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Halo 3

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    The flood do at least bring variety, to be honest I dont find them to be that bad of an enemy, mindless things can be fun to kill, I think they get a bad rap mainly becuase The Libary and Cortana, the two completely flood themed levels in all the Halo games, just so happen to be the worst designed levels too.

    I havent read the article though, so if they were just talking about they add variety I agree, if they were actualy trying to say levels like the Libary and cortana break things up I also agree, but I don't think breaking up good levels buy sticking bad ones in between them is all that great an idea to be honest.


      In a game with some quite smart enemies (okay, let's forget the "comedy" grunts), the Flood were a let down for me. They just come at you like Doom enemies. What's more, the constant stream of them revealed something that is apparent in most games but not all that obvious in Halo 3 - repeated animation. Every time they jumped at me, they were in the exact same pose. Sometimes there were several in the air all looking exactly the same.

      It's not a big thing at all but it turned them from my enemy to animated game dudes and broke that connection for a bit.

      And, as someone who never got to the Flood in Halo 1 and never played 2, I found they just were chucked in with little reason, then vanished, and then were chucked in again. The pacing of their levels just seemed a little odd and sort of random.

      But I guess they weren't bad enemies by most game standards. Just Halo 3 standards.


        I think that is exactly it, those levels weren't bad as such, they looked just as gorgeous as the rest of the game (The Cortana level looked incredible in my opinion) but you don't want that kind of brainless non humanoid enemy in a Halo game. The Flood bits were 100x better than most FPS games that have that kind of alien in it.


          Hopefully this hasnt been posted before..

          Make sure you watch until he actually does the roundhouse kick, is quite funny from the best angle near the end.


            Had some of the best team slayer games with Bignige, Yoshimax and EvilBoris DX I've ever had with Halo tonight. Out of all the games we played we only lost one! Huge thanks guys for helping me get a 45 simply awesome! What a fooking game


              Aye I concur - that was a smoking demon session of team slayer right there - 3 more ranks to go for me


                I can't believe how much i ranked up, 29-41! awesome


                  Sounds a shame I was out...


                    Played this for the first time before.. Bit of history: I've only ever played Halo and Halo2 either very pissed or for very short periods of time and never really clicked with either (usually as I was getting my arse whipped in deathmatch).

                    So, I started it up as the first game I would be playing on my shiny new 360.

                    Well, um.. Lovely graphics. Somehow my Sony plasma manages to output 720p (I thought that it stopped at 576i/p being a EDTV), lovely sound as well, but for the hour or 2 I played I didn't really get bowled over by it. Everything feels 'good' but maybe not having played the first 2 games has left me a little cold to the whole Halo story.

                    So, I thought sod it, onto the tinternet to have a crack. After some tinkering with my router I found that the multiplayer settings allowed me to find other 'probable' noobs. Great.

                    First 4 player game, and there's 3 obvious newbies and one american tosser. I say tosser because he got all the kills bar 2 (which I got). Right at the end he pipes up and says 'Wow! Not bad for my first multiplayer' and disappears

                    I decided to plough on for a bit more multiplayer and really began to enjoy it. I used to play a huge amount of quake 2, and always remember that as being very fast, so Halo 3 seems a little slow in comparison. No doubt I'll get used to that.

                    So, me names k0pp0 on live.. please feel free to come and give me a arse-kicking.


                      There seems to be a bit of a **** trend with people who aren't noobs at Halo 3 starting new gamertags so they can muck up the ranking system.


                        How slow is this online after playing CoD4?


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                          There seems to be a bit of a **** trend with people who aren't noobs at Halo 3 starting new gamertags so they can muck up the ranking system.
                          This has always happened, though. Happened with Halo 2.


                            I've been playing online co-op with my bro' for a while, and the game puts horrible big black borders on the side of the screen.

                            Does anyone else get this or is it just my TV?


                              Sorry, double post


                                Should be correct I believe so that each 'screen' you have on the TV keeps its 16:9 ratio insteaf of stretching or zooming like the majority of games would normally. do!

                                I think thats whats supposed to happen anyway, I'm sure I remember it playing that way when I done split screen co-op at my mates when I got the game.

