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Doodle Hex

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    Doodle Hex

    This has to be one of the freshest takes on beat um ups i have seen for years.

    The idea is basicly a spell war, between you and your opponent. Your moves are generated from the bottom of the screen (from your avatar) and move anti clockwise till they hit your opponent's avatar at the top of the screen. The moves are simple to start off with and use up your mana (forget what they call it in the game), which is constently regenerating, unless your defending (i will get to that in a min).

    Just like any standard beat um up, you have a life bar, but in the middle of the screen, is an area to draw your attacks. You have hexes that represent the moves down the side of the screen. Draw one of these hexes and your mana will reduce and that move will start to creep round the screen to attack your oponents avatar. Depending on how hard and how much damage the hex, depends on how fast it moves. these hexes are different colours to represent damage vs speed.

    After a couple of levels, you learn how to defend. This is done by pressing and holding your avatar. While you do this your mana does not regenerate. A bubble appears and covers your avatar and grows in size the longer you hold, for better protection against more damaging moves. However you still do take a percent of damage even when defending.

    After a couple more battles, you learn the defend hexes. These are done in the same way as attacking, by drawing the hex on screen but protect you for 3 attack moves and you take less damage than just regular defending. You can combine both if you have time but the battles happen at a quicker pace than you would think.

    Then you start to learn combos, unleashing set hexes together do extra damage.

    To begin with i was unsure, the game has ok presentation, graphics, and sound. After a few battles i was starting to get won over.

    The game offers a fresh and as far as i know unique take on the beat um up genre that works to the advantages of the DS. This is very much a thinking mans beat um up.

    I have not had much playtime yet, so will update a bit, after i have spent a bit more time with it.

    I have been playing this a bit more....

    The game starts off very easy, but i am at the top of the bronze tower and by God did it suddenly get tough.

    What i forgot to mention was, you select a character and each has their own attributes. Some do more damage, others cast quicker, or have a broader range of hexes.

    the final upgrade is your pet. here you can bank an extra move. To bank the move, all you do is touch your pet and then draw a hax, while the move is still cast an extra one gets banked to use at any time.

    I like to bank a clear all moves. This is good, as the computer characters in the later levels use some very beefy combos.

    As you can tell i am enjoying this. To begin with the game is loose on the hex drawing but you have to nail the hexes very closely to be cast towards the later levels.

    The overall package is good, its something fresh and unique that takes adantage of the touch screen well.

