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Star Ocean 4

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    Star Ocean 4

    Surprised there isn't a first play thread for this yet. My copy arrived from playasia yesterday. After booting it up, and watching the first cutscene, my wife went into labour. 12 hours later my third child was born, 24 hours later I continued from where I left off.

    I am hardcore gaming personified.

    Firstly, I was very pleased that it came in one of those large chunky boxes, with oodles of plastic inside it to hold the large manual and 3 disks. You can't beat a big box. It just feels and looks so right.

    The actual game so far has been very JRPG-y. I'd been playing Tales of Vesperia recently as well, and while I loved the combat mechanics and the lead character, the rest of it was so badly voice acted, and contained so many objectionable characters I wanted to punch, that Star Ocean didn't need to do much to make me a convert. So far, the characters have indeed been JRPG staples, and feature some astonishingly bad lip sync, but they haven't strayed into face-punch territory. As for the story, I don't know. So far it reminds me of Crimson Sea, for no other reason than it is quite odd, and set in space. I guess at times it reminds me of a sort of deranged Japanese Mass Effect as well. I'm not that far into it, so I'll reserve judgement on that score, but we've all played JRPGs right? - I imagine it'll contain all the staples. The fact I'm a blonde, floppy haired main protagonist is a good start.

    The main thing of note I guess is the combat. Which is the real time flava, which seems to be the preferred option these days in JRPGs. Like Infinite Undiscovery Tri Ace use the time honoured development technique of putting all the buttons, triggers and sticks on the pad, and all the control assignments you need to play the game in a big bag, shaking it for half an hour, and then pouring it out onto the game design document. But that said, the fights are entertaining, involving all sorts of nifty little mechanics to stop you dozing off. The "Blindside" attack is quite fun, involving a timed button press to go around behind an enemy and give them a whack on the arse for critical damage points. I was too tired to really take in the fact that it is possible for some enemies to counter this, and double blindside you (noticing which enemies can do this, and reacting accordingly was beyond my 34 year old fingers and sleep deprived brain) but it all seemed rather complicated and entertaining.

    I can't really think of anything else to say. I mean, it's pretty much what you expect it to be. Which is possibly why there isn't a First Play on it....
    Last edited by cavalcade; 06-03-2009, 21:25.

    First off, Congrats!

    I'll have to wait until the UK release to play this seeing as the Asia version isnt region free.
    Just wanted to say that the main character has the dumbest ****ing name of any character from any game EVER! Edge Maverick...really? I mean REALLY!?


      I don't want to spoil anything for you, but there is also a hero you meet early in the game called "Space Captain Kenny". The first heroic space Kenny in the history of gaming? Actually, thinking about it, there's a Ken in Streetfighter isn't there? Perhaps "Ken" is a cool name in Japan..... but Kenny?

      But yes, Edge Maverick is clearly ridiculous. Can you imagine the responsibility on any child named "Edge Maverick"? Imagine if he was asked what he wanted to be at school when he was 8 and didn't say "saviour of humanity, and ace space pilot". What if he wanted to be a vet or work in a post office?

      Your Tesco's checkout operator today is Edge Maverick?
      Last edited by cavalcade; 07-03-2009, 06:43.


        Bit annoyed this is region locked, I'm stuck waiting till June for the UK release


          "Space Captain Kenny" - That is just hilariously awesome


            Originally posted by Orgun View Post
            "Space Captain Kenny" - That is just hilariously awesome
            Some Wikipedia research has shown that Kenny is a big surname in Star Ocean lore.

            I now feel suitably ashamed that I found it funny....


              Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
              Some Wikipedia research has shown that Kenny is a big surname in Star Ocean lore.

              I now feel suitably ashamed that I found it funny....
              Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking - there go your hardcore credentials, heh . Anyway - congrats for the birth of your child!


                I just wanted to jump in on this too.

                I have had the game since 03/03/09 as there was a delay in VG+ getting their shipment in. Of course I have the NTSC/U version and playing on my US 360, which I got to play ToV and the string of JRPGs that will come out in the US long before here.

                Anyway, loving the game so far, really enjoyable. Anyone who has played 'Infinite Undiscovery' will feel at home playing this game as it uses an updated version of the games core engine, improving on that game's shortcomings though.

                Game seems to be of a decent length as I am 30hrs into it and still on disk 1 of 3. I do tend to grind though and I have been collecting the monster data and battle trophies so am not rushing it by any means.

                The only real thing that gets my goat is that you loose the bonus board when you load a save and building that thing up can be a bitch unless you want EXP which isn't as useful as it sounds. Also there is no PAUSE, the game clock keeps moving no matter what (although at least it has one unlike 'Last Remnant').

                Overall a good game so far, will put up some more detailed stuff later perhaps.


                  got this game enjoyed it so far ....only problem is i often just have no idea what to do next (apart from the side quests).....then a cutscene appears and moves the story


                    Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                    got this game enjoyed it so far ....only problem is i often just have no idea what to do next (apart from the side quests).....then a cutscene appears and moves the story
                    Yes, I'd say that's the big problem with it. I'm about 10 hours in, and on more than one occasion I've been baffled as to what to do to progress the story. Usually it's a case of talking to a particular NPC, but a big World of Warcraft style exclamation mark wouldn't go amiss.

                    I've also found a little problem with corrupting savegames. Twice, when trying to overwrite a previous save, I've had a slot corrupt, and be rendered unusable. Not so much of a problem, but with only 20 slots, there could be a potential issue if the game takes 60-70 hours to finish. I think it may be related to the fact I've HDD installed it. Just a hunch, mind you. Not found any way yet to delete the corrupted save in the slot - might have to drop to the dashboard and have a fiddle.

                    Also - anyone else who is playing this - the girl - most annoying character ever in a JRPG? Discuss? 'Kay?


                      ok have to vent a bit

                      Got to this spider/scorpion boss in some caverns i was about level 40 when i reached the caverns...had no problems ...but i thought i would level up a bit just incase level up to around 44-45 to the boss....all i can say ...well cant say what i said out loud

                      But it was a 40 min slog....used up practically all the Times ...recovering.....raising the dead items i just never ended....and after all that....i died havent swore so much in ages
                      Last edited by eastyy; 24-04-2009, 21:48.


                        I'm surprised you got that far. 2 or 3 planets in, this finally broke my will. It started off so promisingly, but the.... little.... girl.... character.... made... me... so... angry I wanted to stab myself in the eyes with the nozzle attachment from a Dyson vacuum cleaner.


                          So question to those who have already played this game, is it worth the hype that its been given?


                            nope not really

                            it is just a fairly standard by the book rpg....have to say i prefered the star ocean game for the ps2

                            combat can be very frustrating at times with weird difficulty spikes ....lots of enemys you encounter later are just reskinned versions of previous enemies

                            Some of the characters i find incredibly is never quite clear what you have to do next to progress the story ...and just end up chatting to everyone


                              Finished this last night. 47 hours in total.

                              I cannot believe how dull the whole thing was tbh. Not once did the plot seem to build on itself to reach some climatic conclusion. It's generic, granted. But sadly it doesn't try to do anything over-the-top, which is a shame considering that its in space and all.

                              Almost all the characters in this game are awful in concept (Bacchus and Faize

                              before he became evil

                              were the only ones I could cope with). Lymle and Sarah in perticular would have made me grate my ears if it wasn't for the fact they could be muted.

                              Cutscenes also were sometimes far too long, one part which I found unnessercary was a six-battle ambush against enemies that seemed to have thousands of HP. Then after what felt like 30 minutes of rush attacks and countless reviving, the scene that took place after was almost 40 minutes long. The least tri-Ace could have let us done was save before watching it.

                              Also, one other problem is the disc swapping. You'd think that Disc 3 would be the last one, right? Absolutely not, if you want to travel back to an earlier planet, *bam!* "Please insert Disc 2" appears on screen! Why? Was it seriously not possible to fit all the areas on the last disc like Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssey did? Eugh...

                              If it wasn't for the battle system, which is the only thing I really like, I honestly would have just stopped. Too many flaws, and not enough positive points to redeem it, sadly.

