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Boku no Natsuyasumi 3 (My Summer Holiday 3) - PS3

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    Originally posted by Balderak View Post
    Nice, tell me how. I've been into the farm house and I can see the calf, but nothing happens when I try and interact with it. Also, there's a dude on the side of the road, sitting beside a truck. He asks you a question and a list of numbers come up. Anyone know what the answer is?
    Do you have the bucket with the teat? Basically walk up behind any of the cows and press circle. You'll then milk it after which point you can go feed the calf.

    As for the guy blocking the road, not sure of the answer, but when you get the other options, pick the middle one and he will drive you to where the big gate that was locked is(It's a corner with a dirt track going off it).

    Also, if you have found the key,

    take it to the little pier and the guy on the boat will take you to another unreachable part.


      Thanks very much for the heads up, mate. Incidentally, did you know there is an option in the menu to adjust how fast the time goes? I play it on 'carefree' mode, which slows the time right down, leaving you more time to explore. Here's a link to a Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 walkthrough for the PS2. There are a lot of similarities and I found this guide pretty helpful for Boku 3:


        Yeah, I worked out the time thing, which is probably why after 11 days I have 38 bottle tops and a whole load of other gubbins.

        Not really a fan of FAQ's, especially with quirky import titles like this, as I feel half the fun is woring it out for yourself.

        Now if Sony would translate this, but keep all the charm then I think it would do well. I've had much more fun out of this than I did with games like the Sims, Animan Crossing & Harvest Moon.


          Can anyone tell me what's so interesting about this screenshot(Sorry about the poor quality!)?


            Aaw sweet!!!

            I can't believe that the game came with that!!! Only joking...



              My holiday on 'Uncle's Farm' has just come to an end, bringing with it a moment of sadness.


              Simply because this is one of the most charming and enjoyable games I have ever played. There is just so much to do and I know on my first play through that I've barely scratched the surface. From swimming and fishing, insect collecting and beetle sumo, to all the other little things you can do that I won't spoil, every single moment that was spent playing this, was full of joy and no doubt it will be getting a few more plays in the near future.

              It's just a shame that we'll never get a version of it over here and that even if we did, it would be butchered and sodomised beyond recognition, something that happens all too often with western releases.

              In short, if you want a game that will always put a smile on your face and captivate you from day one, you really can't do any wrong with this.


                If anyone is interested, this is now on ebay for £19inc brand new. 9 copies available too.


                  Anybody else got hold of this one yet?

                  It'd be good to hear other peoples views too before I press the Buy It Now button on eBay as it's getting cheaper and I'm getting weaker.


                    Seriously mate, it's well worth the purchase.

                    I've been playing it through again and there is so much I've still to do! I reckon if you play it on 'carefree' mode then there is a good 15-18 hours on each play through.

                    Considered selling off a lot of my PS3 games but this was always #1 on my must keep list.


                      ive just picked this up for ?15 off eBay after Reading this first play, and although I have absolutely no idea what is going on, Its so full of charm that I can't put it down!

                      I'm only on the second day, and I'm still trying to get to grips with things, but I have a few insects and about 3 bottle tops.

                      I heard somewhere that you can put the bugs that you catch in a cardboard box? Can anyone help?


                        You can put them in the blue container, or the picture frame on your desk not sure about a cardboard box though. Tbh I just kill 'em all by injecting them and shoving a pin in their body


                          ahh i worked it out, i had to combine the syringe with the fluid! and that stuck the little buggers down


                            A two year bump, because I've only just started playing this (I bought my copy off FamiDude, incidentally). I've got the guidebook, and it's great for explaining some things (it even has ever meal listed! Sundays are curry rice nights).

                            This guy actually has some good spoiler free tips which I've found useful:

                            Turns out I need to check on the sparrows each day in case one falls out of his nest. Does anyone else have any other spoiler free tips?

                            I'm taking photos of each day, and I hope to put up a series of diary entries, one for each in-game day, for people who can't play it or lack the Japanese skill, since it really is a lovely title.

                            It's a pity we're unlikely to ever see a localisation, since it's a lot like a real-life Japan-set version of Animal Crossing.
                            Last edited by Sketcz; 08-07-2010, 15:24.


                              I've started the daily diary, if anyone's interested. I've got 6 days written up, whether I continue beyond that depends on how I feel.

                              It’s Sunday, August 1st 1975*. It’s been several months since the Watergate scandal in America; the great Japanese soldier Teruo Nakamura fi...


                                I tried my best with this as it seems like something I'd really enjoy. Whilst I enjoyed the atmosphere, the language barrier was too much for me

