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Prince Of Persia [PS3 / 360]

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    I'm still loving it, everything from the traversing through the lovely environments to collecting the "orbs". I agree with EB, collecting the "orbs" is quite fun and challenging too. Figuring out how you will reach some of the harder ones is like solving a mini puzzle.

    It is nice to have a game where there is no real frustration, you just play it and enjoy it. Also I know a few people don't like the new Prince but I think he is pretty good in a cheesy sort of way. The banter between him and Elika is great, got a few laughs out me anyway!

    Also the game seems like it is pretty big, I have put a good few hours into now (mainly trying to collect the "orbs") and still have quite a few lands to heal.
    Last edited by ezee ryder; 08-12-2008, 10:30.


      Originally posted by Dezm0nd View Post
      I like the story mechanic. You get the main story at certain points in the game and then you have the choice of pressing LT or not if you want more background information.
      I can see the logic: if a player wants the story, they will press the left trigger; if the player doesn't want the story, they won't.

      That's a fair enough design decision. But where's the worth in making the player who does want to know the story have to repeatedly press the trigger after every line of dialogue? Why not have it as just a one-off press?

      This isn't helped by the fact that the dialogue icon doesn't appear until about a second or two after the previous line has finished, so you stand there waiting to see if there's more or not; either that or you find yourself leaping off to do the next bit of free-running just as the icon flashes up screen, leaving you unable to trigger it as you're too busy swinging on some pole.

      Whilst I'm having a hearty moan, why have a parry system that barely benefits the player at all, particularly when the opponent is in a "red" state requiring a gauntlet grapple? All the parry seems to do is interrupt the opponent's current combo - it doesn't allow a counter-attack as the opponent is more than likely going to parry a standard [X] attack. And, if you try to gauntlet grapple a red-state enemy after parrying their attack, they'll just jab you in the gut.

      All of this is making it look like I hate the game, which I don't - it just doesn't make my brain active enough to hate it.


        Just finished it and found all light seeds to boot. Absolutly loved it from beginning to end, one of my fav games of the year. I don't know why critics are panning the prince character, i thought he was great and quite funny. The dialogue between Elika and Prince were great.

        Will start again from the beginning tomorrow. Just need 3 more achievements to get a 1000. Forgot to do the combo specialist achievement even though i did get the sword master one while playing through it though.


          Finished it this morning, woke up early to do the final fight. I won't bother getting 1000 achievement points but it was a very enjoyable game. The characters definitely were my saving grace through the slow beginning part of the game.

          As an added thought on my way into work, I had real problems with the QTEs in the combat.

          I found that even when the icon is on screen, it was possible to fail it which was really frustrating when the boss got half his health bar back. Anyone else find this as annoying? Or was I just rubbish
          Last edited by Dezm0nd; 09-12-2008, 07:48.


            Originally posted by Dezm0nd View Post
            I found that even when the icon is on screen, it was possible to fail it which was really frustrating when the boss got half his health bar back. Anyone else find this as annoying? Or was I just rubbish
            I'm quite sure there's a bug in there somewhere - I noticed the other night in one particular battle that I'd regularly get a QTE that required repeated pressing of the [X] button, but it would flash red and register as a fail the moment that button was pressed.

            Fortunately it didn't result in a failed fight as there'd always be a subsequent QTE after that particular one.


              HAHA (Mad Cackles Laughter). Combo Specialist Achievement Unlocked - 50g.

              Only need to play through the game again to get the last two achievements. Its the first game in quite along time that i have gone out of my way and enjoyed unlocking all the achievements.


                Originally posted by Dezm0nd View Post
                Finished it this morning, woke up early to do the final fight. I won't bother getting 1000 achievement points but it was a very enjoyable game. The characters definitely were my saving grace through the slow beginning part of the game.

                As an added thought on my way into work, I had real problems with the QTEs in the combat.

                I found that even when the icon is on screen, it was possible to fail it which was really frustrating when the boss got half his health bar back. Anyone else find this as annoying? Or was I just rubbish
                I think you were just rubbish. The only time I've had a problem is when I'm holding the block button at the same time.


                  Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                  HAHA (Mad Cackles Laughter). Combo Specialist Achievement Unlocked - 50g.

                  Only need to play through the game again to get the last two achievements. Its the first game in quite along time that i have gone out of my way and enjoyed unlocking all the achievements.
                  Nice one how did you manage that one mate? Do you need to do them all, then finish the game and hope you got them all?!


                    You can get that achievement anytime. I recommend starting the game again once you finished it, and do it on your first encounters of The Hunter, Concubine and Alchemist, as they hardly block attacks. Don't forget to let them kill you every now and again so they get most of their life back, allowing you to get some extra milage out of them.

                    You have to do all the combos in the list in the options to get the achievement. Its easier if you just print out the below and mark them off once you have done one. I put a question mark next to one if i wasn't sure i did it correctly. So if i didn't get the achievement i would do it again.

                    Normal Combo:

                    Magic Combo:

                    Gauntlet Combo:

                    Acrobatic Combo:

                    AB combo:

                    BA Combo:

                    Make sure that the combo doesn't kill the enemy as it won't count. If an enemy blocks any part of the combo it will also not count. If you hit an enemy into a wall or off a ledge the combo it won't count either.

                    It seems that the achievement doesn't unlock until you have killed the current enemy, its how it happened with me. As i was racking my brain out to see if i didn't do one correctly.

                    If you keep those in mind you should be able to do it easy.

                    Hope i wasn't too confusing and it answers your question.


                      That makes good sense thanks very much

                      Have you done the mythical 14 hit combo one yet?


                        14 hit combo, you called?

                        XXX YXYA YXYB then AYX or AXY or AXB to finish.


                          Originally posted by Friction View Post
                          That makes good sense thanks very much

                          Have you done the mythical 14 hit combo one yet?
                          Yeah, i did that on my first play through. It isn't as hard as you think it is, i did it towards the end of the game. Your probably better off doing it at the beginning as the boss's were constantly blocking when i was trying to do it.


                            OK bought this game tonight. Cant wait to play it. Hope it lives up to the glowing reviews and all your thoughts. Looks fantastic and cant wait. Just gotta wait for the missus to watch her bluray copy of mama mia first

                            EDIT: Well isnt this a breath of fresh air? Its an amazing game. From the visuals to the gameplay. Its fantastic. And its got a whole Soul Reaver/Zelda:WW type vibe to it. An awesome game, and i cant wait to play more. Just a shame i got work soon

                            I have come across a few bugs, but nothing game breaking. For instance when i was at the temple, the game world floor dissapeared and i would fall through it. Another was similar. When swinging the whole level dissapeared and all i could see was a moon and some stars, but fixed itself up. Other than that, gaming perfection IMO. Just fun.

                            Oh and this really is perfect for trophy/acheivement whores innit?
                            Last edited by Cuber001; 11-12-2008, 12:37.


                              Any more advice on the 14 hit combo guys? I read it's supposedly easy to do on an early boss, which is what I am trying with a new game, but STILL they seem to always counter me (despite people saying early on they don't) - even mid way through the combo which is most annoying!


                                You just have to time it perfectly as you can miss it sometimes. Just keep repeating the combo in your head and you'll eventually get it. The concubine is the best for combos. Its who i did it on towards the end of the game.

