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Valkyria Chronicles

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    Valkyria Chronicles

    Sorry for the many photos but I LOVE the style of this game and wanted to share it.

    First off the games opening movie is accompanied by a really nice ballad.

    The art direction is fantastic I have to keep reminding myself that it is a game and not an Anime that I am looking at. The game is very much story driven, which means for someone like myself you have to make up quite a lot from the action in the scenes.

    As far as I can tell from the prologue the basic premise is that there is an power struggle/war between the Eastern European Imperial Alliance and the Atlantic Federation. Caught up in between these two powers is the Principality of Gallia which is also the centre for the mineral resource Ragnite. Which is a valuable power source. Gallia must now defend itself from invaders intent on turning the tide of a war that up until now hadn't touched the land of Gallia.

    The game is presented as a picture book recounting the events of this period.

    All the pictures in the book start off greyed out, the images that look like still photos will open up movies that relate to the story. Images of battlefield maps will open up missions to be cleared.

    The missions themselves are turn based, with limited free movement on the map with enemies returning fire or even firing upon you first to keep things interesting.

    The first mission outbreak occurs just after Welkin Gunther has been reunited with his sister Isara, this coming after he was stopped and detained by Alicia Melchiott who with her two man patrol found Welkin idling by a river sketching Rainbow trout.

    The first mission is a rather simple case of eliminating 3 enemy soldiers who have just tried to ambush the trio and is designed to help you find out about the control system.

    This map screen appears between each of the players moves. The number of moves you have in a turn is determined by the number of stars in the top CP section. Here it indicates you have three moves in this player turn sequence. Foot soldiers take up one star, later on tanks use up two stars.

    You can only move one character in each move phase, you could choose to just move into a position, duck behind cover, hide in tall grass, move then shoot, shoot then move, or move, shoot, move, or use any of the above except for an attacking move and use a Ragnite lamp to recover lost health.

    The three blue circles are the players characters, red circles are the enemy, from the second battle onwards, enemy soldiers can appear from hidden positions and may be heard to move but not seen until encountered. So planning becomes necessary especially against machine gun equipped enemies and tanks. Fortunately there are only three riflemen to deal with here.

    I've selected Welkin to begin this mission, L1 brings up a mini-map. The orange bar indicates the distance my character can travel on the battlefield, when it runs out you would need to use another player move to be able to move again. The green bar is your health bar. The weapon screen shows he's equipped with a rifle with unlimited ammo, although again you can only shoot the once in each player move phase. Square changes the equipment, for now it's not needed but later missions would see you select grenades, Ragnite lamps (to restore health) and different gun options on the Edelweiss tank.

    Here I've been able to move up behind some sandbags, by pressing circle I can duck down for some cover. Useful when an enemy has seen you as he will start shooting and not wait for you to fire upon him, machine gun soldiers can prove devastating if you delay too long as I have already found out in a later mission.

    Fortunately this enemy is facing away from me so I get to line him up. Press R1 to target. The idea of the aiming system is to generate a low red number in the box on the left. The lower the number the less effective the targeted enemies armour is. This guy went down in the same move phase.

    The next move saw the second enemy killed.

    The third saw the last one go.

    Stat time.

    Ranking is based on the number of player turns you take, here I got an "S" because I killed all the enemies in the first player turn which consisted of 3 moves.

    In the second mission I took time to kill all the enemies and only scored a "C" as I took 5 player turns.

    The third mission I scored an "A" and this mission was the first one to introduce the Edelweiss tank.

    I'm really enjoying the game, visually and sonically it impresses me (I've already preordered the soundtrack released 21/05). I know I'm missing out on parts of the story due the lack of subtitles (don't want no English dub, thanks). But there is enough of challenge here to hold me for quite some time I think.

    Famitsu scored it (8/8/9/9) 34/40.

    I've rambled enough now, I think.

    It's due for an NA/EU release before the end of the year, isn't it? Hopefully they'll leave in the option for the original audio with subs. I've been following this pretty closely (Vyse and Aika... YAY!) but I can't bring myself to pick it up given how text heavy it is.

    Oh, and awesome thread by the way. Hopefully a few others will pick it up to keep the conversation flowing until the western release.


      This does look lovely. I can see it being one of those game that I love the idea of more than actually playing it though.

      Does it have a major future tactics influence as the combat looks very similar?


        Cheers NeoStuey. I'm looking forward to this one.

        Will wait for a westen release.


          Thanks for the first play impressions NeoStuey, I'm half tempted to pick this up now but I know I'll end up not playing it due to the ammount of text in the game. It's out Septepember in the US so not long to wait really.


            Originally posted by Number45 View Post
            It's due for an NA/EU release before the end of the year, isn't it?
            November, if GameFAQs is to be believed. VGP has a mid-September release date and I couldn't be more happy than that, though I'd still have to work out a minor buy the PS3

            Game sounds lovely as I thought from watching the trailer, but I guess you can't go wrong with the SoA team. Isn't the watercolor effect on the screen border a bit distracting? The interface seems clean enough and the action centered on the screen but I'm wondering how it will look on relatively small screens.

            BTW, what about the action figures in the LE box? Even if I tried to preorder it they didn't looked exactly wonderful.


              This game has piqued my interest in the PS3. Seriously.

              Though, as an aside, did anyone read about this?

              It has renewed my hopes in not having to splash out for a PS3 to play this game XD


                Hmmm, it may be the game that tips the buying point for me.


                  It is set for a Q3/Q4 release as far as im aware, but I dont hold my hopes out for a Japanese/English audio unless the game isnt dubbed. We shall see anyway.


                    What's the Asian one saying in terms of English subtitles etc? Not that I'm bothered, now I know it's playable I'm getting the JPN one later today. Woot, another game I'll start and probably never finish.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      Thanks for your first impressions! MORE PICS! Can't wait till Q4
                      I really do hope the PAL Special Edition is as packed as the Jap one.


                        I stopped writing one cut scene too early, now I've reached headquarters. Welkin has officially joined up to the tank core.

                        This is the HQ menu

                        The first option appears to allow me to equip different weapons found in battle to my soldiers. I haven't used this option yet as they only weapon I've acquired appears to be a bit naff.

                        This is the screen you would be first greeted with.

                        Further stats accessed through R1, move back L1.

                        I don't read game manuals even English ones, as I believe that a game should be intuitive to play, so at the moment I am in the dark as to the B & O markers mean. The P, I believe is for potential and I think will go towards some sort of special move in later battles, I hope that's right.

                        Second entry on the HQ menu troop selection and on the first time you enter you get a run through of the troop types and the symbols attached to that type, handy to know.


                        Machine gunner

                        Anti Tank



                        I then had to select 17 troops to make a platoon of 20. Welkin is not included as he is in the Tank core. The three default characters were Alicia who has been joined by Brigitte "Rosie" Stark (machine gunner) and Largo Potter (anti tank).

                        Some of chosen ones, as you can see each type has their own strengths.

                        After selecting the 17 you can exit back to the HQ menu, and if you want to change those selected simply go back in and you can.

                        The third HQ option takes you to the training barracks where you can trade in EXP points to level up the troop types.

                        The fourth entry on the HQ menu takes you to armoury.

                        You can upgrade troop weapons and equipment using the DCT points you've acquired from battle. You can also upgrade tanks here, but not at this stage it would seem. A couple of screens.

                        Troop upgrades



                        Tank upgrades

                        Last option on the HQ page takes you back to the storybook. And to switch back from the storybook to the HQ page just press triangle, second option down, second option down again.

                        Other things I forgot yesterday.

                        There are what appears to be squad leaders in the enemy ranks, they are red in colour as opposed to grey, when killed they release a CP token.

                        The orange movement bar is known as AP = Action Points.

                        CP = Command Points.

                        The orange lines on the map and on the battlefield indicate if you are in line of sight of enemies.

                        You can climb ladders to elevated platforms.

                        Probably some other stuff as well, but I've been in London all day and I haven't even cracked on with the game yet tonight.


                          Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
                          Isn't the watercolor effect on the screen border a bit distracting? The interface seems clean enough and the action centered on the screen but I'm wondering how it will look on relatively small screens.
                          I'm playing on a 19 inch LCD no problems, I love the effect.

                          Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
                          BTW, what about the action figures in the LE box? Even if I tried to preorder it they didn't looked exactly wonderful.
                          They're staying sealed!

                          @J0e Where were you picking up your copy from?

                          September isn't too long to wait for an English release either. Would get that myself if it's Japanese voiced, English subbed, there's loads of storyline in this game.
                          Last edited by NeoStuey; 17-05-2008, 19:59.


                            I used to be rather stubborn on my preference for the original voice acting. But that was back in the day before anyone seemed to care about doing a good job of it (i.e. before Atlus came along). Nowadays, I'm rather happy with a dub, a long as it's not terrible. I have very little problem with the dub in Persona 3 FES, for example.

                            Sega should let Atlus localise it =P


                              Originally posted by NeoStuey View Post
                              I'm playing on a 19 inch LCD no problems, I love the effect.
                              Great, I will play it on a 21" and this is great info.

                              I'm also glad that the game offers more unit types than introduced by the gameplay trailer (which spoke about tank, infantry and anti-tank), the more you write, the more the game feels like a really big product.

                              Nowadays, I'm rather happy with a dub, a long as it's not terrible. I have very little problem with the dub in Persona 3 FES, for example.
                              Agreed. I love to have the option to listen to the original dubbing but Japanese dubbing seems to have two main voice modes: extremely young or extremely old, with very few steps between the two. As long the translation doesn't lose itself too much and the dubbing isn't terrible I'm happy companies try to fully localize products.

