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Beats (PSP)

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    Beats (PSP)

    I surely can't be the only person who downloaded this from the PC PSP Store?

    Basically, Beats is a rhythm-action game that allows you to use your own MP3's as the basis for the gameplay. Its developed by Sony's London Studio (SingStar).

    It does a pretty good job on almost every track I threw at it, although it obviously works best with beat heavy tracks such as Dance, Hip-Hop, Reggae, etc. The most impressive track I tested was GZA's 'Shadowboxin', where the game even picked up the 'wo-man' sample as worthy of player input.

    The gameplay system is slightly different to most rhythm-action games, in that there are three different beat points rather than just one. Beats in the shape of the corresponding PS buttons fly onto the screen towards one of the three points and you need to use the directional pad to select the correct point as you press the button. This can get pretty hectic on the harder difficulty levels, but certainly keeps you on your toes.

    The visuals in game are superb and brilliantly psychedelic, there really is an explosion of colour whenever you hit the full combo meter and it all looks so crisp.

    Menus are very well designed, just pure and clean, and there are various different themes you can choose from.

    There are a few tunes already included with the game, which can be remixed using the song creation tool that is included and then shared with other users. It's pretty neat, if not a tad limited.

    Overall this is a great little package, especially for ?4.99 and is hopefully the shape of things to come on the PSP store.

    I mentioned this in the Headlines forum, but I haven't actually downloaded it myself. I'm waiting for it to appear on the US store (I like to keep all my purchases in one place).

    The few critical appraisals I've seen have been positive, but SCEE have been criminally bad in promoting it.


      I think they probably just assumed that promoting the store was enough and that once in, people would see Beats and purchase it. It is a brilliant little game and also raises my hope of an updated Vib Ribbon appearing for PS3 or PSP at some point.

