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Space Giraffe

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    Space Giraffe

    Full game is up on Marketplace. Just tried the trial.

    First things first. Is it playable? Yes, it is. Is it as beautiful and as chaotic as in the videos? You bet. It's a gorgeous, abstract looking game - something that really does feel as though it's been dropped out of the 80's and into the 00's (in a good, this is a complete gooey, splurgy mess kind of way).

    I can see, however, how plenty of people aren't going to get along with it. Even in the trial, which were tutorial levels, I was dying left, right and centre. It's no simple shooter and the game has quite a bit of depth to it - something which is difficult to keep track of due to the colour scheme and that it quickly becomes hard to distinguish objects from enemies.

    In many ways, this kind of game seems the opposite to the Xbox Live Arcade mantra of an easy, accessible, straightforward experience.

    That may be a bad or a good thing depending on your preference. It's certainly no 2/10 from what I've played and I'm compelled to unlock the full version, but I can also see this pushing away casual gamers and attaining that 'not for your kind' elitist status.


    what's with the modelling of J Allard's face in the game? :S

    Oh yeah, the music also deserves mention. You'll have probably heard enough in the videos to get an idea by now, but it's deliciously old school dance music. As for atmosphere?

    Think a drug-fuelled 3am.


      That stage is called

      Eyes Of Allard

      isn't it?

      Had a brief go on it and really enjoyed it, which I was glad of as the videos confused the Hell out of me. Can see it being one that you get totally stuck into and have really long, unintentional sessions on.


        Originally posted by Concept View Post

        what's with the modelling of J Allard's face in the game? :S

        Bald or with dreads?


          I don't know. It appearred in the first tutorial level though. Thought I was seeing things at first. :P


            Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post

            Bald or with dreads?

            Balded. Dreads and Giraffes in space, virtual or otherwise, have been said to mess with the space/time continuum. :P
            Last edited by Spatial; 22-08-2007, 09:25. Reason: just editing my n00b usage of tags. Move along, move along.


              Only been able to give this 5 minutes as I'm supposed to be working, but yay! It's exactly what I was expecting, pure Minter madness. Need to get this bulling malarky worked out though...

              Can see a lot of time getting spent on this one - shame it didn't arrive last week though, as I had the house to myself for the last 5 days, but the wife is back now.


                Well, I've played enough to know it's a buy. Unlocked.

                It's already been documented several places, but it's a healthy 400 points guys.


                  Is Tempest included in this then? (not got 360 on as its packed ready for tradin on Friday).


                    Didn't like this very much to be honest.

                    As much as you guys call it gorgeous and abstract, I'd call it a next gen Galaga with jumping It's ok and not bad for the price but it's not really the game for me.

                    It's not bad per say, I just can't see what the fuss is about.

                    Oh and the stupid phrases and purposeful "l33t" speak/text/internet talk is irritating too.

                    I suppose it doesn't help that I'm not a fan of the kind of music playing as well.

                    I expect most people will love this and wax lyrical about it's "girafftasticness" but not for me...


                      Bit of a tutorial here.


                        Best game for a long time, takes me back to me Jaguar days. Bullets & power-ups being similar in colour seems to be the only black mark so far. Bulling is superb!
                        Last edited by bignige; 22-08-2007, 12:21.


                          It's kind of confusing on first play. There's so much colourful, explodey stuff floating around onscreen it's difficult to make out what's going on. It took me a good half hour to realise you still shoot (albeit weaker) straight ahead when aiming the 'hoof' shots with the right stick. As bignige said it's also very difficult to see the bullets as they just look like every other colour-cycling particle until it's too late.

                          I still wouldn't want to say either way whether it's any good until I've mastered the scoring system. If I just can't stop trying to beat my score I know it's good

                          I suppose the over-riding impression so far is that it's very eccentric and very geeky, just like all Britsoft used to be back in the day.

                          Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                          Oh and the stupid phrases and purposeful "l33t" speak/text/internet talk is irritating too.
                          I thought this was quite funny! For example, when you collect a powerup you get big exploding particle letters saying "POD GET!". And each level ends with "Congraturation! A winner is you! But our giraffe is in another castle!"


                            Originally posted by MattyD View Post
                            And each level ends with "Congraturation! A winner is you! But our giraffe is in another castle!"
                            I think I saw a "congoatulations" too

                            I'm enjoying this, however I'm not sure what I use the LT speed thing for??


                              LT just speeds up the transition between levels. But if you do that you can't shoot the remaining enemies left in the playing space for gains. I mean bonus points There's an achievement for getting 20 hits in this way (known as 'sneeze kills' or 'cough kills', something like that) after a stage ends.

