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Ace Combat 6

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    Ace Combat 6

    I got this last friday, and have now got to mission 4 , to be honest there is not much to say about it, its like all the other Ace combats but with a much much nicer look, mission 1 (the demo level) and 2 are standard fare, but it gets a lot harder on mission 3 with a bit of tactical ability with your wingmen,and ground targets it looks sublime and if you have always liked Ace combat then you cant really go wrong.

    I have always wanted to get into an Ace Combat but they have never really clicked with me. The Demo intrested me and Edge's review mixed with "This feels like the game Namco wanted to make from the start" has intrested me.

    I might wait a few weeks for this so I can finish off some of my games or ask for it for Crimbo.


      Ive always loved Ace combat myself so this was a definate purchase for me, its fantastic, its looks unbelievable at times, but Ace Combat is what it is. for me its one of my favourite series.


        Tell me this isn't out in PAL-ville already ? My wallet can't handle it.

        We need to start a thread where we all make a pact to not buy certain games till we clear the decks - then when I pick this up next year I'll at least be able to get a game with people who aren't top guns already


          No another month i have the US version, i agree so many games at the moment its madness.


            I got this one today and my goodness it's a pretty looking game. Easily up there with the best graphics this gen, and it's great to see Japanese developers finally learning to use the tech fully.

            It's the first ace combat game I've played and I'm enjoying it a lot so far. The controls are great and the game really makes you feel as if you're in a furious battle. The insanely good graphics help a lot too, and I like the score as well.

            The cut scenes are kind of decent too. Very Japanese and perhaps a bit long, but entertaining enough and they look quite pretty.

            First Katamari and now this just a few weeks later. Namco with these games you are spoiling us.


              Anyone tried any other USB flight sticks other than the offical ones?


                What an absolutely brilliant game!

                I finished the campaign earlier and it'll be the first of many times. I reckon at least 5 or 6 playthroughs will be needed to finish absolutely everything and I can see myself attempting it since it's just the right length for it to be a long-term goal. Definitely feels like one of those games I'll dip in and out of on a regular basis, especially once the PAL version comes out and more people are playing it online.

                Haven't actually tried any online battles yet, but the co-op mode is great. You and the other player(s) work as a team to complete the mission within the set time limit, and this gets reduced if anyone crashes or gets shot down. Seemed to be lag-free too despite me playing with JP players. Just a pity there's only 2 missions available as being able to play the main campaign in co-op mode would be the best thing ever.

                It's still bloody great playing it on your own though. The visuals are magnificent and it's really good the way you have the freedom to tackle the missions how you see fit. Your allied forces are involved in their own little operations that take place in real-time and work towards the ultimate mission goal, with you having to dash between them to help out from time to time.
                I feel Namco have got the balance just right with this as you get a real sense of involvement since the mission will almost certainly result in failure unless you lend at least some support to your air and ground forces, but they're not completely incompetent or overly-reliant on your support, so there's none of the frustration that "escort" missions in other games can cause.

                One of the games of the year for me.


                  Great game played a few hours worth yesterday got to mission 5 I think.

                  At first I thought it was gonna be just another flight shooter but by about mission 3/4 I was hooked right in.

                  The story is mental, the cutscenes look like they're done in realtime I guess it's a sign of the times that I couldn't really tell if it was CG or realtime but I'll go with the latter.

                  Tried one match online - it's very different to SP I was getting shot down all over the shop but I'm sure it'll come together once I'm acclimatised to how it plays.

                  Another superb (and different) title to add to the roster - love it and as my first proper foray into Ace Combat I don't think I could've asked for more - kept thinking about when we used to play F29 on the ST and how stunning it seemed at the time :

                  My God how times have changed.


                    Woooah Kubrick are you telling me this has co-op online missions m8?

                    If so Im going to have to open mine today and stuff christmas. Could you confirm for def m8 if it does if so Dazzyman will be needing adding to friends list


                      Yes it has online co-op I think up to 16 of you but (at present - DLC probably inbound) there's only 2 missions you can do co-op but they have leaderboards etc for them


                        Cheers m8 thats it then its opened!


                          Namco have been very cheeky with DLC recently, what with the co-op missions and the half-a-game Katamari. :/


                            You want to see how much the planes cost !


                              Co-op is only 4-player and like Yoshi says, there's only 2 missions to do although it looks like more are on the way as DLC.
                              Incidentally, one of the co-op missions recreates a Boss battle from the SP campaign, so you might want to finish the campaign first before trying it, although it wouldn't really spoil things if you played it beforehand.

