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Undertow (360 XBLA - 800pts)

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    Undertow (360 XBLA - 800pts)

    Seem people seem to have dismissed this game after 10 seconds of play which is rather foolish, and similar to buying a pack of cards and then saying "poker is rubbish" just after you've taken the cards out of the pack.

    Anyhoo... Undertow is an underwater shooter and plays like a cross between a dual stick shooter, and an FPS where you have to capture bases (think BF2MC, Warhawk etc...). Controls, as mentioned are dual stick - move with one, direct your shots with the other. Pulling RT makes your character dash a short distance, and pulling LT drops a depth charge.

    So. There is a thinly veiled plot about pirates or some such and you're treated to cut scenes between battles (rather nice, I thought, for an XBLA title). The winner of each battle is the first to capture all the bases, or remove all of the enemies characters.

    I say characters because you're not limited to scuba guys. You can also get submarine type things that fire rockets. There's also other types of characters (12 in total, apparently) but I'll be damned if I could figure out how to change them, or rather, where you need to be to change. You can only change once every 5 seconds too (and it is only around by a base).

    You can also level up which makes you stronger, faster etc... etc...

    Single player can be played as Campaign, or as Versus modes. There is also a 16 player multiplayer mode (not had chance to play this yet)

    I thoroughly enjoyed this and it's quite possibly one of the most polished XBLA games I've seen!

    One other thing.. is this the first game, EVER, without any music in?

    as one who binned it after 10 seconds i found the horrible small scruffy graphics impossible to see even on a huge plasma so decided to stop wasting my time with it as seemed a fairly major design flaw when i could hardly see my man or the enemies.


      Agreed they are FAR too small.

      I thought it was OK overall and I can see how 16 player might be fun but I resisted on the grounds that :

      a) Nobody will buy it
      b) Nobody will be playing it online within a week especially if sensi hits.

      I'm still tainted by the way bomberman was over & done with in no time - I thought it'd live forever


        So I found myself playing through the trial for the 4th time and decided I may as well buy it. So I did.

        Like Mr Field, I found it very enjoyable. Haven't tried the multiplayer yet but there are about 3200 people on the leaderboards so will give that a whirl soon.


          Gash game. Hopeless AI allies in single player. An exercise in total frustration with a control system totally unsuitable for facing the onslaught you recieve from all angles (thanks to the incompetence of your allies.) Often found myself defending 2 or 3 bases at once, with not an ally in sight.


            I've played through the first act, and it's okay.

            I found it rather frustrating to play, and I agree with what prinny has said above.

            It could be better in multiplayer, but the single player isn't that great. A better game could have been chosen, but it's not bad for a freebie.


              Even while it has been free it's still not worth it.


                This game is quite poor at the end of day, free or not.


                  You meanies, I quite liked it. Although the AI does cheat something rotten and it makes me want to kill people.


                    You'd think it was difficult to complain about a free game. I'd have preferred 800 MS points to spend on something average instead of rubbish. Or MS could have given a choice of 3 or 4 games in a 'sorry xbl was crap' section and once you got one weren't allowed the others.
                    It seems to me they've allowed us to have a game that wasn't doing too well in the hope we'll all get the new DLC stuff for more MS points when they release it. If that's the thanks for being on xbl (they've said it wasn't an apology for shoddy service over xmas) then I'd have taken a free month of xbl instead (sigh)


                      YES!!! DLC being released for this tomorrow.

                      Whaddaya mean I'm the only one who likes it?


                        Now we know why they gave it away. I still haven't played it since I downloaded it.


                          I thought it was alright, I'd of thought we could of got some good 16 player matches going as everyone has it


                            The multiplayer games are very good. Can be quite tense as it swings wildly from one team winning to the next. Anyone up for some 16 player conquest sometime?

