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[DSiware] Art Style : Code

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    [DSiware] Art Style : Code

    This game is fab and at only 500 of my free 1000 points was a bargain.

    The game is kinda like Tetris meets Sudoku.

    You hold the DSi sideways like a book and numbers shoot along the screen in lanes and staying at the bottom until eliminated. You have to select numbers in the same lanes (either vertical or horizontal) that total 10. When you do this they are removed from the screen and the numbers filter down. To begin with you start with just the numbers 1 and 2 but as you advance you get more numbers upto 9 then 0. Each number can be moved anywhere round the grid as long as another number is there to take its place. However as you move the numbers they flip if you move then sometimes making them unusable or changing the value. For example a 2 flipped to another location becomes a 5 and the 5 to a 2, remember all in time trying to get groups of 10. These numbers must be in a row and in the same what i call lane.

    The game has a few modes

    Endless has been the one that has been my main focus, out there is also challenge, puzzle and i think a multi player mode.

    A much better game than Wario Ware which is awful, watch out for my impressions of that later on.

    I honestly thought it was pretty boring. The puzzle mode is the most interesting. And even though there was an update so you can download it to any DS for 2 player "fun" I have no-one to try it with.


      I guess i have always been a bit of a numbers geek, so to have a puzzle game based on that is right up my street. It is safe to say if your not into your numbers or basic maths than this may not be the one for you. For me being a Sudoku fan and a Tetris/bejeweled fan this was right up my street and i have had a fair bit of enjoyment already.

      For me its the endless mode where the main crux of the game is.


        Originally posted by The Mole View Post
        if your not into your numbers or basic maths than this may not be the one for you.
        Ouch. I like numbers just fine thanks.

        This is more like a "try your best and then flick numbers around until you get it right or fail". I don't like luck dictating if a game plays well. The endless mode was not the best idea, but the puzzle mode is great and should have been the main part if you ask me.


          Originally posted by kryss View Post
          Ouch. I like numbers just fine thanks.

          This is more like a "try your best and then flick numbers around until you get it right or fail". I don't like luck dictating if a game plays well. The endless mode was not the best idea, but the puzzle mode is great and should have been the main part if you ask me.

          I do not agree at all, that approach will get you nowhere, that is because you still have to mark the start and the end of your chain in order to eliminate them.

          I was not having a go at you btw i just understand that some people while perfectly good at maths and such find games of this sort dull.

          I would give the endless mode a go and if you have the willingness to try keep going with it as i find it quite a frantic, fun and rewarding gaming experience. I have not really looked into the other modes yet and do admit it took a few goes to get into the endless mode. I am flying now on the harder difficulty with all the numbers in play.


            I know you weren't having a go but there's little to do with being good at maths here. There are only a finite number of ways to make 10 and memorising them is one way to get on with the game.
            You prefer endless mode, I prefer puzzle mode. At least we can safely say this appeals to people with different tastes.


              And a few months later I find myself playing Endless mode over and over again.

              Perhaps I just have more patience than I did 6 months back...? Perhaps not.

              Onto my recommend list it goes!

