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Unreal Tournament 3

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    Unreal Tournament 3

    Had my first go on this tonight and although I enjoyed the demo I wasn't sure what to expect.

    Having had a couple of hours I can definitely say it's an enjoyable brainless bash, the necris vehicles are absurd and all the better for it! I've had a very tense game of vehicle capture the flag which involves the regular rules but with plenty of vehicles thrown into the map. There's nothing quite like hitching a lift with the hoverboard on some super turbo charged jeep while you fly through the legs of some war of the worlds style machine!

    Speaking of which, the hoverboard is an inspired design choice, all those times on the onslaught maps stuck in the middle of nowhere are all taken care of with the little Q key! It looks cool, is perfectly weighted handling and speed wise and one hit will knock you off! I managed to ring in the overtime golden goal flag capture by flying into their base and then zipping out on the hoverboard, flag in hand The risk and reward of flying away on the hoverboard is such a rush as one hit basically means you'll get knocked off, killed and the flag inevitably returned!

    It's got a very gears of war look to it but at the same time there's certainly plenty of variety in the environments on offer. There's no loss in scale and big tentacle alien like structures stretch off into the distance while the game oozes atmosphere in some of the map's architecture. It runs at a fair old lick (didn't check for exact frame rate but my estimate was that it only dropped below 60 when there was lots of action)

    Not much in the way of teamplay on the online servers but there was plenty of friendly w00ting when I captured the last flag which was nice.

    Anyway £20 well spent and i'm looking forward to getting to grips with the rest of the maps!

    Mobo: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz (2 CPUs)
    Memory: 2046MB RAM
    Hard Drive: 245 GB Total
    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX
    Last edited by FreelancePolice; 24-11-2007, 00:20. Reason: added some more thoughts

    Must be someone else playing this :P

    One of the necris vehicles enables you to leap out and turn the vehicle in a firey ball of death Took down a walker by sending it hurtling into the walker and bringing it down.

    Most fun


      My PC groans in agony even when I type the words Unreal Tournament into it. I only use my PC for PCing as it's about 3 years old now.

      I've got the PS3 version on pre-order for the 10th of December though.

      Your job Mr Police, if you choose to accept it is to make loads of mods for me to download onto my PS3 when the game arrives from the US around the 17th!


        How are you finding performance? I would probably be running it on a very similar system (XPS M1710, Core 2 Duo 2.16ghz, 7950GTX), if it runs acceptably well I'll need to put my order in.



          Running excellently on my system, very smooth and even with lots going on it's smooth.

          Some people have spoke of low numbers and while there aren't loads of servers there's plenty to get on with.

          John P, is that how the mod system is going to work?


            Originally posted by FreelancePolice View Post
            John P, is that how the mod system is going to work?
            Yeah, any PC mods are automatically compiled to be compatible with the PS3.

            There will obviously be limitations though if you are creating levels on the PC which require 2GB of memory it just won't allow you to download it on the PS3.

            It's a shame but it seems that Microsoft are having problems with this on the 360 as the require everything to be Live rated & licensed whereas on teh PC and PS3 you're not under the same restrictions.


              Unreal Tournament III (PS3)

              Been having a good run around on this for tha last hour or so and am thoroughly enjoying it. Tried single player campaign for a bit first but that was just basically team deathmatch against bots, decent but online is where it is at with this game. Had a few online games and they were a huge amount of fun, superb fast paced action. There was no lag and no hint of slowdown at all, the game just moves at a breathtaking pace. It does help that the game looks rather nice too. Only little gripe is that textures (like most games based on the UT3 engine) take a couple of seconds to load up sometimes. Only played deathmatch and team deathmatch games so far on a couple of maps but will definately be checking out more of the game modes/maps tonight. So far the verdict is, if you played any Unreal game before you will be right at home here and if you haven't then you should definately check this out.


                Warfare mode is really good. Orb running on a hoverboard, or defending in thy Leviathan.


                  Yeah it is really smooth on the PS3. A consistant 30FPS with absolutely no slowdown yet or screen tear. Some of the levels looks stunning. You have to try the one in space (I don't know the names yet), that level looks AMAZING!


                    This game is awesome!!!

                    Me and Ezee have just been doing some co-op campaign. We had a capture the flag game that was well close. It was 1-1 with a few minutes left and ezee got the flag and taken it all the way near our base but got killed, so I picked it up but couldn't plant it because the other team had our flag too. So ezee and the bots went on a hunt and managed to get our teams flag back right at the end, which gave me just enough time to plant it!

                    There are some great team game modes in this!

                    What was the other game we were playing ezee (warfare?)? I joined half way through the first game so wasn't sure, but I picked it up near the end when we did that game mode again.


                      How many players can you have? Have you tried the single player yet?


                        Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                        Have you tried the single player yet?
                        Yeah, that's what me and ezee did. Campaign is more or less like multiplayer mode.

                        To be honest multiplayer is where it's at with this game. It's always been a mainly online only game anyway.


                          Originally posted by MarioMark View Post
                          This game is awesome!!!

                          Me and Ezee have just been doing some co-op campaign. We had a capture the flag game that was well close. It was 1-1 with a few minutes left and ezee got the flag and taken it all the way near our base but got killed, so I picked it up but couldn't plant it because the other team had our flag too. So ezee and the bots went on a hunt and managed to get our teams flag back right at the end, which gave me just enough time to plant it!

                          There are some great team game modes in this!

                          What was the other game we were playing ezee (warfare?)? I joined half way through the first game so wasn't sure, but I picked it up near the end when we did that game mode again.
                          Yeah that CTF was awesome! Warfare was the other mode we played and it was a huge amount of fun hoverboarding and vehicle riding around destroying enemy nodes. It is pretty cool when the teams are fighting over a node, especially when you are doing the ones which are interlinked together to the main enemy node which in the end you have to destroy.

                          Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                          How many players can you have? Have you tried the single player yet?
                          Didn't really see how many players you can have, although I think it is 16 players Yeah me and MM were playing the campaign mode in co-op, was brilliant!
                          Last edited by ezee ryder; 14-12-2007, 22:00.


                            My pc can run this game on the highest settings and the highest resolution i can go. But with all the fun you guys are having, im going to have to go and import the ps3 version instead. Might have to wait a bit though. :/


                              Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                              It is pretty cool when the teams are fighting over a node, especially when you are doing the ones which are interlinked together to the main enemy node which in the end you have to destroy.
                              Yeah, at the end of that last game when the main base node was nearly destroyed, I waited there while you and the bots went to disable the shield, then I finished it off. It's things like that which makes co-op play fun. We did well to say we didn't have headsets.

                              Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                              My pc can run this game on the highest settings and the highest resolution i can go. But with all the fun you guys are having, im going to have to go and import the ps3 version instead. Might have to wait a bit though. :/
                              Yeah I've played the ones in the past on PC, but I suck at mouse and keyboard so I couldn't get on with them. Despite what people say about pads and FPSs, there's nothing quite like slobbing on a chair with a pad in your hand is there.
                              Last edited by MarioMark; 14-12-2007, 22:17.

