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Too Human Demo

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    I liked this. Camera is poor. I'll buy it, but wait until it comes down in price


      ?29.99 is you use offer code T5J194MZX at


        It's 29.97 on Tescos web site.


          Is there a special / limited edition of this?


            They haven't announced one. Given the time and money spent on this, and no doubt a hefty financial involvement from MGS, I'm suprised they're not pimping it more. The Gears 2 LE was announced before most of the gameplay features!


              Originally posted by gaz@manc View Post
              They haven't announced one. Given the time and money spent on this, and no doubt a hefty financial involvement from MGS, I'm suprised they're not pimping it more. The Gears 2 LE was announced before most of the gameplay features!
              Yep, that's exactly what I thought as well, can't find one listed anywhere and the game comes out in just over a month. Oh well, saves us a fiver and finding room for another plastic figurine on our shelves...


                Cry more for analog battle and camera! When 20 enemies attack you the last thing you will do is rotate the damn camera! It does its job fine and there always is - omg - LB to center it. You can also adjust camera using Up/Down on D-Pad (6 different settings I believe). I didn't get hit once during my play, if you get hit don't blame it on camera - you just suck at this game.

                For the Right analog - I would much prefer sliding with right analog than button-mashing X as it happens in GoW. Seriously, gamers are so stuck nowadays you won't take different solution for an answer!

                Graphics are not perfect but pretty, and I like the art design. Really looking forward to the story. Played all 5 classes and had blast with it, I think it will be very enjoyable.


                  Can you play as more than 1 class in the demo?!
                  I thought you could only be one?


                    Originally posted by Castor Krieg View Post
                    For the Right analog - I would much prefer sliding with right analog than button-mashing X as it happens in GoW. Seriously, gamers are so stuck nowadays you won't take different solution for an answer!
                    Or you could surmise that having any kind of melee attack on a floppy analogue stick is just plain nasty.


                      There are bugs that allow you to play as different classes, check out youtube for some guides.


                        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                        Can you play as more than 1 class in the demo?!
                        I thought you could only be one?
                        Commando and Berserker are easy - unplug XBL, set the date to 2009 and play. For Defender and Bioengineer select them and start tapping A very quickly and left/right. Takes a bit of practice but you should do it.




                            Just me who couldn't get the demo to work? Try as I might it would not recognise that I was pressing the start button, so all I could do was sit through the intro movie. GREAT!


                              This didn't click with me at all. I love a good loot collector but found the combat so clunky that I couldn't get on with it.

                              I might try the other classes but I've lost all enthusiasm for the game


                                I played this demo today (bit late to the party I know) and I have to say I was very impressed. The quality of the interface and the cut scenes is superb. I don't get all the hate for the graphics either, I thought it looked pretty damn sweet even if the lip-synching is way off in the cut scenes. I'll have to play my brother's copy after it comes out to get a better feel but right now this demo has taken my interest from 'meh' to 'hmm' in only about 15 minutes.

