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Linger In Shadows (PS3)

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    Linger In Shadows (PS3)

    Just "played" this tech demo, don't know where to start really, it's just abstract as hell, not really sure whats meant to be going on.

    You can do all sorts with the demo, freeze time, rewind, fast forward, manipulate the camera with the sixasis. I've just been basically trying all sorts of things with the pad, pressing buttons, rotating the pad 360 degrees, shaking the pad. You can manipulate things going on in the demo like this. It also seems that you can fail at certain points if you don't discover the right things to do, so you'll be taken right back to the start of that section.

    Don't want to give too much away really as you just need to see it for yourself, it is pretty impresive from a tech point of view. Managed to unlock six trophys, no idea how, theres 16 in total but there all labled as ??? so you need to discover how to earn them. I can see there being quite a few hidden surprises in this.

    Anyone else bothered to download this? Just got all the trophys and it unlocked an

    hidden option which has a nice little nod to the old skool demo scene, reminded me of the amiga days

    . Loved every minute of this for what it is, definately worth ?2


      I want to get it, but didn't want any money sitting in my PSN wallet as this is below the £5 threshold so I didn't pick it up. I'll pick it up when I have something to go with it. Or I could perhaps take the plunge on MM9 earlier than I was planning to.

      Sounds like easy trophies anyway, I'm surprised people aren't clamouring for it.


        I know what your saying what with the extra funds sat in your account because of the £5 minimum rule, luckily I bought the extra Mega man DLC and had about 50p already sitting in my account so decided to buy it, otherwise I would have probably waited as well.

        Trophys did take a little bit of effort though, I was swinging the sixasis all over the place trying to control the camera as it's sometimes hard to get the correct angle when your searching the demo for things that unlock them.
        Last edited by Phar; 10-10-2008, 21:01.


          i went through this once yesterday and thought it was great. weird as hell, but very cool that this kind of thing is possible. certainly worth the 2 quid.
          i'll have to go through it a couple more times and see if i missed anything.


            Just read the Wiki page for this and I'm still not sure exactly what it is.

            In what way can it be considered a game? Is there actually a goal of any sort?


              Originally posted by Kaladron View Post
              Just read the Wiki page for this and I'm still not sure exactly what it is.

              In what way can it be considered a game? Is there actually a goal of any sort?
              It's not a game, it's modern demoscene, similar to the amiga days but interactive, it's interactive art really, thats probably the best way to describe it.
              Last edited by Phar; 10-10-2008, 22:09.


                Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                I want to get it, but didn't want any money sitting in my PSN wallet as this is below the ?5 threshold so I didn't pick it up.
                Are you sure you have to add increments of ?5 every time? I thought you did, and had like 7p sat around doing nothing. Then I went to buy Wipeout the other week, but rather than add funds first, I added the game to my basket, then clicked Checkout or something, it debited my card ?11.92 or whatever was needed to get the game with the 7p I had in my wallet, and that was that. I too thought you had to add ?5 increments but turned out you don't.


                  No, you just have to have a minimum purchase of £5 - or rather, if you buy something that's less than that it forces you to add £5 to your wallet and leaves the rest of the funds in there.

                  I like this, though it's not quite as visually impressive as it thinks it is and it shouldn't really have had trophies (15 out of 16 in one go <_< ). No, Kaladron, it's not a game as such - it's just a 6-7 minute demoscene reel where at various points you have to manipulate the video - various little tricks you can do with the Sixaxis. It's very pretty, though, and quite atmospheric. I don't regret spending two pounds on it.


                    I didn't realise the &#163;5 minimum limit. That kinda sucks. Still, I prefer real cash transactions to points.


                      Yep picked this up as soon as i saw it on the store - love the work that plastic do.. (the gfx whore that i am ), and the demo scene in general. been an avid collector right from the cbm64, atari st, amiga days.... got the first six trophy's, and now on the hunt for the other lot.. managed to find a couple of logo's but nothing unlocked - what do you do .. ????.. kept them on screen for a few seconds - took screengrabs.. ??? muuuhhhh...

                      The old school section with the bob's 'n' scroller really brought back the memory's....


                        I assume the trophy I missed was to do with this old-skool intro, since I didn't see anything like that. Although I did skip the credits.

                        It pretty much tells you what to do, sailor - the button prompts come up in the corners while you're playing, or you can just pause it and carefully L2-R2 through the section until you see the items on the menu start flashing.


                          Right-o - cheers for the tip - ive been to busy looking around the mainscreen n twisting the controller to notice - Doohh.. i'll give it another go 2 morrow...


                            Originally posted by Pharfetchd View Post
                            It's not a game, it's modern demoscene, similar to the amiga days but interactive, it's interactive art really, thats probably the best way to describe it.
                            So, erm, excuse my ignorance but why are they charging money for it? What's in it for me?



