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Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)

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    Finished Cecil's story mode last night. Only picked up 3 of the 4 story rewards and got 78% completion at the end of it so I guess I need to replay it to do it properly. On a couple of the stages there were panels that were locked and the game said they were only opened up when I cleared the mode. Did it mean Cecil's story or the entire story mode?


      Think it means just that story. I remember seeing in one of the tip dialogues some advice about replaying the same stories.

      Just been playing this on a 2 hour train journey - crikey it's a bit long-winded. I do quite like it, but there's a lot of loading, menus, cut-scenes and slow speech (Cloud seems physically incapable of completing a sentence without pausing in the middle) which just drags on, and makes it an overall quite frustrating experience. As expected, the fan service is massively present which although quite inner-nerd appeasing in places can also be quite cringe-worthy.

      Would agree with the Virtual On comparisons, but with a great big dollop of RPG-customisation on top. Looking at all the character customisation options is quite frankly dumbfounding - would be interested to see how effective it all is in reality, as already I have my suspicions that a lot of it would be largely pointless in practice.


        Cleared Cloud's story last night. I'm sure everyone can guess who the final boss is but I won't spoiler for the 2 people who may have been living under a rock for the past 12 years, but I will just say that it was absolutely epic fight.

        Just absolutely perfect combination of stage and music. Was surprisingly challenging too (moreso than Cecil's boss) I had to wait for openings to launch my Bravery attack combos and almost every time I went for HP attacks he'd dodge flawlessly.Made it all the more satisfying when the attacks actually landed and sent him flying around the arena smashing scenary and following up with Chase attacks to keep the pressure up.


          Getting a bit confused with the percentage completion figures in Story Mode.

          Decided to go back to the Prologue (which stood at 80&#37 and went through it a second time (confusion on how it worked the first time meant I wasted Destiny Points) and when I was done I had 93% completion. I fought all battles, collected all items so not sure what I need to do for 100%. Anyone cleared Prologue full?

          Similarly I went back to redo Cecil’s story and the locked panels did become accessible, the first of which was guarding a

          Carbuncle Summonstone (non-Auto version)

          . However, a rare battle piece spawned in the third stage and it’s totally kicking my ass. It’s a lv.23 Garland manikin but his equip setup is insane (about 6 accessories linked to a HP=100% booster). I have to inflict just a small amount of damage as soon as possible just to nullify the booster effect to make the battle competitive and even then my Bravery attacks struggle to do any meaningful damage whereas a single series of attacks from him almost always inflicts Brave Break.

          Considering my Cecil is also lv.23 I thought this would be a good match up so I seriously get the feeling I’m “doinitrong”.


            I've cleared that 100%, the only thing i can think you've missed is doing the chain battles and meeting the DP chance criteria.

            Once you've done all the characters and move onto the Shade Impuse, it becomes insanly unbalanced. Those mankins go into level 40+ and even my 39 Cloud is one shotted each time i enter a fight. Emperor's Flare, Bartz Wind Shear and Jecht will just destroy you in about 4 seconds.


              Ok quick question? which cover have you kept on, Black or White?
              What Will You Fight For?

              here's the games intro only 1 word sums it up WOW

              only one thing it seems to be reversed???
              Last edited by MisterBubbles; 11-09-2009, 19:41.


                Can somebody tell me if bad guys are available in Story Mode? I bought Sephiroth the moment I could but he is nowhere to be found. Can I use the items acquired in story mode to pump up my character in Arcade Mode?


                  I don't think there's a Chaos Story (unless one unlocks later in the game).

                  Also, Arcade Mode uses pre-set character builds which cannot be changed. Customisation only applies to Story Mode, Duel Colosseum and Quick Battle.


                    straight from the horses mouth here the devs tell you.

                    Takahashi:There isn't a story mode for the Chaos side, but that doesn't mean the story's weaker for those characters. If you play from the Cosmos side, you'll get to see the Chaos story along the way.
                    Arakawa:If you're trying to raise all the Chaos characters, I'd recommend waiting until after you complete all the Cosmos characters and see the ending. Exactly why I say this is a secret, but...
                    Takahashi:You can always use PP to access the Chaos characters early on, but you can use a certain mode after viewing the ending that will make raising them a lot more fun.
                    Ikeda:The Chaos story events are great, too. Basically, one side wants to destroy the world and the other wants to rule over it, and they have conferences and things.


                      Regarding chaos story:

                      Finish all the Destiny Odyssey and Shade Impulse stories. You then unlock one more story that can be played either from a Cosmos or Chaos point of view. You can use this to level Chaos unlocked characters up.

                      You can level unlocked characters in quick battle aswell as the above mentioned.


                        Thx a lot for all the replies. I unlocked Command Mode and playing it right now, a lot better than Action Mode for me at least. Does Command Mode function on higher difficulties or does it have to be pretty basic?


                          You can use Rosetta Stone items to trade for an ETC item which boosts the effectiveness of Command mode.


                            Has anyone unlocked

                            Gabranth? His power and EX Charge move is sickening, but all kinds of fun.

                            Also regarding

                            Inward Choas, even my 84 Cloud doesn't look like it would be ready to take that on, did a quick scan of the mobs and thought best to exit.


                              God I love this game to bits.

                              Had a bad hangover today, but didn't stop me from playing this the whole afternoon. I love the whole presentation, the art, the graphics, the music, the menu, the unlockables... every bloody thing! I mean, that intro puts a lot of Ps360 games to shame? Finished a few story modes (such as Cloud) but not 100% yet. This is seriously a GOTY contender for me.

                              Someone mentioned Clouds last battle, man, that made me jump on my seat. I managed to unleash an Omnislash midway through, and we would both dodge our aerial strikes afterwards... it was epicness, like playing ACC action scenes.

                              I just suck when playing with mages as Ultimecia, it takes me ages to win. Is there a catch to it?
                              Last edited by saturn-gamer; 13-09-2009, 17:46.


                                Have to admit I was starting to find this a little tedious. By about the 7th character's story it just felt I was going through the motion's each time as very few of the battles were challenging (far too much bravery is awarded for Brave Break at lower levels so it can often be only a single HP attack for a win).

                                However gone through all 10 Odysseys now and started

                                Shade Impulse

                                . This is much better. A far greater number of high level battle pieces on the map and the fights against these are much more involving. Attacks need to be timed much more precisely and even getting a EX Burst is often not enough to finish a fight.


                                Shade Impulse

                                . You choose a character at the start but I noticed that after choosing Warrior of Light the pause menu said I was in Chapter 1-I then Chapter 1-II etc. Is there an entirely new story per character or is it just multiple chapters shared by all characters?

