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Demon's Souls PS3

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    And to think you were so close to throwing the towel in at the start


      If I get the Thief Ring from 1-1 by jumping down to where Ostrava is, he moves off his ledge without me ever talking to him. Is this bad? I've left him there and I'm not sure what to do with him as I heard he can be glitchy or die while I'm in the area but not anywhere near him. Need the guys key for sure though. Not sure if I should just kill him for it? /shrug

      Edit: my heart starts racing every time I get invaded also, and I devote 100% of my attention to fending off the invaders it actually interupts what I have planned for the day sometimes. Good stuff


        You don't really need his key at all on your first playthrough. You need to be quite powerful to be able to even use it.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          like c i just beat for 1st time tonite too. awesome game. full of frustrations of every kind, large and small, but such a refreshing and unique game overall that it seems churlish to mention them. also ploughed into ng+ and had fun black phantoming death and poison clouds over heavily armoured dudes who'd evidently left their lotuses behind. shame! just kept distance and watched 'em slowly choke. neither answered my subsequent friend requests, which i thought rather rude...haha!

          EDIT: one gripe i cant let go. havoc physics, or implementation thereof. breaks illusion to down a tank-sized knight or a bi-plane-sized gargoyle to then have their corpses get tangled/carried in your legs like popped balloons.
          Last edited by Golgo; 28-08-2010, 23:47.


            Originally posted by Adam View Post
            If I get the Thief Ring from 1-1 by jumping down to where Ostrava is, he moves off his ledge without me ever talking to him. Is this bad? I've left him there and I'm not sure what to do with him as I heard he can be glitchy or die while I'm in the area but not anywhere near him. Need the guys key for sure though. Not sure if I should just kill him for it? /shrug
            Did you actually try talking to him? No harm can come from that. He should only move off the ledge if you removed the threat the first time you went there.

            For all the talk about Ostrava being unreliable, I've never once had a problem with him. No need to murder the guy, just help him out and eventually you will be rewarded. He's only likely to disappear if you ignore his presence.

            Basically the danger is that until you beat the boss you can cause Ostrava to respawn simply by going near that area, in which case he will jump off the ledge even if the enemies are still there and try to fight them all. So if you are going back into that area just be thorough and make sure everything is dead.


              Cool I'll move him along then as I've gone and beat the Tower Knight. Played the game before, got really frustrated with it but I wanted to give it another chance. Did my first bit of world tendency stuff, after Tower Knight was killed, world 1 went pure white and opened up the extra area in 1-1. But silly Miralda went and fell down the pit and killed herself and in the process my tendency! Actually, I'm done with white tendency for world 1 after getting the brushwood stuff I think?


                ...and that's another gripe: enemy/npc ai and pathfinding.


                  I take it that if a Black Phantom simply disappears in front of me without any message saying he was killed that means they disconnected? Had one this morning in 3-1 and by coincidence I had Anti-Magic Shield up to deal with the Octopusmen. Seemed to clearly confuse the phantom as he stood there trying to cast with his catalyst to no effect. However I couldn't kill him in time and he kept rolling away then he vanishes.

                  Now that I finished the game once I had a look at the Strategy Guide that came with my Deluxe Edition and started to read over the different stats and how they can effect your physical attack power with different weapon types. I think it actually clarified something that confused me in my first cycle.

                  When I was upgrading my Broad Sword I obviously got the option to split into different upgrade paths. The fire/magic damage paths made sense but there was another one (Quality Broad Sword I think) that confused me as the base damage seemed lower and it had no additional effect. However looking again, it appears that this option received a greater boost from my Strength stat (S rank instead of D). If I've understood this correctly, does that mean that the Quality upgrade path would be more useful for later game cycles when enemies get tougher as it would receive more benefit from my higher stats as my soul level increases (if I boost Strength obviously), whereas the regular option, whilst more potent initially, will actually "peak" a lot lower?


                    Yes, it's a disconnection - I'd put that down to the fact you're on the US version. I also had a very large percentage of online encounters in the US where the other guy would just 'disappear' if things weren't to his advantage. It's a complete waste of time and spoils what is an incredible multiplayer experience when played properly.

                    You're right about the weapons too, but actually quality is rarely as good as either crushing or sharp, as most people focus on one stat rather than both.


                      Fool's Idol is being a right bitch this time around. To be honest I think I fluked my win in my original game cycle (those trap panels on the floor are massively annoying), but thought I actually had a good strategy this time.

                      Dark Silver Shield for 100% magic damage resistance on block, Ring of Magical Dullness and Anti-Magic Barrier. And seems to be working for the most part but once I'm having to deal with 3 or more clones I can't quite finish her off as I still die in 2 hits and struggling to find a safe angle to attack from (Anti-Magic Barrier's range is not wide enough to catch them all).


                        She beat me today aswell, think I can beat her pretty easily though. Started off using bow and arrow and hiding behind the pillers and was doing pretty well, but I thought it would be so much faster to just swing my sword at her heh. Got floor trapped and had a couple spells hit me all at once for a big KO


                          Anti-magic is not actually a great idea for the idol as it will make it much harder to determine which is the real one - but if you do want to use it, do so in combination with thiefs ring/and cloak (is it hide in the US?) and the ones out of range shouldn't be able to lock on to you.

                          I've always said that she can be one of the nastiest bosses once you get past the first game... lots of people seem to underestimate her. I think all the boss battles should have had NG+ difficulty in the first place, as they can be a bit too easy the first time. Reduces the overall satisfaction when the bosses were not as hard as the journey to get to them


                            Wait, there's a real one? I thought you just had to kill them all.

                            I still know absolutely nothing about this game.

                            Also, reading that you think the bosses are too easy on the first playthrough makes me want to throw myself of a cliff for my uselessness.
                            Last edited by C'; 31-08-2010, 08:29.


                              yeah - and if you land at least one hit on her then the others all disappear too, so their attacks will also be interrupted. So the trick is to identify her, leg it up there and whack her as fast and as much as possible.


                                I am still trying to finish off the Maneaters.

                                After wasting my Dragon Soul on God's Wrath (I have a rubbish Faith stat) I realise I should have gone for Firestorm as it would seem to destroy the Maneaters...

                                So my stealth strategy seems really hit and miss. The best I have managed to do is kill one completely and then bash the other one to bits untill he dissapears.

                                Quite an annoying glitch as the reload needed is really impeding my progress. I just need to finish him off before I can start NG++.


