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Star Soldier R (WiiWare)

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    Star Soldier R (WiiWare)

    800 points picked this up today.

    The game has two main modes, 2-minute and 5-minute, that being the time you have been alloted to complete them in.
    Combo bonuses, completion bonuses, time bonuses, they all add up. Yellow blobs are bonus points, blue canisters far drones, and the most important are the pink canisters which are weapon upgrades. Grab these and jump on in.

    There are three different control methods available, using just the wiimote, the nunchuk too, or the classic controller. I've been opting for the wiimote alone so far, with 1 being shoot, 2 release/recall drones and A altering the ship (haven't really played with that much).

    The game actually adapts to your skill level, as when I started off it only threw a few baddies at me. After playing for a while I get a much higher score because it sends more fodder my way. Good for beginners as well as pros. Nice.

    800 points well spent if you ask me.

    Oh and

    Managed to get the 10th best score in Chiba at the time on 5-minute mode. Probably back to 100th after I finish typing this.

    Sounds great - I love the idea of a game that limits you to 5 minute bursts.
    Will have to be waiting for Euro release, however.


      Best game on WiiWare at the minute imo, basically it's just caravan mode with online rankings, couldn't ask for more really. BTW does anyone know what the first setting on the option screens for.


        Originally posted by Pharfetchd View Post
        Best game on WiiWare at the minute imo, basically it's just caravan mode with online rankings, couldn't ask for more really. BTW does anyone know what the first setting on the option screens for.
        It's to change between manual and auto fire mate. Auto fire makes the game so much easier. This is fantastic so far. Lots of areas to play through and plenty of replayability with the online leaderboards.


          Originally posted by Johnny View Post
          It's to change between manual and auto fire mate. Auto fire makes the game so much easier. This is fantastic so far. Lots of areas to play through and plenty of replayability with the online leaderboards.
          Nice one thanks for that, been playing it a bit more on 2 minute mode, seems impossible to break out of the top 600 at the minute.


            Got 850,800 in 2minute mode.
            Currently third place in その他 (Other place?)

            seems like you can get point bonuses for killing certain things faster, and if you leave the circling orbs to charge for a while and then press 2 they shoot out stronger lasers.

            Edit: 863,100
            Last edited by KusoGaki; 26-03-2008, 01:07.


              Pressing A to change your ship config really helps, the smaller the faster!


                Is there only the one level in this? I thought changing the 'area' bit was different levels but it seems it's used to say where you are in Japan for use with the leaderboards.
                Bit disappointed if it's just the one level


                  There's only one level in 2minute mode, 5minutes only played once and i couldn't get past the 2nd boss so i'm not sure if it goes to area 3 or not.


                    Nope, no area 3. But the boss at the end of area 2 is tough enough.


                      Made a recording this morning for 2min mode:
                      Currently ranked 4th for 2 minute mode in その他 (Other area), will probably drop 100 ranks when the game is released everywhere else tho. LOLThere seems to be ...

                      My best score so far
                      Can't figure out how people get over 1,000,000...I can't figure out also how the bald guy in Everybody's Nintendo Channel gets a bonus from shooting the two orbs in the middle of the stage, they seem to change which one has the bonus -_-
                      There must be a way to distinguish it...


                        If you wait, one flashes red and one flashes blue between the metal plates. Shoot the blue one for the 10'000 bonus.

                        His other tips are: shoot the two BIG eyes simulataneously, if you destroy them within half a second of each other that's also okay - 80'000 points.
                        Shoot out all 4 sections of the boss for more points.
                        Take out the "ring" from the inside.
                        Destroy all the discs for points but no bonus.

                        Nice score. If you change your area under settings to 関東 then 千葉 you'll find me listed it the 2 minute mode. NB: this will NOT change where your previous scores are registered, only games played after will be there. So change it back after looking basically.

                        There should be a ranking page on the official site soon:


                          Cool cheers for that, will have to keep an eye out for the colour flashes next time i play.
                          Haven't noticed the big eyes enemy yet, usually too busy flying around the screen trying to pick up all the yellow orbs. Will have to keep an eye out for it.


                            Right before the boss at the end of stage 1 there are two fixed eyes that close as you shoot them and explode. If you can destroy them at the same-ish time the reward bonus of 80k will be yours.


                              Cheers, i didn't know what you meant by eyes but i've seen what it is now.
                              Managed to get my score a bit higher now, was third in その他 when i left the house earlier

                              Bit annoying how they didn't include a way to soft reset the game, it's rather long when you make a mistake then having to press the home button and then sitting through all of the loading/warning/pad screens again.

                              Getting more and more close to the second place score

