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Baja Edge of Control

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    Baja Edge of Control

    I fancied getting this after reading reviews saying it was a bit too sim like and a bit tough. Initial impressions are good.

    You can start off in a beetle or a cheapy buggy in career mode with the usual mods. The first races are circuits and are pretty standard stuff although theres some big hills.

    I went for quick test drive in the garage and you get access to the whole area I think? Its massive with a super long draw distance. There's huge cliffs, massive jumps, slat flats and mud lands. Anyway not bad for ?29.99.

    I've had my eye on this one, but having played Pure it kind of got overshadowed. Where did you buy it for £30? I've only seen it on GAMEs site for 40. Also how are the visuals? All the screenshots are masked with motion blur which is not good when viewing something that's not in motion


      #3 The visuals are nice enough. Certainly do the job.


        I really like this game. Earlier I did a full Baja on race mod which took about an hour and consisted of three mega stages around 20 mins each. I picked the 4x4 class which is like modded jeep wranglers and things. They weren't the best for toughness and broke down a fair bit. The tracks were superb one minute your blasting along a dry river bed in a valley then your winding up some snake pass high in the mountains then blasting through trees.

        I've been struggling on career mode so I bought a buggy instead of the beetle and its going much better. The beetle seems to hang its arse out loads on the corners with harsh over steer.


          Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
 The visuals are nice enough. Certainly do the job.
          Oh come on, look at the first building on the first track, a huge pink polygon. the gfx are horrific.


            Never noticed it. Go and do a Baja run and then come back and say they are horrific.


              Horrific, no way - they're nowhere near Pure but they're not ugly pugly. There's some very nice vistas and the environments are often interesting to look at, with many subtle changes as you go through the massive course sections. Stuff like NASCAR 08 is horrific, this is just cheap and competent.


                oks.. I will try a baja run again..


                  Would this be a good substitute in leu of a decent rally game on the 360 (I can't stand DIRT)? I love rally games, and I've been playing a bit of Richard Burns rally on my PC lately. I'm not expecting thatlevel of handling though....


                    I would have said so yes. Big long tracks. The Baja ones each stage is around 20 minutes. The handling is a bit tricky and keeps you on your toes. On some bits the track is so rough your bounced about all over the shop.


                      Cheers mate, more interested now!

                      Has anyone played this with the 360 wheel? Just curious as to how well it's set up for it (on a scale of DIRT to Forza, DIRT being useless and Forza great).


                        this game is Cack

                        The graffics are not even PS1 standard, the control and feel of the buggy is proper naff too, even Beach Buggy on the C64 felt better to play.

                        Proper disapointed in this, I played PURE around the same time and thats miles better than this pile of dirt



