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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    Can't say that I've noticed any major issues. I've been playing this most nights since the patch came out and I've had about two (or three at most) laggy games . To be fair though, I've been mostly playing the Free-For-All mode and the smaller amount of total players (8 as opposed to 16) probably helps a lot.

    Really getting into using the RPD "light" machinegun at the moment. That thing has got lethal range on it! Also, I'm really enjoying the auto-shotgun on the smaller maps. I've had so much fun sneaking up on people with it.

    I'm always up for a few games with a fellow NTSC-uk'er Ince. My gamertag is "DFENS 360". Feel free to add me lads.
    Last edited by MetalJoe; 05-03-2008, 16:06.


      Dying is fine for us I do it alot dont get frustrated especially as I usually get the bloke afterwards what did it from camera

      What does my head in is when I die and cant understand why that I see from camera kill that a bloke has run around the corner stood infront of me took aim and then killed me without me even seeing him on my end before death as the latency delay is that bad and thats what I got last night over and over. If I get it on FFOW I move on to another server when its like that but on COD4 we couldnt we just hit same tin cup and piece of string hosters.


        Originally posted by Malc View Post
        Don't play Gears of War whatever you do!
        I'd cope alright now as I finally found out that my kills werent registering due to the lag, so I take it as is now.


          Is the issue with LIVE itself? The PS3 version does not suffer from these issues. Even when dropped into an American server the worst you will get is 2 yellow bars.
          Heres hoping it's not the patch that fecked it all up!!


            Nah its been like that since day 1 & its the smae with other games. Its just lag


              If anything I've found the connection to be more stable & quicker than before the patch.


                Originally posted by ascender View Post
                If anything I've found the connection to be more stable & quicker than before the patch.

                Same here mate, had less problems since then. And usually if it does chuck you out a game, it keeps the whole party together instead of everyone gettin put back to main menu!

                Plus I love the new grenade kill cams, just awesome. But slightly annoying when you see how some grenades manage to reach you by the flukiest of ways!!


                  I'm currently working my way thru my second Prestige. Just to freshen things up a bit, and keep it interesting, I've been using weapons that I had previously neglected. Which is mostly the sniper rifles.

                  **** me, sniping is hard. I mean, proper sniping, btw. None of that shooting someone with the M16 and red dot from the other side of the map malarkey. Dunno why snipers are so hated, 'spesh by our American cousins. The times I've been called a "Camping faggot" is unreal. I know it would be pretty boring if everybody did it, but there is definitely a degree of skill involved. I'm just happy if I can line somebody up in my sights and get a shot away, before they inevitably turn around and fill me with lead.

                  It doesn't help that sniping can be random as hell. Just last night, on the Pipeline map, I sneaked up behind someone, took out my M21 and targeted their noggin from two feet away, and missed. I mean, wtf!

                  The kill-cams are lying bastards as well. I shot some other dude four or five times in the same game, and according to the replay I was just standing still. Like my wee man was having a 'Nam flashback or summit.


                    I put Stopping Power Back on and they're still invincible while I drop with one bullet. I'm not impressed with this since the update.


                      Yip, sniping isn't as easy as it looks. I'll be trying it out soon as I want to complete most of the different weapon challenges.

                      What perks do you find work best as a sniper PrayforMojo?

                      The camping thing isn't really relevant now as I've found loads of players using all sorts of guns who will just try to find a little place to hide on the map and pick people off over and over again.


                        I LOVE sniping now. Having just finished all the sniper challenges, needing a total of 750 headshots, I'm pretty good at it now! Knowing all the best hiding spots on the map helps, and knowing all the angles to look for when you can easily snipe people through windows etc. I mostly use Claymore, Stopping Power, and Iron Lung when sniping, but will sometimes swap Stopping Power with Overkill so I can carry an M4 Carbine too for some Snipey/Assaulter action. And I use the Dragunov, being the best sniper and also since mines is now goooold!

                        You know your getting good too when you can pick someone off whose running straight across you from left to right at full sprint and you have mere milliseconds to react and pull off the headshot. All I do is snipe now, I'm bored of normal shooting.

                        Here's my gold Dragunov btw, haven't posted the picture in this thread yet.


                          Glitched to ****!!

                          Originally posted by Nicholas Pavey View Post
                          Now here's the thing....

                          Im on All Ghillied up on veteran, and i am at the bit where you follow MacMillan and end up in a container.

                          He says 'it's a bloody convention out there' (about 200 times now actually), the container doors open, and no matter what i do, including putting the controller on the side and not touching it, he dies and it say 'your actions got Macmillan killed'.

                          A glitch, or am i missing something painfully obvious?
                          Very annoying. You would think this would of been play tested.

                          As soon as the container doors open, 9 times out of 10 the silly prat i am with gets an rpg straight in the mush, the other time he runs straight out, bends over and gets royally ****ed.

                          Not sure what i can do, other than send a vid to Infinity Ward and get my 40 quid back.


                            Wow, that golden Dragunov is truly a thing of beauty. That's probably the nearest I'll ever come to seeing it up close, though, as I'm fairly useless at sniping.

                            It never ceases to amaze me how good some people are with the sniper rifles. Probably because I suck at it so. I remember some random guy taking me out 3 or 4 times on the bounce on Vacant in Free-for-all - headshots everytime, the swine.

                            Originally posted by ascender View Post
                            What perks do you find work best as a sniper PrayforMojo?
                            I use Stopping Power and Iron Lung for my sniper class. Scatter a few Claymores about and get comfy. Nothing is as satisfying as pulling off a one-shot kill, but because it infuriates people so much, I don't tend to hang about. In fact, I probably spend more time running about with one of the crap water pistols, than I do actual sniping.

                            I'm also fond of using the Overkill perk. Like Rossco said, at least then you can pack an MP5 or whatever, which allows you to Rambo it up when needed.


                              Originally posted by Nicholas Pavey View Post
                              Not sure what i can do, other than send a vid to Infinity Ward and get my 40 quid back.
                              Have you looked at the vids on youtube as to how it's done. I never had a probelm at this point during 3 + play throughs, can't you just start the level again?


                                Yeah, sounds like its maybe just a case of the last checkpoint having been triggered at an unfortunate moment. A similar thing happened to me on "No Fighting in the War Room".

                                Just overwrite the save by restarting the level in mission select. The first half of that level is pretty easy (done correctly, you shouldn't even get spotted) so it won't be too painful to lose your current position.

