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Afro Samurai

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    Afro Samurai

    My PS3 version of this arrived earlier this week and I finally got a chance to have a quick play through the first couple of stages.

    First impressions: Positive.
    Controls are simple. Three attack buttons, one for weak sword attacks, one for strong and a button for kick. The three attack types can be strung together to create some tasty combos, all of which build focus. Focus attacks take on two forms (assigned to both of the left shoulder buttons), one for a short attack and the other starts a slow motion kill frenzy type affair, giving you a short time to hack off the limbs of the various enemies that swarm your way.

    Visually, the game is stunning. Admittedly, I may have been more impressed had this come out before Prince of Persia, but it's still eye candy to say the least. The soundtrack has been composed (much like the anime) by the genius mind of the RZA and nothing is more satisfying than chopping a man in half with Wu beats thumping in the background.

    The game is largely faithful to the anime and much like the Naruto games, begins the story from right around the start. I haven't played enough to see if they stay on track or throw in a few extra twists, but the game should be easy enough to follow for those not familiar with the source material.

    I have a couple of small complaints. The camera does on occasion get itself a little lost and often forces itself a little close in, making it difficult to see where enemies are coming from and can result in Afro getting a small kicking. Also, while Afro can jump to grab ledges and wallrun, he can only do this in areas purposely designed for that, giving little room for exploration (and making you wonder why he keeps forgetting his own skills).

    Repetitive? Sure, but games like this tend to be. If you want something fun, hellaviolent, with the occasional topless ninja thrown in, garnished with a ton of a Samuel L Jackson f-bombs, go for it.

    As the RZA himself said, this game appears to be the Shoobadoops.

    Nice review, my girl wants to play this badly, I'll have to see if I can get it sometime.


      [nothing] - you weren't in the least bit disturbed by the semi-naked female dismemberment then?


        Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
        [nothing] - you weren't in the least bit disturbed by the semi-naked female dismemberment then?
        Initally, I was a tad surprised that they let you slice semi-naked women in half, but I wouldn't say that I was overly disturbed or offended by it. Having watched Asian Cinema and Anime for many years, i've seen images far worse than that and (as cliched as it sounds) I guess i've become a tad desensitised to what some may view as odd or disturbing.

        This doesn't mean i'm a man without any standards as to what i'd class as disturbing however. Images of real torture, such as atrocities of war, the videos of soldiers being beheaded by al Qaeda, or the recent video of that poor guy being tortured and killed with a hammer and screwdriver make me feel ill, I can't even watch a single second of those.

        I guess my mind is able to accept bizarre fantasy disturbing images because they are just that, fantasy.


          Don't get me wrong - I like strategic dismemberment as much as the next man - but there was something about the semi-naked women slicing in this that seemed a little... too wrong....

          Perhaps I'm getting old.


            So i picked up a really cheap copy of this and I've got to say I'm really loving it. I wasn't expecting much after the battering it got review wise but all in all its a very solid game.

            The visuals style is really nice and the soundtrack is quality. I'd also say that the voice acting is a really high standard and has some really funny moments.

            Gameplay wise its pretty simple and easy to play, it's not going to worry the best games in the genre but it is fun.

            The one main criticism I have is the animations when you actually hit someone, there isn't enough impact in them which detracts from the overall feel.

            Still if you can pick it up for around £10-15 its well worth trying.


              The cel-shading engine is great and the audio is uniformly tremendous, but Christ, it's maddening how close to brilliant a game it is. Kicking is way, way overpowered for someone who's supposed to be killing people with his sword - it is pretty much the foolproof way to get out of trouble at nearly any time. The controls are far too floaty and imprecise, the checkpoints keep glitching, the animation never really connects, the level design is ropy, poorly set out and far too linear, the platforming is woefully done and never has any sense of letting you play around with it, let alone explore - it's strictly A to B to C to D etc.

              And the final boss? Christ, I doubt I've got the patience to sit through ten minutes of whittling his health down only for him to pull off that bull**** 'my goodness, sir, did you actually think you were going to be allowed to win? Oh dear me no' move again where he begins spamming energy blasts in all directions so fast Ninja Gaiden would run screaming in terror.

              On the other hand it gets so many little things right it's easy to forgive it quite a bit. I can see why Edge gave it a 5, but I enjoyed a hell of a lot of it beyond the visuals and the audio... the gore engine is fantastic; the fact your super moves can miss; the fact you can be knocked out of the super moves; the fact enemies will actually attack you more than one at a time (for the love of God, AC2, please say you've been taking notes!)... I dunno, in some ways it's one of the better hack'n'slashers I've come across. If only it weren't so obviously underfunded and inexperienced.

