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TV Show King - Wiiware

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    TV Show King - Wiiware

    Haha yes I downloaded this

    I enjoy a nice quiz now and again, and is great fun at parties and with the family.

    Has Mii integration which is nice, as playing as yourself (or what's supposed to be you) in a tv style quiz show is quite funny to see.

    The host is very cheesy (And his face is quite frankly creepy if you ask me) and has some generic, expected Tv quiz show host lines, but can be skipped by pressing the A button.
    The quiz questions range from geography & History, entertainment, etc nice varied selection. There's supposed to be over or about 3000 questions in it which leaves plenty room for variation and less chance of seeing repeated questions. Questions have a prize amount of money which varies every question, eg $500-$3500, answer quick enough for the full amount, take your time and you may not get quite all of it, answer second/3rd etc and you get a smaller amount.

    theres a spinning wheel after every round which players can choose to take or not. It varies from losing all money, losing certain amounts, gaining different amounts and transferring set amounts of cash with other players.

    Some of the later quiz rounds have you scratch off stuff to see the answers behind, or use the cursor like a spotlight to find the answer.
    Game basically does what it says on the tin, the wheel seems to be evil as so far I've have 2 x Lose ALL money and 1 x -$10 but I still won in the end so hey, goes to show the tables can be turned at any point in the game

    Should be quite good with friends, if they don't know a question you could pretend to chose an answer, then change to the right one at the last second
    It keeps a record of highest money earned and all that, and has another mode called quiz attack which gives you a point for every question you answer right, and you're out as soon as you answer just one wrong.

    Memory required: 290 blocks!
    Cost: 1000 Wii points - Not too shabby
    Players :1-4
    Controls: Wii remote (cursor + A/B, and shake for spinning a wheel)
    Last edited by Ouenben; 12-05-2008, 18:22.

    Thanks for impressions. How US centric questions are?


      So far it's all regional, had the likes of "what government did USSR have" "When did David Beckinham sign up for Manchester United" etc
      Not has very much US based questions at all yet.

      I've noticed alot of the time if you don't know the answer to a question you can work it out by going for the most obvious one.
      Eg. Who lives in a castle in transylvania?
      A) Christopher columbus
      B) George Washinton
      C) Abe Lincoln
      D) Vladir(something weird)

      I had no idea it D lived in a castle in transylvania, but I could guess it was him as it wasn't likely to be AB or C!
      Last edited by Ouenben; 12-05-2008, 18:43.


        Cant wait to download this at the weekend, will be keeping an eye on this thread.
        Pity it wasnt online !!


          Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
          D) Vladir(something weird)

          I had no idea it D lived in a castle in transylvania, but I could guess it was him as it wasn't likely to be AB or C!
          D) Prince Vlad Dracul II of Wallachia (better known as Vlad the Impaler), perhaps?

