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Lostwinds - Wiiware

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    Lostwinds - Wiiware

    Hey guys, Got a USA wii in UK for those interested.

    Just downloaded this, playing it now will post impressions in a sec

    Nintendo have updated the Wii shop channel, so there are now three tabs.
    Virtual console - Wiiware - Wii channels

    Makes it less confusing and generally cleans up the difference between Wiiware and the likes of the internet channel etc.

    Lost winds has appealed to me from the very start, looks intriguing and like something fresh.

    Update 5:12pm - Got lost winds, trying it out now! 1000 points well spent? We'll see.

    Info about Lostwinds:
    Cost: 1000 Wii points
    Controls: Wii remote + nunchuck
    Size: 259 blocks


    Loaded this up, playing on a 32" HDTV in component (480p) by the way

    Title screen is colourful and charming, the musics enchanting, and the cursor makes things blow about when you go past them.
    Option of 3 save files

    Visuals wise, everythings quite simple looking but has a lovely style to it, cheerful and colourful.
    So far movement is 2D scrolling, moving the guy with the analogue stick and the cursor to blow wind about, which affects almost everything from moving your guy to interacting with puzzles and the game world.
    You can zoom in and out using up/down on the dpad (hold)

    Some small cutscenes and text dialogue, the opening story about the game is similar to Windwakers opening, colourful pictures, text below.

    controls are very simple and inuitive. draw lines where you want the gust to go by holding A and using the cursor, when doing this gameplay goes very slowly (to allow more precise air gusts to be drawn easier I guess)
    The character has link type movement, you control where he runs but he jumps automatically off stuff and climbs up stuff automatically (when within reach)

    It plays like a platformer with light rpg elements (health hearts, and now my wind spirit has increased power apparently) and I've encountered some simple puzzles which will almost definately get more challenging with time.

    So far I've had to do things like blow little turbines with gusts, shift water over to a sappling, use wind to make my guy able to reach ledges etc, all works really well can't wait to see how much better this game gets
    Liking this game so far and only played for 20 minutes Wind + platforming is a definate formula for fun gameplay!

    If you are looking for a lovely little platformer, with a fresh burst of ideas and gameplay look no further, for ?5(us)/?7.50 (uk) its a steal IMO, better than alot of what's on XBLA for the same price

    Cannot comment on how long it is obviously, but I imagine it'll be reasonable. Gameplay is started quite quickly which I like, the backstory was over in about a minute and training is simply brief text with a quick picture on how to do the action.

    I've been collecting this little blue things that randomly come out of plants and stuff when I make a gust go by them, and seem to have filled my bar but nothing much has happened, perhaps adds stength to my gust or supplies ammo later on for something?
    Also if you look around you find these present/gift things, not sure what the point is to them, possibly just for the completists who want to do everything as they're hidden.

    i think its great.
    been playing over an hour, and havent really done anything very much. currently trying to get to the second cave. but i've been exploring around loads. its quite nice that its not set to predefined levels. it all seems quite open allowing you to wander around, and i assume with power ups i'll later be able to access parts which i cant seem to reach at the moment.

    really like the style, the music is great. good buy i think.


      Must get that it looks great


        Originally posted by Ouenben View Post

        I've been collecting this little blue things that randomly come out of plants and stuff when I make a gust go by them, and seem to have filled my bar but nothing much has happened, perhaps adds stength to my gust or supplies ammo later on for something?
        I think that fills up your lives. When you die you lose one of the blue wind symbols I assume if you lose all 3 you die properly.


          yeh I found this out just a min ago, haha, thanks.

          Got a bit further, such a lovely game.

          however pressing home does seem to make it freeze, twice it's frozen on me now when trying to goto the home menu meaning lost game progress and I have to switch off the Wii by the power button


            I've got a US Wii so must get myself some pre-pay Wii Points and download this, it sounds good


              Originally posted by vertigo View Post
              I've got a US Wii so must get myself some pre-pay Wii Points and download this, it sounds good

              I just set mine to Mexico.. i think it was, and buy em with debit card.

    , I meant Brazil :P
              Last edited by SUMIRE; 13-05-2008, 22:31.


                Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                yeh I found this out just a min ago, haha, thanks.

                Got a bit further, such a lovely game.

                however pressing home does seem to make it freeze, twice it's frozen on me now when trying to goto the home menu meaning lost game progress and I have to switch off the Wii by the power button
                This happened to me on My Life as a King, but it came back after about 2 minutes. I think you just have to wait it out - I wouldn't worry about it too much.

                Also I've been getting my Wii points off eBay and having the seller e-mail me the code. Seems to work well - just make sure they've got good feedback :P


                  For US shop points in the UK set your region to Brazil. Their credit card system only checks your postcode so you can then use foreign cards on the shop. Changing your region makes you have to go through your internet agreement thingies again mind.


                    Isn't this yet released in the U.K then? Shame if it isn't, as i'm looking forward to playing this.


                      Later this month, apparently.


                        just finished it in a little over three hours.
                        really nice how towards the end you can really chuck the little guy around and keep him up in the air for quite a while. even maneuvering other objects easily before you have to 'catch' him.
                        i believe the second installment has already been confirmed, which is great. certainly looking forward to more in the future. definitely worth getting.


                          WiiWare World's LostWinds review is up now!


                            Got this last night, about an hour into it and loving it, kinda reminds me of okami.
                            It has a nice pace. I got stuck on one area because of a closed gate and no rock to throw and smash it with. Spent ages trying to find another route only to find out soft fruit can break wood!
                            Despite that I will buy the second one when it comes along.
                            Great stuff.

                            Fuddle did you find all the secret thingys?
                            Last edited by huxley; 16-05-2008, 11:26.


                              It's always the way - you follow a game for years, get hyped up, and it turns out to be a disappointment. Then a game like this comes out of nowhere and reminds you why you play video games in the first place. A welcome addition to the 'draw stuff on screen and make things happen' genre.

