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World In Conflict

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    World In Conflict

    Best RTS game in years (Even better then CoH imo) !

    Dont really know where to start with this but i guess the first thing to say is WOW the graphics are stunning. I was playing it on my iMac using bootcamp and i had its settings maxed on 1280 resolution and it ran and looked superb. The explosions, smoke and all the other effects are just so nice looking its totally unreal. I only have XP so i couldnt try out the DX10 rendering, which might be a good thing cause i doubt my HD2600 could handle it. But still totally stunning.

    Next id say this is more of an action RTS meaning there isnt any boring resource gathering, you get points for reinforment drops to get more units. There isnt any of this sit back and build a massive base and army its more just get right into the war zone. However it does involve a lot of micro still inorder to keep your units well placed and to be able to use there special skills like TOW missiles and such. You also get the now RTS obligatory off map support such as artillary and Daisy Cutters (OMG ive never seen any explosion look as fantastic in a game).

    The thing i love most however has to be the massive scale and feel of the battles. Unlike other RTS games were it is you agaisnt the computer in a smallish map which has a kind of detached feel, in WIC the maps are huge and when playing single player there are battles going on all over the map controlled by your computer allies. I think this gives the games a great sense of really being in a massive warzone, you have your own objectives but so do all your other allies on the map. There is constantly stuff going on all around you and it all gets pretty crazy, but in a good way lol.

    Edit. Id also like to add that ive no bloody idea how the 360 version of it is going to work with a controller. C&C is one thing but this game is a totally different level in terms of scale and crazyness.
    Last edited by Ajay1986; 30-09-2007, 20:22.

    Just wondering what your system specs are? I've got some bits coming hopefully Tuesday to build up a PC and wondering how it might run until I can afford some more upgrades.


      Well as ive said im using an iMac with XP via bootcamp so first of all my specs arent spectacular gaming wise, and second i suspect performance takes a little hit due to me having to use bootcamp which cant use the proper ATI drivers and is a little slower in general anyway when compared to having a normal Windows PC. My actual specs are

      2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
      2 gig 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
      ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT

      With those specs im running at 1280*1024 with settings on High, the game runs perfectly smooth at what i suspect is around 40 FPS. It only drops during massive explosions. But as ive said if i had just a normal computer with those specs i think the FPS would be much higher.


        I wonder if my Athlon XP will be able to run it I've had my eyes on the game for long and the LE preordered, but I'll wait until the complete game to try it.


          Has anyone else got the full game today? I'm installing it now.


            Had to cancel my preorder due to financial problems ;__; will buy during October/November, but I guess it'll end up like Supreme Commander - installed but not played due to low PC specs. Guess it's really time to buy a new one.


              Never heard of this before until I tried it, and have to say its the most fun i've had out of all the beta's, Enemy Territory, Call of Duty 4, Crysis, I'm really surprised how good this is, and as a mjor plus point, its runs very well.


                think i am getting really impatient.....when will rts games come up with straight to the point and quick tutorials......and not try to work it into the story


                  Hehe bare with it dude honestly its probably the best PC game ive played in years, pure action goodness. Once you get the big daddy weapons the game becomes total destructive carnage.


                    Got this the other day, but haven't really put much time into it, keep getting an error with drivers which crashes the game, either a problem at nVidias end or Massgates either way need to wait for them to fix it before I can really get into the game. From what I've played it looks amazing, even when you zoom right in the game looks fantastic. Like every RTS there's some sort of brutal learning curve online, so need to play more, getting owned at the moment. Thought this was a nice touch: Takes the image from your profile and slaps in onto the vehicles, need to work on a cool image now :P


                      I ordered mine from Shopto before i went away on respite but he has had probs with stock so I should have this around Wednesday, adored the beta and it has turned into my number 1 game in the big bundle


                        Being playing this since last night finally on campaign. Lovely game graphically runs perfectly maxxed out in DX10 on my machine, deformation of everything is incredible.

                        Game itself works perfectly to say no resource management, story is Hollywood quality, well made etc.. even has Alec Baldwin narrating at start of each level load.

                        For me best RTS Ive seen in donkeys years, yes even better than COD and Supreme Commander

