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Quantum of Solace - PC Demo

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    Quantum of Solace - PC Demo

    The demo is out and for about 700 mb you gte about five minutes of gameplay.

    The game is a first/third person cover shooter that is fairly basic and standard. The cover doesn't have the precision and polish of Rainbow Six and the game is made incredibly easy by the accuracy being set for the lowest common denominator. Even blind firing is almost guaranteed to hit and kill.

    Graphically it is fairly poor compared to COD 4 but I think the bare bones graphics options are because the PC port was handled by another dev.

    The QTE based kill moves are fairly dull and the needless inclusion of a badly implemented QTE caused me to die on the same kill move twice.

    So, not really impressed. Nice enough for the mass market that will want to buy it because of the movie but it certainly isn't in the upper echelons of cover shooters.

    Reminded me of the last gen FPS bond games - not a good sign at all...

    Too many games due this holiday season, think this will be a bargain basement buy for me.


      It turns out graphics settings can't be applied in game and must be done from the front end.

      Bonus LOL: from where you start, go down the spiral stair case until you see water flowing from an alcove. Look closely at the lip at the base of alcove, notice the water flowing backwards?


        Seriously, did you guys play the same game as me?

        It looked and ran absolutly blimey on max. I thought it played preety good aswell, i'm definetly picking it up once its out. Shame the demo is really short.


          I first ran it at the default low settings as when I was in game I couldn't change the settings. They are removed from the menu so I assumed there were no graphics settings to tweak.

          Afterwards I found the graphics settings in the main menu and ran it at full. I still wasn't impressed with the look of the game. A lot of the textures seemed to have needless noise on them and whilst that is a small thing, when you are running through corridors of noise it gets a bit grating.

          The game also commits the cardinal sin of putting in a character you can't kill till they want you to. You chase a dude through the level and whilst they give you loads of opportunities to shoot and kill this character, he is invincible until I presume you get a chance to kill him later. That drives me round the bend. Terrible design.


            I quite enjoyed it, the demo was criminally short. But the cover system, weapons and shootouts were nice. I'll be picking this up at launch.


              Originally posted by chopemon View Post
              The game also commits the cardinal sin of putting in a character you can't kill till they want you to. You chase a dude through the level and whilst they give you loads of opportunities to shoot and kill this character, he is invincible until I presume you get a chance to kill him later. That drives me round the bend. Terrible design.
              That reminds me of GTA:IV.

              I can't remember if anyone picked up on it then but it annoyed me a lot.


                Well if its crap Daniel Craig will kick the crap out of em. He is a massive gamer and only signed up to do it after meeting em a few times and playing some of the levels as he didnt want to sign up to a rubbish game.

                Too human level 2 boss does same till end

