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Quantum of solace

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    Quantum of solace

    Only played a couple of missions but im really impressed with the games cod 4 engine which i think we should have on most of our games, nice fast action tight controlls and looks realy sweet, just touched on multiplayer but for 1 i cant fault the cod4 engine with them fine controlls, looks fanatstic with crisp clean graphics and the cut scenes and quicktime events blend in smoothly.

    Maybe more later if i can pull myself away from it, over and out funnyfanny.

    Region Free.

    I got this on the PC this morning (along with RA3 and Fallout 3) and, despite the reviews, I like it

    Do find that the graphics are not as good as CoD4 for some reason but the 3rd person cover system works well. Only 3 levels in so far but promising in a throwaway kinda way.


      Also played a couple of missions of this and I have to say it's not bad. Nothing special but could be worth a one time playthrough.

      The game uses the CoD4 engine and while the similarities are there in the gameplay, visually it is not as polished. The actual cutscenes look worse than the actual gameplay which is kind of weird. Cover system works well enough, pretty similar to something like Gears or Uncharted actually but again not as refined. I really enjoyed the opening section of the game though, introduces you nicely to game and fits nicely into the Bond universe. Also loved the way it went into the classic Bond introduction, nice little touch.

      Have to say though if it didn't have the Bond license, it probably wouldnt have interested me. But hey it is a Bond game and it is a decent one!


        You see if this was released at a time when there was nothing i would pick it up. Seeing as i am flooded already by high quality titles, it will have to wait till after christmas before i'll be picking it up. At least by then it will be oversaturated in the preowned section of every store and be cheap.


          How is the multiplayer? By all accounts it is just the same as COD4, so could be a good alternative for those not liking the WW2 setting of CoD5


            I'm really enjoying this! Solid level design and some nice meaty weapons = enjoyable FPS. It reminds me a lot of Cold Winter, the Swordfish developed PS2 FPS which I really enjoyed as it bore more than a passing resemblance to GoldenEye>

            Don't know if this needs spoilering but, just in case:

            I was always under the impression that the game would run in a linear Casino Royale -> Quantum of solace format but that isn't the case at all. Just finished 4 Quantum sections and it's segued into a Royale flashback where you chase the bomb maker through the building site. Pretty cool! Some nice lighting effects and runny-jumpy bits!

            It's good to see that they added a little facial animation to the Daniel Craig model as it was looking like he would stay looking a little pissed through the whole game.

            It's got takedowns similar to Bourne where you can sprint at an enemy and then enter a little button press QTE to unleash some Bond-pain. A couple are quite brutal but nothing near the Bourne "screwdriver into the hand"

            Had a quick go on multiplayer and it seems like it could be a nice diversion. Similar set-up to CoD4 where you gain credits if you win matches to buy upgrades and add-ons to your weapons. The servers aren't too busy at the moment though and everybody seems to play the Bond vs mode where it's 1 vs All to see if Bond can disarm bombs before he is eliminated by the rest of the party.

            Ooh, a lot of the achievements are named after Bond films too which I found quite amusing

            So far then a solid entry into the FPS genre and I am really looking forward to playing a bit more and then going to see the film.


              Think I'm gonna pick this up after seeing the film maybe. Not interested in CoD5 so could be a good replacement if the multiplayer is a good time killer.


                Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                Think I'm gonna pick this up after seeing the film maybe. Not interested in CoD5 so could be a good replacement if the multiplayer is a good time killer.
                I seriously doubt that I'll be bying CoD5 either, Rossco so at the very least you'll be able to kick my ass at this!

                EDIT: The multiplayer had better have some staying power. I've finished the single player already!! Only about 5 hours of game there!
                Last edited by teddymeow; 31-10-2008, 18:40.


                  it's pretty good but odd after watching the movie, it's like a 6 year old recounting the story.
                  They got the jist but it's just not the same


                    Just played some team deathmatxh and the map was Facility from GoldenEye

                    The memories came flooding back!!


                      Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                      It's good to see that they added a little facial animation to the Daniel Craig model as it was looking like he would stay looking a little pissed through the whole game.

                      "Major plot diversion from the film" alert!

                      If I'd bought it, I'd want my money back. He's pissed all the way through the film.

                      (Couldn't resist).


                        Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
                        it's pretty good but odd after watching the movie, it's like a 6 year old recounting the story.
                        They got the jist but it's just not the same
                        I'm on level 5, the first



                        I totally agree.

                        That said, it's a bond licence and it's WAY above the average dribble. Fun little sections, a reasonable (but not perfect) Gears/Rsix cover varient, and lovely visuals.

                        It has the goldeneye vibe of secrets, and multiple paths/objectives, and the multiplayer was fun.

                        But take away the licence and it is an average game, with sublime engine.

                        So as a FPS/Bond fan there certainly is entertainment here.

                        Worth a rent, when you are done with Fallout3/Dead Space/LBP/Mirrors Edge/GOW2/Fable2 etc etc....


                          I'm much further in now, and I am very surprised at how big the game is. I had read it was over in 4 hours, but I'm 8 hours in and not finished.

                          The later levels are really really good. Fantastic visuals and superb Gears of War style cover and attack.

                          I don't know anyone else who has tried the game, but if you are a shooter fan, this feels like a real homage to Goldeneye to me.

                          The biggest issue with the game is that it doesn't follow the films very well. If you can accept that, then there is some good fun to be had here.*

                          *If you are a FPS fan


                            I'll revive this thread, as I just started playing this on Saturday.

                            I have played over half way through this (I estimate), and it's really good fun. I don't think it's going to last long, but it's great "popcorn" gaming with some brilliant set pieces (train springs to mind), and in places it's really reminding me of Goldeneye.

                            I should really hate this given that it's got some of my gaming hates in it, such as QTE and stealth sections, but the game keeps me playing thanks to a good atmosphere and fun gameplay.

                            The COD duty engine is used well, and the cover system is nicely done. The cutscenes are not up to much, but I'm not really concerened about that. The achievments are also pretty good, with a lot of levels having challenges to do to get the relevent reward, meaning that I may replay a couple of levels once done.

                            The online isn't amazing on this which is a shame, as if they had used the COD template a bit more it could have been something special. As it is it's quite laggy and unresponsive. If you get a good connection it can be fun, but as it stands it's a missed trick.


                              I've got a work mate who is addicted to the multiplayer. He keeps trying to talk me into getting the game. In desperation he has even joined a clan of 14 year olds, and they made him do a trial of fire before allowing him to join, which makes me LOL just thinking about it.

