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Pain (PS3 - PSN)

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    Pain (PS3 - PSN)

    Wasn't expecting too much from this, but I just spent the last hour or so catapulting a man into buildings, explosives, giant bowling balls, passing trains, zimmer frame granny and a mime.

    Made me giggle.

    Was happy to find that the mechanics have a bit more depth than I imagined (sling your character and hope for the best). After sending your guy grannywards, you use the left analog stick to direct your character. Pushing forwards will give you extra distance whereas pulling back will decrease. Whilst in the air you can earn extra points by adding a 'Style' pose to your combo, such as doing a Superman flying pose and holding it for 3 seconds (there's a bum first pose, which you are ocassionally rewarded with a nice fart noise). During a successul collision you have the option to grab and hold onto an object (Triangle to grab above, X to grab below, Square to grab left etc), you seem to be able to grab onto almost anything from the road (using his finger nails?), people and a massive bowling. The bowling ball is located on the top of a tall building in the distance and if you grab it, the find that your adventure will end right down the street being run over by a car, and if you leave it a bit more (even though your aren't moving anymore) a truck may come along and run your over too, adding further points to your score. If you're lucky, the truck may send you into an explosive object which will kickstart you into further painful dramatics You can also use grab to pick up explosive crates during flight and let go of them during impact to add a bit more boom to your landing. Lastly, during impact of objects you have a few last nudges of control to try to help you further your score using the 'Oooh' meter. This is basically four extra nudges you can use to bounce your character further and hoefully hit an explosive crate or something. You can get extra powerful 'Oooh' by shaking the controller briefly until you see the 'Oooh' meter logo turn ito flames.

    There are a shed load of trophies (achievements) to aquire, from simply hitting your first granny, doing damage to your man bits all the way to scoring mega millions.

    The aim of the game is simple. Aim, launch and use aftertouch in order rack up a high score. Fun for short burst gaming and well worth a fiver ($9.99).
    Last edited by hudson; 30-11-2007, 09:31.

    Sounds like fun, also sounds alot like the modes from Flatout. But Heyho I can never get enough of Ragdoll physics.


      You could also say Tony Hawk P8 too


        Just been playing some more of this and it's getting better. Managed to rack up just over 1,300,000 points. Seems if you get over 1,500,000 you unlock some called 'Aftermath' where you can then compete on the leaderboards.

        During my high (for now) scoring attempt, I flung myself towards some high scaffolding which had an explosive crate on top, grabbed the crate, carried on flying past towards the train track, collided with the train right on cue, derailed the train for points with my crate on impact, then just behind the train track was a big gas tank thing which exploded me back from where I came, bits of the gas tank hit pedestrians and cars which caused a pile up and while they where piling up, they were conveniently running over my face
        Last edited by hudson; 30-11-2007, 15:13.


          I really want to play this, but the stupid region-specific PSN Store means I can't. Grr.


            Can you play this online against others Hoolak?


              Nope. Although I watched an interview once where the guy said he like to implement such a mode if I remember correctly.

              They plan to have DLC galore for this i.e. New areas, modes and characters. Stuff that I feel would of been nice from the start seeing as it only comes with the one area (or that's all they've managed to build so far).

              The only online feature it has for now is the Aftermath mode which is basically a free for all, trying to rack up a hi-score to compete on the leaderboard. You have to unlock Aftermath by getting a local hi-score on the Paindemonium stage (an easier area, based on the same cityscape but with reshuffled obstacles).

              There's some silly hi-scores on the leaderboard at the moment... in fact I'm off to YouTube to see if there are any mad vids...


                PAIN [PlayStation 3] US PSN

                I've finally taken the bait with Pain on the PS3. I downloaded it late last night and 3 hours later I was still messing around with it.

                This really is far more than it deserves to be!!!

                The premise of the game is that you have a massive catapult with which you shoot yourself out and try to cause as much chaos in the environment by smashing into it.

                It reminds me of skateboarding games in some ways. You have different stances, you have four types of grabs which you can use as you're flying past stuff and if the object isn't too heavy you can also throw it while holding it. You have after touch to move your character around in the air and on the ground.

                Shouldn't forget the explosive barrels, crates & fuel tanks*either. Some of these you can pick up and throw at other things as you're flying past them.

                At the moment there is only one area to play in but others are on the way too. The area that is included seems to have a lot of hidden areas which are going to take some time to find.

                There is also a multiplayer element to this game. I have three different modes at the moment:The single player mode at the moment contains three too:To be honest, I've not looked at any of these yet due to just messing around for hours in the training thing to see what you can do. lol

                I really can't wait for more stuff to be released for this!!! The physics let you create such chaos with a bit of imagination...and that can never be a bad thing!!!

                I'll post some more thoughts when I've actually managed to start the proper game.

                *What a shot, to be able to shoot yourself across the city from one explosion to another is almost impossible!!
                Last edited by JP; 19-01-2008, 18:58.


                  Thanks for the thoughts...I was thinking about buying this, may well do so now!


                    There are two characters available in the US Store for PAIN at $0:99 each and another has been announced for release soon.



                    'Ninja Hung Lo'

                    Official PAIN site.


                      Advance search by title Coolio.

                      Anyway. This game is fun for about 10-15mins at a time. To be honest, I haven't touched it since the first week it came out. I think content being a bit on the thin side doesn't help.


                        Aaahh...didn't know you could do that. Just tried it and I found it straight away Doh!!

                        There isn't a hell of a lot there at the moment but I think I've been on it for about 4 or 5 hours so far just messing around and trying to find all the hidden areas.

                        At least we know for certain that more areas are going to be released.

                        I'd like to see the option to take screen shots and videos for the website introduced in the future too.

                        I really can't remember the last time that I actually laughed out loud at a game but I've done it a few times with this one.


                          I found the game got old fast


                            Aah, not so evil afterall. Cheers bubs.


                              Bought this last night but only just got around to playing it.

                              It's very very good fun. Not something you'd play for over an hour, but good for 40 minute blasts etc.

                              Really liked the "Mime Toss" mode and the multiplayer game of "Horse". My favourite was "Horse" in fact, managed to toss myself miles into the distance and grab a swinging bar, swing across to the other end of the map, hit an explosive and direct myself through a glass roof

                              $9.99 is about a fiver and for that I think it's worth it.
                              Last edited by Jebus; 20-01-2008, 18:47.

