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Death Tank

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    Death Tank

    Are you ready for action?

    Let me start by saying I am a total Death Tank Zwei die hard and therefore a lot of this is going to be comparisons between this and the original. Ive used brackets for most of the new additions.

    In short, its absolutely fantastic, managing to keep to its roots while adding a small number of great new additions.

    Ok, lets start from the beginning, you have three basic areas to the game - single player (they have AI robot tanks now), online multiplayer and custom match.

    Single player gives you a tutorial, some basic tank combat and also a fantastic "arcade mode" which introduces a whole new game basically where you have a number of lives, you have limited weapons and a number of different types of enemy each with different tactics (flying buzzsaws, speedy tanks with machine guns, turrets, hoverpads, etc). Makes for an enjoyable and very different death tank experience.

    However, the meat of the game is the multiplayer. This is the mode where you have one life per round and earn cash for each kill (and now even for clever trick and difficult shots) which you can spend in the shop at the end of each round. There are plenty of excellent weapons on offer in the shop - all the old favourites (bar hover coil and airstrike - boo) along with a few new ones like turret or super fuel, enabling you to level the playing field or move faster respectively.

    The in game action is very frantic and results in hilariously unlikely things happening almost every game. Nuking a friend, flying into an incoming missile, shooting someone whilst upside down, shielding a shot into an opponent, there are countless comedy moments to be had.

    Interspersed with the normal rounds, there are the occasional event round (like the old blitz round) where the rules change and they are usually more hectic than ever. For example everyone will have jump jets and can only use delayed blast bombs.

    There are also prize rounds where there are special weapons hidden in the landscape which can be blasted out with enough firepower and then collected. These are the top tier of weaponry which cant be bought such as lasers, MLRS, plasma shots and the like. Basically, its a wild scramble to pick them up first usually

    Custom match allows you to customise so much of the game, the amount of money, the teams (at last! Teams in Death Tank!), number of AIs, virtually everything you can think of.

    In short it is everything Death Tank was but now with bots, teams, extra weapons and loads of neat touches you wish were in the orginal - you can shoot tank shells out of the air now! Genius!

    Play the trial and you will know whether you should buy this game - it is the same thing essentially all the way through but every game will be very different - if that makes sense.

    PS. Turn the music off, Death Tank is not supposed to have music :P

    the demo just made me feel old and like everything was too quick and there were too many buttons to remember


      Awesome first impressions. Death Tank Zwei is honestly one of the greatest videogames I've ever played, and I didn't even think twice before forking out 1200 for a game I'd not even played the demo of. Really looking forward to this but need to find more people. And also tear myself away from SFIV


        Still umming and ahhing over buying this. The news the original Death Tank Zwei is an unlockable in the game might win me over though! Apparently if you shoot down the supply plane it will unlock the original game.


          I'm a fan of the original too. Firstly, 1200 points is a complete rip off. The whole package is pretty uninspired, single player gets boring very quickly and I couldn't get a ranked game for love nor money the other day. That said, I had some proper offline multiplayer at the weekend and its still an absolutely belting multiplayer game. So damn fun.


            Just bumping this thread because anybody who has death tank and has stopped playing (probably due to lack of people online) needs to log on asap - they have launched a huge patch for free which is absoultely brilliant!

            13 new weapons including hover coil and a really good airstrike, new unlockable tanks, mods (where you can change absolutely everything about the game, weapon speed, power, radius etc) and online tournaments with real prizes! A monster of a free download!

            The graphics got a light overhaul as well unless I just forgot how it looked with better backgrounds, snow effect and orbital strikes being updated along with new sunset stages (unless I missed those first time round)

