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Pole's big adventure (Jpn wiiware)

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    Pole's big adventure (Jpn wiiware)

    After seeing this announced in another thread on here i took the risk & got it for 500 points, after playing just one level i have to say this without a doubt is the most hillarious game i have ever played. I ache from laughing.

    I want to tell you all the jokes but i can't as it would ruin it as they are best when you see them for yourself if you know whats coming it wouldnt be as funny, basically it's not really a proper game it's a total pisstake/parody of a game & i mean that in a good way, it has lots of jokes that will mess with you as you play. As you play a voice does a commentary for you & you get subtitles on screen it's genius.

    Sega you are officially forgiven for all your past ****, this game makes up for it.

    Looks retro, sounds retro but you get full speech in the commentary. Plays really nice & easy to control, hehe be careful not everything behaves as it seems the game bends the rules for the sake of comedy, it makes me want to keep going just to see what it's going to do next.

    Wish this was retail id really love to have it in physical form, id pay hard cash for it with a box & manual thats for sure but at 500 points its a bargain for the amount of laughs you get out of it.

    If people post the jokes please spoiler tag them.

    i read your comments about this over at ASSEMbler so I'm going to put my Wii back on line tonight (Have to reset my router you see) and have myself a bloody good laugh. It's been agaes since a game made me laugh so this is a welcome title. I'll post my comments on it tomorrow



      Well iv'e seen the end of the game now as it's pretty easy but after you have completed it once you have to do it again to get the rest of the remaining jokes as they don't appear in the normal game you have to do hard mode & the second time around it's a lot more challenging.

      Thoroughly enjoying this, for 500 points it's a bargain for the entertainment i have already gotten out of it.


        This is one ive been meaning to check out since it was featured on Kotaku.

        All Ive heard about this game was 'mario ripoff', so its nice to know its something decent with good humour

        Any ideas if it will be released outside of Japan?


          Is this gonna be worth playin if you can't understand the jokes?


            Thought I might as well use some of the points left sitting in my account for this one as it's so cheap.. played the first few levels and it's quite funny but as said it's not really a proper game, everything is basically a setup for the jokes/nostalgia - most of which is easily understood and the voiceover just comments on the strangeness of the action in the game to give it more emphasis (in the options it is called tsukkomi, which is the straight man in manzai comedy double acts - in the game it is spoken in kansai-ben which is typical for manzai also, so it is clearly a big influence on the style of the game).

            Worth a couple of quid for a laugh with your mates.


              Originally posted by jamesy View Post
              Is this gonna be worth playin if you can't understand the jokes?
              All the jokes are gameplay based so they're universal. I made my girlfriend play it yesterday... She's not much of a gamer and certainly can't understand Japanese but she thought it was really funny.


                Ah excellent. I'll give this a go later then hopefully.


                  Originally posted by importaku View Post
                  Well iv'e seen the end of the game now as it's pretty easy but after you have completed it once you have to do it again to get the rest of the remaining jokes as they don't appear in the normal game you have to do hard mode & the second time around it's a lot more challenging.
                  Finished this one sitting a couple of nights ago. Yesterday night I went back for another go on the hard mode. The first boss just kept killing me tho! How did you beat him?


                    Do you mean the female lion or the male lion after?

                    For the female lion stand in the middle of the screen & face one way, you should get a few shots in then jump straight up in the air as she goes underneath you then quickly jump again & let her go back underneath you. Don't try to turn around to get extra shots in as she will hit you before you can do it. Just repeat jumping & shooting.

                    For the male lion it's pretty easy once you know the trick, after he has flashed yellow quickly run under him as he jumps, now stay near the edge of the screen, he will move pretty fast, as he gets near you just jump, because you stay in the air quit a bit when you jump he will goto the edge of the screen & back before you land. Now get a few shots in & get ready for him to flash yellow then goto the other side of the screen & repeat. As long as you stay near the edge of the screen & time your jumps he shouldnt be able to hit you.

                    I originally tried jumping over him but i found it next to impossible to get any hits in.

                    Im currently getting my arese kicked by the polar bear now as he has a few new extra attacks he didnt use the first time round hehe the sneaky bugger.


                      It was the male lion that kept killing me. Could only ever get away from him once when he flashed yellow. My problem was I was trying ridiculous dives over him as he ran at me. With these new tactics aquired I should be able to dominate him.

                      So glad this game got mentioned on here otherwise I would never have known about it. It's an absolute gem.


                        Bump! This is excellent, really funny, I've been smiling the whole time I played it. Highlight for me so far is probably

                        walking into a cactus

                        , but the


                        , obviously, is amazing!

                        Two things,

                        What does the top option in the options screen do?

                        Anyone have any idea what the medals are all about in the joke gallery?


                          This game is excellent stuff,
                          Would be nice if someone could put some sort of translation on-line for the main options etc. Although I haven't checked gamefaqs yet!
                          Ah, the joys of shooting a lion, this is classic seal-clubbing Nintendo at its best, well by-way of Sega.
                          3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                            Don't remember the options been that hard but i'll check later & whip something up for you.
                            Last edited by importaku; 05-06-2009, 18:19.


                              There you go

                              Title screen menu
                              ゲームスタト (Game start)
                              オプション (Option)
                              ギャラリー (Gallery)

                              Options menu
                              テロップ ON OFF (screen subtitles)

                              サウンド (Sound)
                              BGM ON OFF
                              SE ON OFF
                              ツッコミ テレビ(TV) Wiiリモコン(Wii remote) OFF
                              (ツッコミ is commentary)

                              The stuff in the gallery is the jokes you have found in the main game, you have to clear both normal & hard modes to get all the jokes as some only appear in hard mode. The medals are to do with how well hidden the joke you found was, gold ones are the most well hidden.

