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Geometry Wars Galaxies

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    Geometry Wars Galaxies

    Just got this from tronix a minute ago, and a very brief look, its sublime,Ive only done 2 levels of the campaign so far and there dosent appear to be much vareity at present, and another thing this is proof that HD does matter even when things are simple like this, it looks nowhere near as good as the 360 version, just not as sharp, really not sure this one will be worth the $40 but only time will tell i suppose.

    For a second there I almost swore i was looking at a new Star Wars Galaxies game. Helloooo Lawsuit...


      DS or Wii?


        Wii, Ds isnt out until next week, just had another quick go, and the control with nunchuck takes some getting used to and some, the classic feels like its far more suited to this, as you go through you use so called Geos to unlock levels, some you attack, some you defend, theres one called snipe, its all nice but feels very samey, i feel it should have been priced lower, as for onlne well theres either no one playing because i cant get a game or its broken, i can imagine co op will be very good. all in all its a nice package if definately a little to high in price, but if you love the 350 game theres more than enough to like here, but you will need a classic controller for sure.


          I'm still waiting on my mine (have been for weeks and am beginning to believe it's lost) but am curious to know more about the interface and assume, what with the lack of duel analogues, that the wiimote is used to direct fire?


            No, it uses the wii remote to move and the nunchuck throws out a read line to shoot, to be fair im having trouble with that, it works a lot better with the remote and the classic, i cant get any good scores with the nunchuck so a classic controller is a must really, Ive got both the DS and Wii versions now, and theres quite a lot to it, loads of galaxies to open and quite varied to be honest, on galaxies mode you can buy drones which can help you out, like a turret , or a sniper , as you shoot you have to try to collect geos, which help you open up other galaxies.
            I think if you like the original geo wars theres plenty to like here and some.


              I think I'll prefer using the classic controller too, if only because I've spent God knows how many hours playing the previous Geo Wars games with duel analogues. All the different modes sound interesting and seeing as Geo Wars Evolved is one of my favourite games on the 360, regardless of price, I really can't wait to play it.


                Geometry Wars Galaxies

                This dropped through my letter box this morning, and after an hour or so play here are my thoughts.
                Graphically it was never going to match the 360 versions and the lower drop in resolution does take a little getting used to, on the Wii version the space grid deforms like the 360 version on the DS it doesn't.
                Before anyone asks haven't even tried the Wii controls as the classic controller was plugged straight in to give me the authentic twin stick experience, on the DS you have a myriad of options the stylus is dragged around the bottom screen to shoot while either the buttons or the dpad is used to move.
                This does cramp your hands up like MP hunters does but you get used to that after a while.
                Some good Wii to DS link stuff including an unlockable galaxy and the ability to send the classic retro evolved to the ds for play without a card.
                I like it and certainly worth picking up if you can find it cheap, has online scoreboards as well but these have the usual shoot em up crowd on there with unattainable scores.
                Updated as i play more good so far though


                  Well what with xbox live turning into treacly ****e I finally spent some time with this. What a great game. The additions of Geom's to collect is an ace idea, forcing you to dive into the mass of enemies instead of loitering in the corner.

                  Wii-mote controls work ok too but it didn't take me long to switch back to the classic controller.

                  Crying out for a nice HD version really but I think this is much better than retro evolved.


                    Has there been any news or info of this getting a Japanese release? I'm guessing no


                      Just noticed Gameplay have got it in on the Wii for only ?18


                        Picked thi sup this afternoon from asda - 19.70 ( 17.60 with discount card )..
                        it just seemed rude not too...


                          Just been playing this for the last hour or so on Wii using the classic controller and I have to say I love it!! I already have the original on XBLA and was pretty good at it with scores of around 1.2 million, but this games definitely worth the purchase for fans who like the original or people that like shooters and think they might be interested.. or anyone!

                          First note, as mentioned previously when you turn it on and load it up the first thing you notice is the lack of HD in this version, I too didn't think it'd be that much of a difference as it's such a simple game but it definitely hits you on first showing, but I think you get used to it as the game play is just as addictive.

                          I've played the first 3 planets on the first galaxy bit and managed to get gold on each, there seems to be upgrades and stuff for your ship that you can unlock by collecting Genome's that appear when you destroy enemies, you seem to buy new galaxies with them as well.

                          Overall first impressions are very good, super glad I impulse bought this at work today when I saw it as I think I'll get some good use out of my Wii from it, minor negative point would be the graphics but not a massive problem and also I found the little ship that follows you very confusing at times since I'm used to dodging everything that moves and the little bugger looks just like the mini pink squares that come out after you kill the crossed pink squares so I'm ducking and diving out of the way of my helper some of the time I'm sure I'll get used to it so apart from that it seems like a great buy.

                          Note: As mentioned I've only used the Classic Controller to play this with so I'm un-sure of how well the controls work with the other options, but its obviously good as usual with the Classic Controller.



                            Trust me, you'll be glad of the drone on later levels

                            Who said the Wii can't throw everything AND the kitchen sink at you here was wrong... I've got medals on almost all the levels, but just need to improve on a number, I reach a set point and then it all goes tits up...
                            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                              Which control method are you using?

