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the last guy (demo)

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    the last guy (demo)

    Quite surprised no one is bothered about this played through the demo a number of times now and while the area it gives you is quite small there is plenty of opportunity for some high score chasing.

    The idea of the game is to rescue people by taking them from points on the map to safe zones. Survivors are dotted around the map either in buildings, or on roads or in parks, and Quite a lot of the people are hard to spot so you can press a button to display a thermal image overlay, this also shows you routes as well but zombies or monsters don't show up on this so its normally a case of checking it sparingly to avoid untimely deaths.

    The demo asks you to bring back 500 survivors and you can do this quite easily but for me the game seemes to be about getting bigs scores. To score big you have to bring a lot of suvivors back to the safe zone at once, but when you have a lot of survivors with you it makes you a bigger target for the zombies and monsters roaming about, you can also use the line of people following you to circle buildings to bring people out faster.

    If zombies catch site of you they will give chase and your people will scream and become panicked, the zombies can move fast to so theres a real risk reward type challenge to keeping your people out.

    And thats it really the maps look fantastic and it has a real Pikmin feeling about it but still feels likes its doing something different, it doesn't take it self to seriously too which adds a quirkiness to proceedings

    My wife and my sis and i have been taking it in turns to try and beat each others score this afternoon and its quite a fun game to watch, especially when someone survives an encounter by the skin of there teeth only to go headlong into another zombie, so for me if it comes in at a reasonable price it will be a definite purchase.

    It's good stuff. I will defo buy the full game when it drops. I enjoyed trying to successfully circle buildings with my tail of peoples.


      I've enjoyed this so far, crazy...but good!

      Have they mentioned anything about being able to create your own levels for this as that would make it an essential for me?


        Are we playing the same game. Utter gash
        Move a dot around google earth picking up other dots and avoiding blobs. No thanks.


          Originally posted by Super Monkey Balls View Post
          Are we playing the same game. Utter gash
          Move a dot around google earth picking up other dots and avoiding blobs. No thanks.
          You could break any game like this down to a basic explination like that dosent mean its not fun to play heres a few i thought up

          Geometry wars
          your a shape shooting other shapes

          Tekken 5
          hit other guy more to win

          Bionic comando
          Dont jump just swing and shoot


            Yeah but for each of them I could write a few paragraphs on depth of gameplay and design.

            Fair enough if you enjoy it but to me this is freeware quality compared to recent DLC output.


              Originally posted by Super Monkey Balls View Post
              Move a dot around google earth picking up other dots and avoiding blobs. No thanks.
              Cheap shot. Like saying MGS is essentially PacMan.

              Played through the demo 4 or 5 times and it got more fun each time trying to beat my previous score. Deffo buy when released. It's this kinda stuff that differentiates PSN from XBLA and Sony need to get more of it to us.


                I like the music, makes me want to get my glowsticks out


                  Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
                  Cheap shot. Like saying MGS is essentially PacMan.
                  He just said for that something like MGS you could write an essay on how it's not. Even on a superficial level - audio, visuals - there's a world of difference between the two. I sat through the trailer for this because I thought the description sounded intriguing and hey, while it might very well be fun to play, it just looked so cheap and nasty my interest dropped massively after watching. And a large proportion of XBLA seems to be retro arcade games - seriously, even if this is an amazing game what differentiates it from Galaga Legions and Geometry Wars et al, other than having far worse production values? It's a serious question, by the way. My interest hasn't evaporated - it's just stuff like Siren and PixelJunk: Eden distinguish PSN for me, not throwaway titles that look as if they were banged together in a few hours over the course of a boring Sunday afternoon.


                    Twist blocks, make lines.

                    Being simple doesn't mean something is necessarily poor quality or not fun to play.


                      Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
                      He just said for that something like MGS you could write an essay on how it's not. Even on a superficial level - audio, visuals - there's a world of difference between the two. I sat through the trailer for this because I thought the description sounded intriguing and hey, while it might very well be fun to play, it just looked so cheap and nasty my interest dropped massively after watching. And a large proportion of XBLA seems to be retro arcade games - seriously, even if this is an amazing game what differentiates it from Galaga Legions and Geometry Wars et al, other than having far worse production values? It's a serious question, by the way. My interest hasn't evaporated - it's just stuff like Siren and PixelJunk: Eden distinguish PSN for me, not throwaway titles that look as if they were banged together in a few hours over the course of a boring Sunday afternoon.
                      Well, I just take umbridge at people who try to belittle a game by summing it up in a few words.

                      I don't necessarily care what games look like (I play Wii games on occasion!). Everyday Shooter looks like arse but I prefer it to Super Stardust HD. I just like everything about The Last Guy. It's rough-around-the-edges look appeals to me.


                        Originally posted by Super Monkey Balls View Post
                        Yeah but for each of them I could write a few paragraphs on depth of gameplay and design.

                        Fair enough if you enjoy it but to me this is freeware quality compared to recent DLC output.
                        its just ridiculous to compare the two one is a over hyped wannabes movie that retails for 50 notes and one is a low budget sub £5 game

                        for me the indie games are wining ive had far much more enjoyment out of these bite sized games recently with Braid being my game of the year so far, while big budget releases like mgs4, Too human and yet another gta have left me bored.

                        The now installing screen and yet another tedious cut scene in mgs4 really pissed me off, as havening a one year old son really makes you relish the time you do get to play games, time that you really don't want to waste stareing at a screen doing nothing when your supposed to be playing a game.

                        And to say that all this game is about is wavering a dot about on screen and collecting dots just isn't an accurate portrayal of how this plays when you take into account that the street are all mapped so you have to pick your route through the city, the different enemy's behavior's, and the risky score based nature of the game you have something that i feel is more multilayerd than some people in here are making out.
                        Last edited by Lebowski; 25-08-2008, 22:58.


                          Apologies if I sounded harsh, but the demo was a bland, shallow, disconnected experience for me personally. Maybe I missed something and those professional reviewers who devote the time to getting the best out of it will prove me wrong and score it high.

                          Please don't think I'm the sort of gamer who dismisses simple graphical style either. Everyday Shooter is one of the best things on PSN... because it has style, depth and imagination.

                          Last edited by Super Monkey Balls; 26-08-2008, 13:26.


                            bit of a preview of this in the new edge, they state that it retails on the Japaneses ps store for about 500 yen which is about ?2.35 no date yet for uk or us release


                              That tis wrong, 500 yen was for the advanced demo of the game.
                              The actual game will cost on August 28th $9.99 US store and a MASSIVE 2000 Yen on the Japan store, making it more than Ratchet and Clank which was 1500 Yen.
                              Not bad for a 5quid game.
                              Last edited by Family Fry; 26-08-2008, 18:48.

