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Motorstorm 2 Demo

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    Motorstorm 2 Demo

    Just downloaded this via Qore.

    Those familiar with the original should know what to expect as it's not all that different in terms of gameplay from the 1st game tbh. The demo has 3 vehicles to choose from; Bike,RacingTruck, and Monster Truck and one track to use them on. The environment is a lot more interesting than the Grand Canyon setting in the 1st game both in terms of visuals and more routes to choose from. I enjoyed what I played from the small amount of time I've had with it and anyone that was a fan of Motorstorm is sure to enjoy this as well.

    Also having Ministry's "Jesus Built My Hot Rod" in the soundtrack is awsome.

    I don't have Qore, but I just had an email with a download code for this. Don't know why or how, but I'm not complaining.


      Yeah me too, currently at 90%. Was through registering PS3 i believe and most people have the email.


        But mine's registered!

        In the US.


          Odd - Just got a code in the mail myself - beats paying for it anyway.


            /checks email.



              /me has registered ps3 but alas no code


                got the code thru (I registered on UK PSN on launch day for what its worth) - still don't like this game.

                handling feels stiff and isn't as good as the Pure demo, all looks quite pretty but the track in the demo seems like the first track from the previous version with a bit og vegetation thrown in.

                the monster truck feels like crap and doesn't seem to like corners, and the bikes are so light its almost impossible to drive along the straight by the sheer cliff drop and not get knocked off sideways by the floor.

                still don't like this and looking forward to Pure - not a buyer for me.


                  Originally posted by merf View Post
                  got the code thru (I registered on UK PSN on launch day for what its worth) - still don't like this game.

                  handling feels stiff and isn't as good as the Pure demo, all looks quite pretty but the track in the demo seems like the first track from the previous version with a bit og vegetation thrown in.

                  the monster truck feels like crap and doesn't seem to like corners, and the bikes are so light its almost impossible to drive along the straight by the sheer cliff drop and not get knocked off sideways by the floor.

                  still don't like this and looking forward to Pure - not a buyer for me.
                  Indeed, I don't like the fact that you fall apart so easily.

                  Pure was instant fun the moment I played it, I guess MS2 this has a learning curve or something.

                  It's by no means a bad game, may buy it on the cheap come Jan 2009 but Pure wins this round for me.


                    Played the demo a couple of times this morning and I'm just not feeling it. The track was dull and the handling of the vehicles feels no different to the original. It kind of reminds me of the original Burnout where every 30 seconds you seem to be watching your vehicle crashing or blowing up. I'll probably still buy it on launch as the video demo at the end looked a little more interesting.


                      have to echo others opinions, played the first one to death as it was one of the only games i had for the ps3 at launch and this just feels more of the same, got bored very quickly. The monster trucks are aufull and not suited to racing in a game where your thrown about all over the place as there bouncy as hell.

                      very mean demo too, one track two laps 3 mins worth of play


                        Originally posted by MonkeyWrench View Post
                        Played the demo a couple of times this morning and I'm just not feeling it.
                        I'm not feeling it either & I can't really explain why. I was just left with a feeling of 'oh'.


                          Played each vehicle.. had a grey expression on my face then turned the PS3 off. Roll on Pure.


                            it totally lacks ny feeling of fighting the terrain and being off road, and controlling your vehicle.

                            you feel every bump in Pure, this just feels like a bad unresponsive handling model.

                            be interesting to see how it sells, if the aim of the selective demo was a guerilla word of moouth positivity thing can't see that happening.


                              The thing was, you felt every bump in the original Motorstorm, you just couldn't do anything like as much about it as you can in the Pure demo. I liked the first game, so I might download this when I get the chance (no code or anything here) - but it was/is one of the most hideously frustrating handling models I've ever come across. To say nothing of the camera, which didn't help much, particularly on the bikes - my God, I still cannot believe that abortion of a viewpoint made it out of QA without any dead playtesters. It's like Sonic Adventure: The Racing Game.

