asian version (because you get an English instruction insert) is worth the investment.

                    If you don't have a Japanese PS2 or PS3, you can get the same Densha De Go! Final on the PSP, its just been split 4 ways into 4 separate games.


                      Sorry for the bump, but I've recently got into this. I wrote about it and took photos, and it's kinda put me off train games for life.

                      I take it that were I to try the original Railfan or actual Densha de GO games I'd fare better? Because I "raced" for 75 minutes this morning, and afterwards came to the conclusion I never really wanted to race trains again.

                      I wish I'd seen this topic before!


                        Wow, thread from the dead! Great write up btw on your blog, wasn't expecting anything like that!

                        In answer to your last question, yes you should of at least bought the original Asian version of Railfan on the PS3, its far better with more variety in Tokyo, Chicago and somewhere else I can't remember.

                        Its a shame that the dire R:THSR game was your first, they are generally very good. Its also a shame that the developer of these games seems to have gone quiet on any future games.

