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Battlefield: Bad Company demo

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    Single player dull, multiplayer ok but Snipers ludicrously powerful - able to headshot a single pixel as no shaking around through the scope. Will have another go tomorrow...


      Oh, and Russians? Russians? Was it too much to expect the demo to explain why the hell I'm shooting Russians? Maybe it's lazy developer shorthand for "Eastern European", I dunno. Sorry, it just really threw me.


        Originally posted by Uli View Post
        no, that's not true Malc. maybe you should read more between the lines
        That's why I used the word 'amost'. The majority is negative, but there is a minority - I acknowledge that.


          Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
          Oh, and Russians? Russians? Was it too much to expect the demo to explain why the hell I'm shooting Russians? Maybe it's lazy developer shorthand for "Eastern European", I dunno. Sorry, it just really threw me.

          They're not really Russians

          as you find out later in the demo.


            More utter rubbish from EA - wish i'd have saved my bandwidth.

            The guns look and sound good, and the destructable enviroments (no more invincible trees, YAY) are the only good things going for it. The controls are absolutely shocking (accelerate with the LEFT trigger?) no blood - a crime in war games (and an EA tradition, it seems) no sense that i'm shooting people dead. Stupid respawn system , dying for no apparent reason, glitches (i shot the last guard in town who was on a truck, who screamed then dissapeared into thin air...along with the truck) couldn't be bothered to finish it.

            What's with all these crap games coming out nowadays. It's shocking the amount of poor demos on live.

            Back to Ninja Gaiden then...


              Originally posted by Plisken View Post
              The controls are absolutely shocking (accelerate with the LEFT trigger?
              I felt that at first, but then you have to realise that when driving a tank shooting with the right trigger suddenly becomes more important than accelerating with the right trigger, and as such they kept things streamlined across all vehicles.

              You can also use A to accelerate, which works out pretty well for me.


                One thing I do before starting a game is change the land/sea controls to type 2, then you just use the left stick for Acceltraing/decelerating and turning


                  I'm really enjoying this, It could really do with a kill cam and a better control system but otherwise loving it.


                    Originally posted by Plisken View Post
                    More utter rubbish from EA - wish i'd have saved my bandwidth.
                    utter rubbish from EA? you seem to forget that DICE (RallySport Challenge2, Battlefield 1942, Mirror's Edge) is the developer and i don't believe that EA's possible influence on this project is significant.


                      I think I just ran simmy over with a tank


                        Originally posted by Uli View Post
                        utter rubbish from EA? you seem to forget that DICE (RallySport Challenge2, Battlefield 1942, Mirror's Edge) is the developer and i don't believe that EA's possible influence on this project is significant.
                        I hope DICE do a good job on Mirrors Edge, they seem to have fascination for shakey cameras.


                          Originally posted by Orgun View Post
                          I think I just ran simmy over with a tank
                          but Simmy likes this, he's a masochist


                            Where is old Simmy, he don't post anymore unless there's a big game that he's hyped about just before release.


                              Originally posted by Uli View Post
                              utter rubbish from EA? you seem to forget that DICE (RallySport Challenge2, Battlefield 1942, Mirror's Edge) is the developer and i don't believe that EA's possible influence on this project is significant.

                              Yeah, Rallisport Challenge 2 was absolutely stunning and they had direction from Microsoft. If EA are so bloody great where's Rallisport 3? none-existent because the sales wouldn't be strong enough for EA to give a ****. Mirror's Edge isn't even out yet, Modern Combat was utter ****e, and so is this.


                                Originally posted by Plisken View Post
                                If EA are so bloody great where's Rallisport 3? none-existent because the sales wouldn't be strong enough for EA to give a ****.
                                Can you blame them? They are a business after all, and their priority is to make money, same as any other big company out there.

                                Why should they go to the effort and expense of making something that they know isn't going to do anywhere near as well as it would need to break even?

