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Viking: Battle for Asgard (360/PS3)

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    Viking: Battle for Asgard (360/PS3)

    I'm really enjoying this, probably more than I should be really owing to my current backlog of games, but like a fellow player alluded to in the thread in the headlines folder, once you start with this, it really does inject its "just one more mission" factor into you. Viking is the sum of it's parts; part Fable, part Conan and part Dynasty Warriors.

    On paper, it sounds like a potential mess, but surprisingly it all works rather well. You start out being resurrected for a higher purpose and your first port of call is to recruit your army to begin your quest, one quick glance at the map and you'd be forgiven for thinking your about to spend the best part of your experience wandering around travelling, but looks can be deceiving and you do find yourself getting to and from places relatively quickly.

    Sank about an hour in so far, but really into the game and the simplistic battle mechanics, it's very much Conan with the fighting and Fable for the exploration, and refreshingly, unlike Dynasty Warriors, hoardes of enemies aren't attracted to your presence alone it seems.

    Basically, levels are split into isles (at least, I think), on the isle a number of objectives need to be completed before you can venture forth and liberate the main goal.
    Last edited by Bleeders; 27-03-2008, 20:30.

    I've played about an hour into this and am finding it quite enjoyable. Can't beat cleaving the bad guys into multiple pieces.

    Just about to

    start my my first big battle at the gorge

    . Should be good!

    The graphics have an odd softness to them that makes them less detailed than they are. Makes it looks more last gen than it is for some reason.


      How the fudge do you sneak into Darkwater, seriously?

      Playing on Hard (which didn't seem that hard until this point).


        Played this for about an hour or so and it is not that bad, well better than I thought it would be anyway. Bleeders was spot on with the Fable/Conan comparison, this game is like their lovechild! Combat is a bit hit and miss during a big battle but it is oh so satisfying cutting off the limbs of enemy soldiers with a finishing move. Travelling around the world is done pretty well, with portals teleporting you instantly to areas you have already been to. I like the process you go through to uprgade/buy your moves. You go to a battle arena and practice the move to master it and secure it your move list, it is done quite well. A gripe would be that at times the camera can be a bit erratic during battles but nothing that hinders the gameplay experience too much. Overall so far the game nothing special but certainly it is better than I expected it to be.


          Pretty much my sentiment, tbh. The game is better than it should've been, the crowd control can be a bit much at times, and having encountered a frustrating part I'd been doing wrong at the end of the first isle has nearly seen my controller lobbed.


            On the last island now, on the last but one big battle.
            I really think this is a great game.

            As you push on and get the better fight moves, you can fly around taking people out with ease, even when you see a troop of about 30 come over the hill, its like bring it on. You stand there, and they charge at you.

            The big fights are well balanced, not all the mobs go for you and they actually fight with the vikings on your side.

            There is minimal slow down (some slow down is on purpose on the finishing moves).

            There are about 7 mission types, but as they are in different terrain they feel different, also the bad guys get harder, and more, and do different moves.

            The sneek missions, are a step up interms of level from the rest of the game, however, once i worked out how to do the first one, the following sneek bits were not as hard.

            The key with the sneek bits is to look on the map for clues, and then work out the best route (minimal guards) through to your goal, which is never a straight line.

            The camera seems to work really well, and the gfx are great, no real clipping, and even with 50+ people tooling around its not too crazy, but then you would expect it to be a bit out of control.

            Moving around the island by teleporter, and the regular save points means the game is quite accessible for quick, pick up and play for 10 mins (I have kids/wife, but they are not in the room when i play these games).

            Echoing above, its much better than it should have been, it just seems to all come together nicely, to produce a well, rounded fun game, with quite a bit of polish.

            On the downside, it could be longer (for some people), more varied mobs, and some issues with the camera sorted, but every single game has that.

            The one true issue, is the lack of music when running about, the score could have been more epic.

            There could also have been more quest types, which with what they have done, could have been implemented using basically the rule set/mechinaics they already have.

            a solid 8/10 for me..


              I couldn't help myself but complete a few objectives before leaving for work this morning.

              I finally managed to

              sneak into Darkwater undetected - and easily, once I'd paid more attention to the map, since the dotted outline shows you the best method of entry, duh.

              Just about to engage in the Darkwater battle now...


                I personally think, a lot of people on this site will like this game.. be intresting to see after a couple of weeks..


                  Are you playing the 360 version or PS3, anyone know if there is any noticable difference between the 2 versions? Im thinking of getting a PS3 today but cant decide which format to get it for? Only downside i can think of is lack of rumble for the PS3.


                    does the game tell a decent story or is it just the usual nonsense that superficially builds on germanic mythology?


                      I'm sorry to say that imo the IGN review is pretty much spot on .

                      Its an nice little game and at times looks bloody impressive and is great fun , but most of the time it looks basic and the combat is far too slow and clunky , and the whole game feels unfinshed and rushed out .

                      Decent enough , but not worth full price


                        LOVING IT.

                        The game has a good few flaws but I am really enjoying it.


                          I'm really enjoying this at the minute, completed the first island last night and had a lot of fun.

                          I'm not sure though if it'll start to feel repetitive the more I play it but so far it's been a lot of fun to play, especially the combat which despite being a bit basic feels very satisfying at the same time.

                          It seems to me like the perfect game to pick up and play in 30min - 1hr bursts, it saves often and doing the little quests can be addictive but because they get repeated so often (free these vikings, find these runes etc) you may tire of them if you play for a long period of time (saying that I played it for 2-3 hours last night!)


                            Really enjoying this so far. I agree with most of the criticisms of the game, but they don't stop it from being an absolute blast. I strongly recommend everyone trains in

                            Fenrir's Bite for the stealth kills

                            , as it really adds more options to the gameplay.

                            It's great how you can go anywhere on the island near enough right from the off. Although I 'ambushed' a 'small encampment' last night and soon found myself with about 50 assailants! I have no idea where they came from. It's safe to assume you'll be reloading if that ever happens.

                            The battle system isn't refined but it's very intuitive. You can block most attacks unless they're special attacks from some of the more advanced enemies, in which case you can easily evade and leave them open for some punishment. One on ones in this are really straightforward, but you need to put some more thought into your tactics if you're heavily outnumbered as there's no polite 'wait your turn' attacking that some games like to use.

                            So exactly what I expected. And yet another example of why single reviews taken by themselves are utterly pointless. I bought this based on the media I'd seen approaching launch and some impressions on forums afterwards.
                            Last edited by Number45; 30-03-2008, 22:59.


                              Someone say PS3 version no rumble, confirm or deny ?

