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Operation Darkness - 360 (NTSC-J)

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    Operation Darkness - 360 (NTSC-J)

    In the finest release period in 360 history, with more PAL games than any sane person could possibly hope to purchase my first instinct was of course to pick up an obscure NTSC-J turn based strategy game. Operation Darkness is currently an NTSC-J only 360 title, and as far as I know I don't think there is a planned UK release, or even a US one for that matter.

    Whether this bothers you on not depends on the following things:

    1) Do you like the idea of tanks fighting dragons?
    2) Do you like the idea of big breasted manga chicks, tormented floppy haired heroes and gruff voiced figures of authority with mysterious pasts forming a special combat unit to take out Zombie Nazis, by virtue of a number of secret powers including the ability to turn into werewolves?
    3) Do you think Advanced Wars would have been better with Japanese electro music, sounding a little like Fluke crossed with Ian Brown, playing during combat?

    If so this game is for you.

    Of course, the dragons, werewolves and breasts don't come into play straight away (just like real life kids). It starts promisingly though. The music is suitably Medal of Honor, the video intro like many other World War 2 games, albeit with a Japanese voice over (that skips over the whole Pearl Harbour thing as quickly as possible). The game then starts and the first thing that strikes you is the graphics. They are, to be blunt, rancid. Poorly textured. Poorly animated. Just poor. Imagine Field Commander on the PSP, but recreated by an autistic chimp. However, in this next-gen era, I felt it was unwise simply to moan because the graphics were as pleasing as rubbing vinegar into an open wound - that would make me a shallow graphics whore right? - so I persisted. And beneath the rancidness is actually a half decent game.

    It plays a lot like Gladius on the Xbox/PS2. If you never played that (and you'd not be alone) Field Commander or Advance Wars would be a close comparison. You move, you choose an action etc... When moving, a grid overlays the battlefield, and you simply move the analogue stick to shift your unit to the new location. You can then fire, use an item etc... Firing involves selecting a weapon, selecting a target (hit % probabilities are shown) and pressing A. In fact, the feel of this bit was perhaps more like Metal Gear Acid on the PSP.

    There is a turn list down the right of the screen, like a traditional RPG showing whose turn it'll be next, and round and round you go until the criteria for battle victory are met. Between battles you can recruit new team members, buy new weapons and do a fair amount of customisation. The whole thing feels (and indeed looks) a bit like the menu system in Chromehounds. A majority of the story plays out with Japanese dialogue, with English subs and anime style cutout static art. The voice acting is actually amusing as all the characters have British/US names (like Mitch and Steve), so you hear a long stretch of babble, and then the odd word pops out you recognise. There is also a very funny bit where the soldiers all say the SAS motto in a story sequence. I'd not lived till I heard "Who Dares Wins" being shouted with gusto in a strong Japanese accent. Yes, I can't speak Japanese - so it's rude to laugh - but it is truly surreal at times. The translation is also pretty spotty, with some clunky sentences and missing/wrong words. But still not too bad.

    As I said, the music at all times, but especially in battles, is really good. There is a funky (but short - so may become annoying) tune that plays out as you fight, and it sounds very UK indie dance electro, albeit indie 1997 style. Still had me tapping my foot though.

    Is it worth buying from playasia? I'm not sure. If there's no US/UK release nobody would really be missing anything, but it has cult classic simmering beneath its cover. I personally can't think of another game that has approached WW2 in quite this way (RTCW perhaps), so as a gaming experience, if you can look beyond the horrendous graphics, it might be worth exploring if you ever see a cheap copy.
    Last edited by cavalcade; 18-10-2007, 23:22.

    I've been really looking forward to this game but held off until I have some money and some information about it being import friendly.

    Does it have any online play?


      I was so surprised someone answered this thread, that I flat forgot to check online multiplayer for you... All I had time to do was check the back of the box before I left the house this morning, and it did indeed have some orange blobs on it, but I can't quite decypher whether any of them meant online play (one seemed to say 2-4 players). Lets be honest though, apart from you and me, who else is going to own this on the planet?

      I will have a check tonight though.


        Nice write up Cavalcade. I've had my eye on this one and might pick it up at some stage. More impressions please (at least you'll know you now have an audience of two).


          I have this game as well,not tried it yet though as orange box won,t let me go.So there will be at least 3 people interested


            Originally posted by rd365dav View Post
            I have this game as well,not tried it yet though as orange box won,t let me go.So there will be at least 3 people interested
            I knew you'd have it! You've already provided most of my NTSC-J titles for my 360 on the Trading boards here - you're a legend in Japanese 360 gaming circles (well, my circles anyway)

            A couple of other points I didn't mention up above you might want to consider.

            In terms of viewing the action where I think this game suffers is in a strategic awareness of the battlefield. You know in Advance Wars where it's simplicity is it's strength, and how Field Commander just made it more clunky, it's a similar issue here. Though you can draw the camera out to an elevated view, when the firing starts quite often you find yourself squinting and asking who is firing at who from where to where. It's not too bad, but I'd have appreciated a tactical map (there may well be one and I haven't found it yet).

            Also, the controls, if I remember cannot be inverted on either axis, and they were the wrong way round for me, which drove me mad. I'm a up means up, left means left kind of person on the right stick, this is the exact opposite.

            If there is online multiplay, and we can get a match going I think we should. And then spam invites to everyone playing Halo 3 or the Orange Box on our friends lists. I'm still not sure it does though, I don't remember seeing an option, but I just cracked on with the SP game and didn't spare it a thought.... I'll put it on tonight, unless rd365dav can confirm sooner.

            Oh the box art is nice as well. it's like a lot of NTSC-J 360 titles, a sort of managa-esque hand drawn picture, which is mainly cool because it has a Nazi with big glowing eyes. More box art needs Nazis with glowing eyes on it.


              Got round to trying this last night and so far its quite enjoyable,graphics are really sub par and controls are frustrating but theres something about it that makes me want to keep playing.Suprised that everything is in english apart from voices with english subs.
              Will keep on with this as it is different to anything else on 360 at the moment.


                Originally posted by rd365dav View Post
                Got round to trying this last night and so far its quite enjoyable,graphics are really sub par and controls are frustrating but theres something about it that makes me want to keep playing.Suprised that everything is in english apart from voices with english subs.
                Will keep on with this as it is different to anything else on 360 at the moment.
                I must admit, I haven't had a chance to play it again.

                I saw some videos online and although the graphics are largely rancid to begin with, they do seem to perk up a little later on. Perhaps moving to Acceptably Poor, or even Sort Of OK If You Squint.


                  I've done around five levels now and the graphics are either improving or my eyes are used to them,the camera control though is absolute ****e.
                  But still enjoying it.

