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Condemned 2: Bloodshot

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    Condemned 2: Bloodshot

    Well this was waiting for me when I got home this evening and just had a chance to play it. I played the first one about half way through and didn't get a chance to go back to it, mainly due to me being afraid! I really enjoyed what I played of the first one hence me picking this one up. My intention is to finish this first and then go back to the original, weird I know! Anyway back to this game, I only played the first mission plus a bit of the second so far but my early impressions are it is pretty good.

    Let me get my gripe out of the way so far, the second half of the first mission is very dark which makes it very hard to see where are you going. The enemies you face in towards the end of the mission are also very dark which in turn makes it hard to see where the enemy is. I died a couple of times due to this towards the end of the mission, only after I turned the brightness up quite high from the options menu did I see a little clearer. I have now set the brightness back to the default and everything is fine at the start of the second mission. I sure hope there are not many of these darker sections, otherwise I will have to turn the brightness back up again and that would be rather annoying. Gripe over.

    On to the combat, which has evolved quite a bit from the first one. LT and RT control your left and right hands respectively, whether you're bare knuckling or you have a weapon of some sort in your hand. Successive hits will start off a combo which will be broken if you take too long to hit again or you get hit yourself. You block by holding LT and RT together, timing is essential here as a well timed block will parry an enemies attacking leaving them temporarily disoriented. You can combine blocks and hits to string together slightly longer combos if you wish to do so. Another new addition is the hook attack, hold down the left stick button and press LT or RT to unleash this attack. The benefit of this attack is that it stuns or in some cases floors the enemy for a while allowing you to beat on them while they are down! In the first one you could choose what sort of execution you wanted to do when an enemy went down their knees via the d-pad, well this has also now changed. When the enemy goes down their knees you hold the LT and RT together and drag him/her towards an destructable object such as a TV and you will basically smash them into it to finish them off. Last combat addition is a QTE based one, if you double tap LT or RT near an enemy you will trigger the event and will have to press the buttons to the ones on screen in time to lay the smackdown on the enemy.

    *Sighs* Well that pretty much explains the combat mechanics, they seem a little overwhelming at first but it won't take you long to get used to them. I would say that the combo system is a little flawed though, in the heat of the battle (when being attacked by multiple enemies) you might overlook doing combos and maybe go for standard punches/hits or hooks. I might be wrong though, as later on in the game some enemies might only be beatable by combo attacks or something similar.

    As expected, even if not a huge upgrade from the original, the game looks very very good. Environments look genuienly dark, murky, gritty and grimy.....basically places you would never want to go unless you're a psycho! The sound is an area where this game excels, if you have a 5.1 system set up you will absolutely love this (or maybe not due to the creepy sounds). When wandering through alleys or halls you will hear almost everything whether it be chatter from the enemies or an object falling to the ground, it all builds the atmosphere in the game.

    One of the things I noticed is that gone are the collectable dead birds only to be replaced by emitters and tuneable TV's, won't ruin the surprise by telling you how exactly they work though. I loved the addition of "wonky walking" during the first mission, you are stumbling around rather than walking steadily! This a due to Ethan probably having rather too much to drink and being a tad dellusional, I thought it was a nice little touch. Oh and before I forget when you do get a gun you can now look down the sight for more accurate shots, looks rather lovely too. Will leave more impressions over the weekend as I play through it more but that is me for now
    Last edited by ezee ryder; 14-03-2008, 22:51.

    Great first impressions there Ezee and I'd generally agree with all your points.

    The only that bugs me a bit is that you really can't be fancy with multiple enemies, there's a rhythm to doing the combos and you need to be facing one enemy at a time. I found that a bit of a flaw with the first game as well for just taking on enemies in general, it just wasn't designed for multiple enemies to have a go at you at one time, the combat just isn't fast enough for it.

    However the sound in the game is, just like the first, **** scary. I yelped during the second bastard mission when

    those things grab you from the ceiling and you have to shake them off. I screamed like a girl when that happened!

    The atmosphere is second to none. Dark, grimy, miserable and exactly like the first. Monolith do this very well as they always have done.

    This is very much a game for Condemned fans.


      'tis an awesome game, and the surround sound is fandabbydozzie


        Originally posted by mr_woo View Post
        Great first impressions there Ezee and I'd generally agree with all your points.

        The only that bugs me a bit is that you really can't be fancy with multiple enemies, there's a rhythm to doing the combos and you need to be facing one enemy at a time. I found that a bit of a flaw with the first game as well for just taking on enemies in general, it just wasn't designed for multiple enemies to have a go at you at one time, the combat just isn't fast enough for it.

        However the sound in the game is, just like the first, **** scary. I yelped during the second bastard mission when

        those things grab you from the ceiling and you have to shake them off. I screamed like a girl when that happened!

        The atmosphere is second to none. Dark, grimy, miserable and exactly like the first. Monolith do this very well as they always have done.

        This is very much a game for Condemned fans.
        Definately agree with you about the fighting multiple enemies, I just did a section where I got absolutely mullered by 4 enemies. This is partly due to the LT RT system the game has, sometimes I am still pressing LT to block rather than LT + RT. I sometimes forget that the LT is there to attack with too. Also as I mentioned before the combo system sort of goes out of the window when you are being charged by multiple enemies, so you resort to your standard punching and kicking. Enjoying the game but I feel I need to get to grips with the nuiances of the combo system to further heighten my enjoyment.
        Last edited by ezee ryder; 14-03-2008, 22:52.


          Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
          Definately agree with you about the fighting multiple enemies, I just did a section where I got absolutely mullered by 4 enemies. This is partly due to the LT RT system the game has, sometimes I am still pressing LT to block rather than LT + RT. I sometimes forget that the LT is there to attack with too. Also as I mentioned before the combo system sort of goes out of the window when you are being charged by multiple enemies, so you resort to your standard punching and kicking. Enjoying the game but I feel I need to get to grips with the nuiances of the combo system to further heighten my enjoyment.
          Don't worry you do get the hang of it, I took on 3 scumbags there now and managed to duck and dive and pull off a few combos.

          I'm also doing a level at the minute which is really REALLY creepy, wont say which level or what but it's great.

          My friend sent me a text message there and it scared the ****e outta me!


            So is this a similar game to the original then? I'm still a little weary of buying it and it seems to be quite different, and not exactly what I was wanting the game to be.

            It's not too combat heavy no?


              From what I played last night it seems very combat heavy much more so than the first one.


                Just finished it and loved it, great game. I would say there's a lot more combat this time, it's a lot better done though and fighting enemies is actually fun. I do feel though that a few levels use the gun combat a bit too much but it's not too bad and not too frequent.

                I think some fans might have problems with

                the way it goes a lot more supernatural than the original and the story, I suppose you could say, is a bit more videogame like this time

                though I really liked it and thought it was done pretty well done.

                A lot more variety of levels this time though of course they are dark, damp and depressing My favourite one being

                the Doll Factory where you are walking around in a dirty gas mask whilst kicking over killer dolls trying to escape from a factory on fire!

                Everything here that made the original Condemned is here, combat, atmosphere and a bit of complete with a dark story. I'd say to any fans of the original to give it a shot though if you didn't like that stay away from this one.
                Last edited by mr_woo; 15-03-2008, 20:14.


                  Nice. How long did it take you to finish? I'm gonna try and get through it in the next couple of days before Vegas 2 is out.


                    Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                    Nice. How long did it take you to finish? I'm gonna try and get through it in the next couple of days before Vegas 2 is out.
                    This is just a rough guess but I reckon around 10 - 12hours to finish I think. About the same time it took for me to complete the original thereabouts.


                      I now REALLY regret wasting all my money on a GP2X and PS1 games.

                      I want this game SO bad.


                        So the US version is region free then?

                        Which means no multiplayer lockout, ala Army of two.


                          Originally posted by Flinty View Post
                          So the US version is region free then?

                          Which means no multiplayer lockout, ala Army of two.
                          Well it's the only game so far for 360 that has, and sega's never done that before.

                          So i doubt it'd be multiplayer locked. And yeah, it's region free (can confirm for japanese machines tomorrow morning, but everyone's saying completely region free(torrent sites etc))


                            What the **** is it with


                            Why are they so bloody creepy? best bit I've encountered so far

                            is the room where one appears... then a few more when you turn around... really unnerving stuff.

                            Actually reminds of Silent Hill 3 in a few places with regards to the complete ****ed up nature of the imagery, if this were a horror film, I'd have **** myself already!


                              Bleeders, that bit you mention is an homage to the original. It was damn creepy though, I just stood there for a few minutes in total shock and then slowly walked past

