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Matching Maker DS [JPN]

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    Matching Maker DS [JPN]


    In short:
    + Like Animal Crossing meets SimCity with the "just a few minutes more" factor of both.
    - No chance of an English-language release and practically inaccessible to those who can't read/understand Japanese.

    In full:
    After seeing this in Famitsu a few months back I was very tempted. The idea of a more up-close SimCity intriged me, and all the Japanese shops that are part of it was a bit of a novelty.

    The first play:
    Wow, this is easy. All I have to do is to make the road and put houses and shops in place. Then I go and talk to the people to make friends and then they'll introduce their friends and when I get to the necessary number of inhabitants I'll go to the next stage. And then the next stage.

    The next play:
    Eh? Why are those places flashing? They want things? How am I supposed to give them what they want? Hey, don't leave! What am I supposed to do? Argh! Hmph, this game isn't as interesting as I thought it would be...

    The next day:
    A-ha! When someone wants something their building will flash the corresponding colour for what they want. If I talk to people more and can help them out they'll give me their phone numbers and I can get them to move from the previous stage to this one. And once someone has told me they what want, I can ask other people if they know anyone who can help. And if I DON'T go to the next stage for a while I can build up a large number of phone numbers and the next level will be easier...

    And it carried on like that. After the initial difficulties with the game system (not talking to people renders the game unplayable impossible) I found myself unable to stop playing. I would solve one problem, like some residents want an office to work in, and then the office would want somewhere to eat, and then...etc.
    By making friends with all your residents and helping them out you'll be able to fill your phone book. And thus we have the TRUE idea of the game - it's a collect'em-up. But you'll never think that as you play, you'll be thinking about who might know someone who (e.g.) works in a petrol station. So you go and ask at one of the ENEOS (petrol station) in your town and they don't know. You go across town and ask a woman in MOS Burger, and she tells you to go and speak to a certain person in Pizza Hut as they might have a friend that does. And so on.
    There are three numbers on your display to keep an eye on: your health, as the higher this is the faster you can run; your popularity, as the less popular you are the more likely people are to move out of your town; and your money, as this is what enables you to buy stuff in shops, naturally. Things you buy can be consumed or given to others as presents. If they don't like it, they won't accept it so you can save money.
    As you talk to people your popularity will increase slightly. Sometimes they'll ask you about certain things, and from then on (back to a flaw in this later) you can ask others about it. If, by chance, you guess right and ask someone about their hobby they'll be even happier and might give you their number on the spot. Great. But try to talk to the same person twice in one day and you'll be told to leave them alone as they're busy.

    Flaws? Only two I've found.
    The first is a bugger at times. As I mentioned in the paragraph above, sometimes people will ask you about a hobby/interest and then you can pose the same question to others UNLESS you close the DS or quit the game. This resets the questions you can ask. When saving and quiting I don't think it's necessary, but when you need to close the DS to do something (work in my case) losing those questions is a pain as you have to do more work to get into people's good books.
    The second is a minor graphical error. Once (and only once) I walked out of a building to find myself buried in the ground. I could still move around, talk to people and go into buildings but it looked odd. After restarting there was no problem. Odd.

    Having to communicate with the inhabitants of your town is very reminicent of Animal Crossing, as are the rewards for being a good friend to them. The city making and having to think carefully about where to put what bulding is very similar to SimCity but no where as detailed or as constant. You'll spend more time running around trying to find someone who knows a Supermarket owner, etc. which can be a little frustating at times. The satisfaction from helping them and having them introduce another famous chain to your town is more than enough to compensate. I was so happy when someone introducted me to the manager of a Freshness Burger, it was completely illogical. But there you go.
    Will this get a release outside Japan? I don't know. I'm not sure if D3 publisher themselves release games outside Japan or license them out. This would involve ALL the companies featured in the game agreeing to have their trademarks used together. I don't know what it is about Japanese companies and the fact that they CAN get along on projects like this (the Super Robot Taisen series also springs to mind).

    8/10 from me.

    There is also a PS2 version, again, Japan only and I've not played it. Though seeing the company I used to (*cough*) work for included in the original is even more amusing.

    If anyone is tempted to get this and needs some help with the basics (words for Police station, etc.) and navigating menus, just let me know.
    Last edited by kryss; 04-08-2008, 14:39. Reason: added website

    Originally posted by kryss View Post
    In short:
    inaccessible to those who can't read/understand Japanese.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      This seems like an amazing game and an amazing concept, but not a new one, it's just a light hearted version of Sim City 64 on the 64DD.

      You should play Sim City 64DD if you can affoard a 64dd, because that is the ultimate version of sim city, and you can zoom right in on the town and watch whats happening in real time 3d, and see what the inhabitants of the city want and neeed.

      This though is the first game like it, and it's on my too buy list now, thanks alot for posting impressions, as I have been aching for something new that was like sim city 64DD, as sim city has went backwards since the 64dd version imho.
      Last edited by Mofoman; 06-08-2008, 09:18.


        ゲーム・裏技・攻略 - ゲーム総合情報ポータル「ワザップ!」は日本最大のゲーム情報サイト!ゲームニュース、ゲーム動画、裏技、攻略、レビュー、質問など間単に閲覧でき、メンバー同士で情報を交換したり、無料ゲームをも楽しめるゲームSNSです。

        Video of the ps2 version, there is no movies of the Ds version on the net that I can find so far, but from what I hear they are really similar, as the ps2 version uses a really basic 3d engine as well. Also the ps2 version has been released in the US under the name Metropolismania.

        That's a video of the first game on ps2, if you go to You Tube, or watch that till the end, you will get to see videos of the second ps2 game in action, and that is nearly identical in style to the Ds version.

        Here is more videos of matching maker, or the english name Metropolismania:

        D3 Publisher's release of an upgrade to The Machi-ing Maker, known in the US as Metropolismania. For Playstation 2.

        Video's of the game in English:

        Last edited by Mofoman; 06-08-2008, 09:17. Reason: more videos!!


          I played SimCity 64DD last year after getting a 64DD and really enjoyed it. I just tend to spend more time playing portables these days. Though have you played the DS Sim City games? In the latest (2) you can talk to the citizens of your town at any time and see what they want too. Matching Maker just feels a lot more personal as you find out what each individual person is called, does, likes, etc.

          The first flaw I talked about might actually be due to the time changing from one assessment period (related to the pay you receive) to another.
          Last edited by kryss; 06-08-2008, 09:48. Reason: flaw pondering


            Originally posted by kryss View Post
            I played SimCity 64DD last year after getting a 64DD and really enjoyed it. I just tend to spend more time playing portables these days. Though have you played the DS Sim City games? In the latest (2) you can talk to the citizens of your town at any time and see what they want too. Matching Maker just feels a lot more personal as you find out what each individual person is called, does, likes, etc.

            The first flaw I talked about might actually be due to the time changing from one assessment period (related to the pay you receive) to another.
            Thanks alot for the head's up Kryss, I really appreciate it, I'll order Sim City 2, and matching Maker Ds right now. ( just to say...I played Sim City Ds, the first one, and it felt a little sterile compared to the Nintendo and Pc game's, but I'm wiling to try 2, as you seem like a true Sim enthusiast like myself.)

            Glad to see someone else has sampled the delight's of the 64DD Sim City 64, and appreciated the game, as it really was a tremendous product from Hal( Smash Bros., Kirby, Mother, etc...) and Nintendo and I loved the feel of the game and the mario Artist compatibility, as well as the appearance of Dr Wright. I really wish Nintendo would make another Sim City game, as i love the style of their Sim City game's. The Snes and N64 version's have a Ninty flavour and are excellent products, but that's for another topic.

            Anyway, keep posting update's on Matching maker DS, as I am desperate to know more, and would it be ok to contact you if I get stuck with some part without being able to translate it properly??
            Last edited by Mofoman; 06-08-2008, 10:23. Reason: Just to say.....


              In the last few weeks I went back to Sim City DS 2 to play through and unlock more of the eras (I think there are 8 to unlock in total) and then this came out and it only leaves my DS so I can get some kanji practice.

              I don't know what it is about the Sim City games that I like to be honest, after I downloaded the SNES version on the VC I played that more than the Wii games I had (nothing to do with the Wii games themselves mind you). You know Sim City Creator is out for the Wii on September 25th?

              I'm on the first stage of Matching Maker DS STILL after nearly 2 weeks (and restarting after getting to stage 3) because I'm getting as many phone no.s as possible before moving on. This basically means I'm completely filling each stage with buildings which takes time, and I didn't really plan properly because I started in the middle of the level whereas I should have started at the edge near the sea. However, I'm almost maxed out on this stage and it'll be time to move on.

              Yeah, if you get stuck on something just let me know.


                Sounds very interesting, a bit more of a hint as to what you're meant to be doing to make the people happy, etc., but all still a bit more like work than fun for me.


                  Ah but solving their problems is really satisfying. In terms of making them happy I just meant talking to them and building anything they want nearby. It is a more demanding game than Sim CIty tends to be.

