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Quantum of solace

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    That's very kind of you

    My brother doesn't mind helping me out - the only issue is knowing whether a UK-bought game will work on my Japanese 360, as his copy of NHL did not.


      Due to recent revival of this thread and the many glowing comments, I decided to whip this out the draw to finally play. It utilises a lot of the films style and direction. The duck and cover element mixed with the first person perspective works quite well... I only managed to get to the second chapter, before having to turn it off. Once again the motion sickness of FPS games took its toll and I felt ill and sick again. Its not a bad game, but the killing enemies is a bit unsatifying as hey jus drop like spuds in a wooden fashion. The one on one encounters are a bit hit and miss for me, as I will run up to an enemy and not engage in any QTE.

      But for what its worth, it very playable and worth a playthrough, but given my history with FPS games, it will take me a while to see through... Also,is it me or do the colours seem a bit washed out in the game? Maybe it has something to do with the game asking me to brighten up the game at the start.

      Definately one for bond fans



        Finished this last night. Still think I prefer Bloodstone and some of the enemy shoot outs (particularly near the end) are relentless and verging on boring, but on the whole an enjoyable game which actually looks better than I remember Bloodstone looking!

        I can't remember the whole storyline from the film but it seemed to stick well to it, as much as Goldeneye on the N64 did anyway. The only thing I found slightly confusing was the decision to drop some of Casino Royals storyline in near the end.


          I started playing this a few weeks back and I got as far as the opera mission, but kept falling off the balance beam.

          I get the idea of keeping the white dot in the middle to stay balanced, but how do you keep moving forward?

          It shifts perspective and I can't seem to move JB without him falling off!



            Finished this today. Not great but not too bad, average to slightly better than average for me. You could tell it was a Treyach game due to the constant instant headshots and endless waves of enemies, though thank goodness no infinite spawns. The QTE were extremely annoying as well. However there were some enjoyable levels and bits.

            Not a single soul on multiplayer the few times I attempted to get a game.


              Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
              Not a single soul on multiplayer the few times I attempted to get a game.
              That's a shame, servers were really busy back in the day and the multiplayer was excellent. It's unfortunate how everything bar a couple of big hitters has such limited shelf life on the consoles, the fact that this was empty for you while plenty of people are playing that godawful Goldeneye game just because it's newer says it all .

