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Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm - PS3 Demo

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    Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm - PS3 Demo

    I'll start by saying that I am a Naruto fan and that coolness of seeing favourite characters and attacks plays into my impressions of this.

    This demo has blown me away.

    The demo comprises on a one on one versus fight and you can choose to play as Naruto or Kakashi. With your main character you have support characters that can be summoned by L1 or R1. These will help by performing set attacks. For example Sasuke will jump in and use his fire jutsu to attack before jumping back out. It's a lot like Marvel vs Capcom 2.

    The fights take place in arenas that give you plenty of room to run and jump in so instead of side stepping around opponents ala Soul Calibur, your characters are running and jumping all over the place. The camera does a fantastic job of moving with the characters and is way more dynamic than normal beat em ups.

    There are a lot of fighting mechanics to learn and no tutorial in the demo. There is a basic attack, shurikens and chakra attacks. Basic attacks are just button mashing combos. Each character's characteristics come through in these. With Naruto's basic attack a shadow clone appears and helps with the combo. This looks great and provides nice personality for the fighters.

    The chakra attacks require the use of the chakra bar and button combinations. When you trigger a jutsu using your chakra a special attack happens which plays out like a QTE except it doesn't suck balls. A list of button presses appears in the bottom corner of the screen and you are supposed to press as many as possible as the attack winds up. The more you press the better the attack. If you press none or very few, your opponent can escape the attack.

    There are also items like ramen and parachute kunai that are accessed by the d pad.

    The game also looks fantastic. It has the very thin black outline problem that some cell shaded games have and it can make the edges look a bit jagged but otherwise it looks great.

    I urge any fighting game fans to check it out if they can, even if you don't like Naruto.

    With this and Ubi's sequel it's a great year to be a gaming Naruto fan.

    I played both characters and found it enjoyable. But worried that it might get boring very quickly. There's doesn't seem to be that much depth in the fighting mechanism with only "X" as the main attack button and another for Chakra attacks, with possible combos when used together.


      The controls confused me a bit, but it's very enjoyable. The graphics are a bit jagged but it still looks amazing. If only the Wii version had these graphics


        I thought the demo was cool. Looks great, controlled well and was lots of fun!

        Is it solely 1 on 1 fighting though? Or does it have the walkig around questy stuff in it like Rise of the Ninja on 360 (I know they are made by totally different teams but you never know)?

        I will definitely be picking this up when it eventually sees release even though Naruto isn't one of my favourite anime series.


          It has some walk around adventure stuff but not as much as the Ubi games.


            I was quite surprised at how much I enjoyed this (again, another Naruto fan but never been drawn to any of the games).

            First things first, it looks absolutely jaw dropping. Not only is the art style probably the greatest 3D rendition of 2D cel animation that I've ever seen but the animation is absolutely spot on. My only gripe (which hopefully will be fixed) is the lack of lip synching. The demo offers English and japanese voiceovers yet the lips don't seem to move in time with any of them instead being just some generic movements. Looks a little sloppy and at odds with the class presentation overall.

            The combat isn't going to challenge the likes of Virtua Fighter/Tekken so I hope the single player "quest" mode has a lot of meat to it (the trailers have hinted that it cover everything up to the Sasuke Retrieval arc). However, there are little intricacies in there that you notice as you play more. For example, it seems that if you time the use of the Guard button (L2/R2) with your opponent's attack, rather than simply holding it down, your perform a substitution technique, whereby you disappear in a puff of smoke and your opponent is hitting a wodden log, whilst you appear behind your opponent with frame advantage.

            I've not had chance to use the Awakening techniques yet, but the I've seen the CPU perform it with Kakashi and it was the Sharinghan and after using it he practically dodged all my attacks and handed out a beatdown.


              Walkthrough video of the latest build at GC08:

              It looks amazing :O

              Also, the full character list for final game has been revealed but it contains no Zabuza, Haku or the Sound 4
              Last edited by C'; 23-08-2008, 09:49.

